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총 게시물 1,226건, 최근 0 건
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기
Dr. 문희범
Dr. Moon Hui Beom
전화예약만 가능
1972 .03 ~ 1978 .02 서울대학교  의학 학사
1981 .03 ~ 1983 .02 서울대학교  의학 석사
1987 .03 ~ 1990 .02 서울대학교  의학 박사
1989 .03 ~ 2019 .02 울산대학교 의과대학 내과 교수
2019 .03 ~ 현재 울산대학교 의과대학 명예교수
2019 .03 ~ 현재 서울아산병원 자문교수
Applying prevention concepts to anaphylaxis: A call for worldwide availability of adrenaline auto-injectors.
Case report: A first case of flaxseed-induced anaphylaxis in Korea.
Palonosetron-Induced Anaphylaxis During General Anesthesia: A Case Report.
The transition of sputum inflammatory cell profiles is variable in stable asthma patients. Asia Pac Allergy.
The virtual asthma guideline e-learning program: learning effectiveness and user satisfaction.
hMSCs suppress neutrophil-dominant airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma.
Association between Polymorphisms in Bitter Taste Receptor Genes and Clinical Features in Korean Asthmatics.
Clusterin Modulates Allergic Airway Inflammation by Attenuating CCL20-Mediated Dendritic Cell Recruitment.
Factors Affecting Recovery Time of Pulmonary Function in Hospitalized Patients With Acute Asthma Exacerbations.
Revisiting Desensitization and Allergen Immunotherapy Concepts for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11.
S-adenosylmethionine reduces airway inflammation and fibrosis in a murine model of chronic severe asthma via suppression of oxidative stress.
Serum progranulin as an indicator of neutrophilic airway inflammation and asthma severity. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.
Classification and implementation of asthma phenotypes in elderly patients.
Clinical factors affecting discrepant correlation between asthma control test score and pulmonary function.
Clusterin expression level correlates with increased oxidative stress in asthmatics.
Pholcodine consumption and immunoglobulin E-sensitization in atopics from Australia, Korea, and Japan.
Rapid onset of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis after ingestion of acetaminophen.
Risk factors for asthma-related healthcare use: longitudinal analysis using the NHI claims database in a Korean asthma cohort.
Airway Hyperresponsiveness Is Negatively Associated with Obesity or Overweight Status in Patients with Asthma
Chlamydophila pneumoniae inhibits corticosteroid-induced suppression of metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase-1 secretion by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Clinical characteristics that distinguish eosinophilic organ infiltration from metastatic nodule development in cancer patients with eosinophilia
Colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis caused by interaction with clarithromycin in a patient with Behçet disease.
Economic costs for adult asthmatics according to severity and control status in Korean tertiary hospitals.
Effects of add-on therapy with NDC-052, an extract from Magnoliae Flos, in adult asthmatic patients receiving inhaled corticosteroids
Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract Attenuates Allergic Inflammation in Murine Models of Asthma.
Hyperoxidized peroxiredoxins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of asthma patients is associated with asthma severity
Lessons from two cases of anaphylaxis to proton pump inhibitors.
The Reality of an Intermediate Type Between Asthma and COPD in Practice
The impact of total antioxidant capacity on pulmonary function in asthma patients.
The role of nitrosative stress in the pathogenesis of unexplained chronic cough with cough hypersensitivity.
Airway Measurement for Airway Remodeling Defined by postBronchodilator FEV1/FVC in Asthma: Investigation Using Inspiration–Expiration Computed Tomography.
Cephalosporin-induced recurrent aplastic anemia.
Recent 10 Years' Trend Analysis of Inhaled Corticosteroids Prescription Rate and Severe Exacerbation Rate in Asthma Patients
Recent 10 years trend analysis of inhaled corticosteroids prescription rate and severe exacerbation rate in asthma patients.
Reliability and validity of the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire for asthma.
A case of anaphylaxis to oral minocycline.
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis caused by radiocontrast media.
