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총 게시물 1,226건, 최근 0 건
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기
Dr. 박성지
Dr. Park Sung Ji
2003.02 경상대학교 의과대학원 의학과 (박사)
2000.08 경상대학교 의과대학원 의학과 (석사)
1997.02 경상대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업(의학사)
2017.04 ~현재 성균관대학교 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 교수
2017.04 ~현재 심장뇌혈관병원 이미징센터장
2011.03 ~ 2017.03 성균관대학교 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 부교수
2009.02 ~ 2011.02 삼성서울병원 순환기 내과 임상조교수
2009.01 Mayo Clinic (Women's Heart Clinic, Valvular Heart Clinic)
2007.10 ~ 2008.12 국립 경상대학교 의과대학 내과학 조교수
2006.07 ~ 2008.07 미국 Minnesota주 Rochester Mayo Clinic 연수
2004.09 ~ 2007.09 국립 경상대학교 의과대학 내과학 전임강사
2004.03 순환기 내과 분과 전문의 자격 취득
2002.03 ~ 2003.02 국립 경상대학교병원 순환기내과 전임의
2002.03 내과 전문의 자격 취득
1998.03 ~ 2002.02 국립 경상대학교병원 내과 레지던트 과정 수료
1997.03 ~ 1998.02 국립 경상대학교병원 인턴과정 수료
2018.01 ~ 현재 대한심부전학회 연구이사
2018.01 ~ 현재 대한심장학회 회원
2018.01 ~ 현재 Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging Deputy Editor
2003.06 ~ 현재 한국지질동맥경화학회 회원
2003.06 ~ 현재 동맥경화학회 회원
2003.02 ~ 현재 한국심초음파학회 회원
2002.10 ~ 현재 대한고혈압학회회원
2002.03 ~ 현재 대한내과학회 회원
"SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-53277-0
Frequency and Clinical Associating Factors of Valvular Heart Disease in Asymptomatic Korean Adults
Kim1, MS; Cho, SJ; Park, SJ; Cho, SW; Choi, SH; Kim, HS; Carriere, K; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Lee, SC; Park, SW

HEART VESSELS 2019 10.1007/s00380-019-01514-x
Changes of echocardiographic parameters in primary mitral regurgitation and determinants of symptom: an assessment from the Asian Valve Registry data
Amano1, M; Izumi, C; Kim, YJ; Park, SJ; Park, SW; Tanaka, H; Hozumis, T; Ling, LH; Yu, CM; Fukuda, S; Otsuji, Y; Song, JK; Sohn, DW

CIRC J 2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-19-0237
Prognostic Implications of Diastolic Dysfunction Change in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Kim1, EK; Hahn, JY; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Bin Song, Y; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Choi, SH; Lee, SC; Gwon, HC; Oh, JK; Park, SW

INT J CARDIOVAS IMAG 2019 10.1007/s10554-019-01565-1
Predictive value of exercise stress echocardiography in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation and preserved left ventricular systolic function without LV dilatation
Lee1, SY; Park, SJ; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Lee, SC; Ahn, JH; Carriere, K; Park, SW

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0350
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Pregnancy: Single Center Experience in Current Era of Targeted Therapy
Lim1, K; Chang, SA; Oh, SY; Lee, JH; Song, J; Kang, IS; Huh, J; Park, SJ; Park, SW; Kim, DK

ORPHANET J RARE DIS 2019 10.1186/s13023-019-1083-8
Predictors of paravalvular aortic regurgitation after surgery for Behcet's disease-related severe aortic regurgitation
Choi1, HM; Kim, HK; Park, SJ; Lee, HJ; Yoon, YE; Park, JB; Kim, YJ; Cho, GY; Hwang, IC; Sohn, DW; Oh, JK

CANCER RES TREAT 2019 10.4143/crt.2018.262
Early Decline in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Can Predict Trastuzumab-Related Cardiotoxicity in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Study Using 13 Years of Registry Data
Kim1, EK; Cho, J; Kim, JY; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Choi, JO; Lee, SC; Ahn, JS; Park, SW; Im, YH; Jeon, ES; Park, YF

CIRCULATION 2019 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037077
Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitor for Functional Mitral Regurgitation PRIME Study
Kang1, DH; Park, SJ; Shin, SH; Hong, GR; Lee, S; Kim, MS; Yun, SC; Song, JM; Park, SW; Kim, JJ

