성형외과 전문의
고려대학교 의과대학 졸업
고려대학교 의학과 박사 성형외과학 전공
대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
1. New Protein Repair System Using Fibroblast-Hyaluronic Acid Mixture. Doug-John Park, Seung-Kyu Han, Byung-Il Lee, Woo-Kyung Kim. J Korean Wound Care Soc. 2006;2(2):57-63
2. Anatomy of Pitanguy's Dermocartilaginous Ligament. Doug John Park, Seung Kyu Han, Seong Ho Jeong, Woo Kyung Kim. J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;34(2):176-180
3. Comparison of Doppler and CT Angiography as a Predictor of Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Doug John Park, Hyon Surk Kim, Seung Kyu Han, Hee Young Kim, Kyung Wook Chun, Woo Kyung Kim. J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008;35(5):495-500
4. Influence of foot height on tissue oxygenation of diabetic feet. Park DJ, Han SK, Kim WK. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jan;125(1):32e-33e
5. Is the foot elevation the optimal position for wound healing of a diabetic foot? DJ Park, SK Han, WK Kim. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Mar;63(3):561-4
6. Intraoral temporalis transposition for facial reanimation: A novel technique in facial nerve palsy Doug John Park, Jae-Ho Chung, Si-Ook Baek, Jin-Woo Kim, Na-Hyun Hwang, Eul-Sik Yoon, Byung-Il Lee, Seung-Ha Park. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2020 Mar;48(3):235-241
7. Effects of non-ablative and ablative fractional lasers on hypertrophic scar in animal model 박덕준, 학위논문(박사), Seoul : Graduate School, Korea University, 2020
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