Airway Measurement for Airway Remodeling Defined by Post-Bronchodilator FEV1/FVC in Asthma: Investigation Using Inspiration-Expiration Computed Tomography.
Chlamydophila pneumoniae enhances secretion of VEGF, TGF-b and TIMP-1 from human bronchial epithelial cells under Th2 .
Cutaneous NK/T-cell Lymphoma Preceded by Persistent Facial Angioedema.
Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis in the celery-mugwort birch-spice syndrome.
Relation between Subjective Symptoms and Rhinolaryngoscopic Findings or Sputum Eosinophilia in Chronic Cough Patients
The Role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of asthma.
The tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-1, is involved in bronchial mucin production during oxidative stress.
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Induced by ofloxacin.
한국어판 만성폐쇄성폐질환 평가테스트(CAT)와 호흡곤란-12 설문의 타당도와 신뢰도 평가
Chlamydophila pneumoniae Triggers Release of CCL20 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor from Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Through Enhanced Intracellular Oxidative Stress and MAPK Activation.
Clinical features and outcomes of microscopic polyangiitis in Korea.
Factors associated with severity and exacerbation of asthma: a baseline analysis of the cohort for reality and evolution of adult asthma in Korea (CoREA).
Increased oxidative stress in the airway and development of allergic inflammation in a mouse model of asthma.
Polymorphisms in the neurokinin-2 receptor gene are associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorinduced cough.
Severe asthma patients in Korea overestimate their adherence to inhaled corticosteroids.
A case of anaphylaxis to chlorhexidine during digital rectal examination
A variant of idiopathic angioedema presenting as persistent facial swelling over 1 year.
Alpha-lipoic acid inhibits TNF-alpha induced NF-kappa B activation through blocking of MEKK1-MKK4-IKK signaling cascades.
Effects of advanced glycation end products on the expression of COX-2, PGE2 and NO in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes
Serum cholesterol in idiopathic and lupus-related protein-losing enteropathy
Systemic lupus erythmatosus complicated by acquired von Willebrand's syndrome
The use of an electronic medical record system for mandatory reporting of drug hypersensitivity reactions has been shown to improve the management of patients in the university hospital in Korea.
심장의 다발성 벽운동 이상과 중등도 심낭삼출로 발현된 과호산구 증가 증후군 1예
Advanced glycation end products increased matrix metalloproteinase-1,-3, and -13, and TNF-alpha in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes.
Allergen-induced CD11b+ CD11c(int) CCR3+ macrophages in the lung promote eosinophilic airway inflammation in a mouse asthma model.
Alpha-lipoic acid suppresses the development of collagen-induced arthritis and protects against bone destruction in mice.
Five-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-4-ribofuranoside attenuates poly (I:C)-induced airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma
Human CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells inhibit the differentiation of osteoclasts from peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
4-1BB stimulation inhibits allergen-specific immunoglobulin E production and airway hyper-reactivity but partially suppresses bronchial eosinophilic inflammation in a mouse asthma model.
Acute abdominal pain in systemic lupus erythematosus: factors contributing to recurrence of lupus enteritis.
Antigen dose governs the shaping of CTL repertoires in vitro and in vivo.
Clinical aspects of pulmonary hypertension in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
호산구증가증의 진단과 치료- 한국인 환자를 위한 지침 초안
후두염으로 발현한 루푸스 1예
Adult Onset Still's Disease as a Cause of Actue Severe Mitral and Aortic Regurgitation.
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection enhances cellular proliferation and reduces steroid responsiveness of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells via a tumor necrosis factor-a-dependent pathway
Increased Expression of Glucocorticoid Receptor β Messenger RNA in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis.
