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Visiting Korea for 3weeks

Jswp 2023-11-24 09:31:47 (KST) 10개월전 (KST) 448
I am visiting Korea for three weeks and I was wondering whether it would be possible to get lower body liposuction and facial contouring for the cheeks. Is it possible to have sleep anesthesia twice in three weeks? Also, would my parents find out if I don’t see them for three days?
3주 동안 한국에 방문하는데 볼에 하체 지방흡입과 얼굴 윤곽을 잡아주는 게 가능할까 해서요. 3주에 두 번 수면마취가 가능한가요? 또한, 3일 동안 보지 않으면 부모님이 알아보실까요?
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Comments 4
팔자펴고파 2023-12-02 14:51:25 (KST) 9개월전 (KST)
URL https://sungyesa.com/new/global/233
Technically it’s possible but both two surgeries are heavy. I recommend you to have one month gap at least
Hyk0407 2023-12-03 19:11:10 (KST) 9개월전 (KST)
URL https://sungyesa.com/new/global/235
I believe you can have both at the same time so you dont need to worry about getting two separate procedures. If you are looking for hospitals that does em both, search the app 강남언니. Usually you can find hospitals with monthly promotions for cheaper prices
narukane 2023-12-03 22:43:50 (KST) 9개월전 (KST)
URL https://sungyesa.com/new/global/245
The swelling lasts longer than I thought...
헤일리99 2024-01-03 22:42:40 (KST) 8개월전 (KST)
URL https://sungyesa.com/new/global/360
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