안녕하세요 며칠전에 제거 수술 했다가 기증늑 지지대를 제거 할시 코가 무너질 위험이 있어 기증늑를 남겨두고 제거한 1인입니다..
그리고 연구논문들 첨부하니 읽어보세요..
링크 3
처음 기증늑 사용된게 1961년이면 아직 50년정도밖에 안된 기술이네요..
보통 200년정도는 사용해봐 안정성이 확정된다고 하죠...
우선 체가 찾은 논문들 링크 붙여봅니다..
Use of irradiated cartilage was first described by Dingman and Grabb in 1961.5 They reported a resorption rate of 6.6% and graft mobility in 6.6% in 75 patients. Schuller et al reported a lower overall complication rate of 7.6%, with a partial resorption rate of 1.4%.6 Lefkowits described the use of IHCC in dorsal augmentation in 24 patients in 1990.7,8 An infection rate of 7.4% and warping rate of 14.8% were documented. In 1993, Kridel and Konior published a series of IHCC for nasal augmentation in 117 patients7. The infection rate was 3.3%, but no patient required graft removal. Overall resorption was 3.3%, with warping observed in 1.6% of cases. In vitro studies by Adams et al demonstrated significant warping.9