대량 객혈로 내원한 베체트병 환자에서 시행된 기과지동맥색전술 1예
호산구증다증과 동반된 맥관부종의 아형 2예
상지 및 하지를 침범한 당뇨병성 근육 경색증 1예
약물과민증 예방을 위한 처방 전달 시스템 전산 프로그램의 이용
베게너 육아종증 환자에서 발병된 크립토코쿠스건초염 1예
CPPD 결정침착 질환에 의한 경부 측수증(cervical myelopathy) 1예
가지와 시금치에 의한 라텍스-과일 증후군 1예
Eggplant anaphylaxis in a patient with latex allergy
Effects of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs and Antiinflammatory Cytokines on Human Osteoclastogenesis Through Interaction With Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor B, Osteoprotegerin, and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor B Ligand
착향탄산음료를 마시고 발생한 아나필락시스 1예
Alpha-lipoic acid inhibits airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in a mouse model of asthma
Enhanced cough response to hyperpnea with cold air challenge in chronic cough patients showing increased cough sensitivity to inhales capsaicin
Fetal outcome and clinical feature during pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus
비정형 림프구증가증과 만성 EBV 감염을 동반한 모기 침상 과민 반응 1례
Serum oxidized low-density lipoproteins in rheumatoid arthritis
Does the anti-β2-glycoprotein I antibody provide additional information in patients with thrombosis?
Elevated substance P levels in nasal lavage fluids from patients with chronic nonproductive cough and increased cough sensitivity to inhaled capsaicin
마늘에 의한 림프종성 접촉피부염 1예
비정형 림프구증가증과 만성 Epstein-Barr바이러스 감염을 동반한 모기 침상 과민반응 1례
전신성 홍반성 루푸스에서 F-18 FDG PET상 기저핵 포도당대사 증가 소견을 보이는 무도병 1예
상기도감염 후 악화된 기관지천식 환자의 말초혈액 단핵구에서 glucocorticoid receptor beta의 발현
광범위 전신성 경화증 환자에서 d-PENICILLAMINE 치료중에 발생한 근무력증 1예
Acute abdominal pain in systemic lupus erythematosus : focus on lupus enteritis (gastrointestinal vasculitis)
Prevalence of Pachycondyla chinensis venom allergy in an ant-infested area in Korea
심한 통풍을 동반한 당원병 la형의 임상경과 1예
Cough Sensitivith and Extrathoracic Airway Responsiveness to Inhaled Capsaicin in Chronic Cough Patients
Retroperitoneal fibrosis with duodenal stenosis
한국인 류마티스 관절염 환자에서 질병 중 증도 표지자로서의 HLA-DR4 유용성
Lack of relationship between vitamin D receptor polymorphism and bone erosion in rheumatoid arthritis
Hydrocortisone과 interleukin 4에 의한 아토피 환자 말초혈액 단핵구의 알레르겐-특이 IgE 항체 생산 변화
Serum ferritin as a serologicmarker of activity in systemic lupus erythematosus
감각신경선 난청이 동반된 전신성 홍반성 낭창
한국 성인 기관지천식 환자의 삶의 질 평가를 위한 설문의 유용성 평가를 위한 다기관 연구
개심술 중의 aprotinin 투여에 의한 아나필락시스 1례
단백 상실성 잘질환, 만성 간질성 방광염과 함께 유미흉이 동반된 전신성 홍반성루푸스 1예
Nuclear matrix of calreticulin in hepatocellular carcinoma
Nedear Matrix of Calreticulin in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
The Predictable Factors for the Mortality of Fatal Asthma with Acute Respiratory Failure
골수 섬유증을 동반한 전신성 홍반성 루루스 1예
아토피 천식 환아 말초혈액 호염기구의 히스타민 유리능
화분 감작 환자의 구강 알레르기 증후군
재발성 다발성 연골염 3예 및 국내 보고 분석
A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Eosinophilia and Aspergilloma within the Lung Nodule Resulting in Bronchopleural Fistula
Immunologic Investigations on Tonsillar Lymphocytes: The Effect of Age, Allergic Skin Reaction and Frequency of Infection on Tonsillar Lymphocyte Subpopulation.
천식 환자에서 분리된 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 항원 - 특이 T세포 클론의 특성
Isoniazid 치료중인 결핵환자에서의 혈청 항핵 항체 양성률에 관한 연구
단독요법의 치료효과: Piperacillin-amikin 병합요법과의 무작위 비교
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