J CLIN MED 2019 10.3390/jcm8030366
Fimasartan for Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction
Lim1, BK; Park, JJ; Park, SJ; Lee, YJ; Kwon, JS; Kim, EJ; Choi, DJ

INT J CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.08.006
Comparison of long-term clinical outcomes between revascularization versus medical treatment in patients with silent myocardial ischemia
Choi1, KH; Lee, JM; Park, I; Kim, J; Rhee, TM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Bin Song, Y; Hahn, JY; Jeong, DS; Cho, YH; Kim, WS; Sung, K; Jang, MJ; Sung, JD; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Lee, YT; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Choi, JO; Lee, SC; Park, SW; Cho, YS; Choi, JY; Gwon, HC; Oh, JK

J CARDIOTHORAC SURG 2019 10.1186/s13019-019-0845-7
Long-term results of radical pericardiectomy for constrictive pericarditis in Korean population
Choi1, MS; Jeong, DS; Oh, JK; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Chung, S

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2019 10.3904/kjim.2018.109
Cardiac computed tomography reveals aortic valve perforation in a patient with severe aortic regurgitation
Kim1, N; Kim, SM; Park, SJ; Choe, YH

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0349
KSHF Guidelines for the Management of Acute Heart Failure: Part II. Treatment of Acute Heart Failure
Lee1, JH; Kim, MS; Yoo, BS; Park, SJ; Park, JJ; Shin, MS; Youn, JC; Lee, SE; Jang, SY; Choi, S; Cho, HJ; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ

JACC CARDIOVASC IMAGING 2019 10.1016/j.jcmg.2018.05.028
Assessment of Myocardial Fibrosis Using Multimodality Imaging in Severe Aortic Stenosis Comparison With Histologic Fibrosis
Park1, SJ; Cho, SW; Kim, SM; Ahn, J; Carriere, K; Jeong, DS; Lee, SC; Park, SW; Choe, YH; Park, PW; Oh, JK

TRIALS 2018 10.1186/s13063-018-2636-1
S-amlodipine plus chlorthalidone vs. S-amlodipine plus telmisartan in hypertensive patients unresponsive to amlodipine monotherapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Jo1, SH; Park, SJ; Kim, EJ; Kim, SJ; Cho, HJ; Song, JM; Shin, J; Park, JJ; Shin, JH; Han, KR; Choi, DJ

ECHOCARDIOGR-J CARD 2018 10.1111/echo.13816
Comparison between characteristics of severe and very severe aortic stenosis
Tanaka1, H; Kim, YJ; Park, SJ; Park, SW; Hozumi, T; Izumi, C; Ling, LH; Yu, CM; Fukuda, S; Otsuji, Y; Song, JK; Sohn, DW

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2018 10.3904/kjim.2016.106
Risk factors for poor prognosis in nosocomial infective endocarditis
Hwang1, JW; Park, SW; Cho, EJ; Lee, GY; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Lee, SC; Kang, CI; Chung, DR; Peck, KR; Song, JH

Korean circulation journal 2018 10.4070/kcj.2017.0124
Clinical Characteristics of Korean Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve Who Underwent Aortic Valve Surgery
Sun1, BJ; Jin, X; Song, JK; Lee, S; Lee, JH; Park, JB; Lee, SP; Kim, DH; Park, SJ; Kim, YJ; Cho, GY; Song, JM; Kang, DH; Sohn, DW

INT J CARDIOVAS IMAG 2017 10.1007/s10554-017-1206-z
Is cardiac magnetic resonance necessary for prediction of left ventricular remodeling in patients with reperfused ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction?
Kim1, EK; Bin Song, Y; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Choi, JH; Gwon, HC; Park, SW; Choe, YH; Ahn, J; Carriere, K; Lee, SC

J CARDIOVASC MAGN R 2017 10.1186/s12968-017-0392-0
Assessment of reverse remodeling predicted by myocardial deformation on tissue tracking in patients with severe aortic stenosis: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging study
Hwang1, JW; Kim, SM; Park, SJ; Cho, EJ; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Lee, SC; Choe, YH; Park, SW

Korean circulation journal 2017 10.4070/kcj.2017.0009
Korean Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Heart Failure
Kim1, MS; Lee, JH; Kim, EJ; Park, DG; Park, SJ; Park, JJ; Shin, MS; Yoo, BS; Youn, JC; Lee, SE; Ihm, SH; Jang, SY; Jo, SH; Cho, JY; Cho, HJ; Choi, S; Choi, JO; Han, SW; Hwang, KK; Jeon, ES; Cho, MC; Chae, SC; Choi, DJ

Echocardiography. 2017 Apr;34(4):511-522. doi: 10.1111/echo.13474. Epub 2017 Mar 23.
Effects of increased left ventricular wall thickness on the myocardium in severe aortic stenosis with normal left ventricular ejection fraction: Two- and three-dimensional multilayer speckle tracking echocardiography
Cho EJ11,2, Park SJ1, Kim EK1, Lee GY1, Chang SA1, Choi JO1, Lee SC1, Park SW1.

Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017 Mar 1;18(3):276-283. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jew199.
Clinical characteristics and determinants of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction
Lim AY1, Kim C, Park SJ, Choi JO, Lee SC, Park SW.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Feb 14;69(6):750-752. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.11.059.
[F-18] Fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT Predicts Response to Steroid Therapy in Constrictive Pericarditis
Chang SA1, Choi JY, Kim EK, Hyun SH, Jang SY, Choi JO, Park SJ, Lee SC, Park SW, Oh JK.

Echocardiography. 2017 Jan;34(1):69-77. doi: 10.1111/echo.13388. Epub 2016 Sep 30.
Independent and incremental prognostic value of exercise stress echocardiography in low cardiovascular risk female patients with chest pain
Park SJ11, Chung S1, Chang SA1, Choi JO1, Choi JH1, Lee SC1, Park SW1.

PLoS One. 2016 Dec 5;11(12):e0167528. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167528. eCollection 2016.
The Association of Family History of Premature Cardiovascular Disease or Diabetes Mellitus on the Occurrence of Gestational Hypertensive Disease and Diabetes
Choi DJ11, Yoon CH1, Lee H1, Ahn SY2, Oh KJ3, Park HY4, Lee HY5, Cho MC6, Chung IM7, Shin MS8, Park SJ9, Shim CY10, Han SW11, Chae IH1.

J Neurol Sci. 2016 Oct 15;369:176-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2016.08.024. Epub 2016 Aug 11.
Characteristic lesion pattern and echocardiographic findings in extra-cardiac shunt-related stroke
Mun JK11, Park SJ2, Kim SJ1, Bang OY1, Chung CS1, Lee KH1, Kim GM3.

J Stroke. 2016 Sep;18(3):304-311. Epub 2016 Sep 30.
Association of Left Atrial Enlargement with Cortical Infarction in Subjects with Patent Foramen Ovale
Lee MJ11, Park SJ2, Yoon CH3, Hwang JW2, Ryoo S1, Kim SJ1, Kim GM1, Chung CS1, Lee KH1, Bang OY1.

Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016 Jun;17(6):678-86. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jev192. Epub 2015 Aug 4.
Differences in apical and non-apical types of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a prospective analysis of clinical, echocardiographic, and cardiac magnetic resonance findings and outcome from 350 patients
Kim EK11, Lee SC2, Hwang JW1, Chang SA1, Park SJ1, On YK1, Park KM1, Choe YH3, Kim SM3, Park SW1, Oh JK4.

Echocardiography. 2016 Jun;33(6):830-7. doi: 10.1111/echo.13181. Epub 2016 Jan 24.
Identification of Factors that Predict whether the Right Parasternal View Is Required for Accurate Evaluation of Aortic Stenosis Severity
Cho EJ11, Kim SM2, Park SJ2, Lee SC2, Park SW2.

J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Mar;151(3):788-95. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2015.10.104. Epub 2015 Oct 30.
Clinical and hemodynamic influences of prophylactic tricuspid annuloplasty in mechanical mitral valve replacement
Lee H11, Sung K1, Kim WS1, Lee YT1, Park SJ2, Carriere KC3, Park PW4.

Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Mar;95(9):e2906. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002906.
A Preoperative Assessment of Significant Coronary Stenosis Based on a Semiquantitative Analysis of Coronary Artery Calcification on Noncontrast Computed Tomography in Aortic Stenosis Patients Undergoing Aortic Valve Replacement
Hwang JW11, Kim SM, Park SJ, Cho EJ, Lee SC, Choe YH, Park SW.

Korean Circ J. 2016 Mar;46(2):213-21. doi: 10.4070/kcj.2016.46.2.213. Epub 2016 Mar 21.
Predicting Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Surgery in Patients with Chronic Mitral Regurgitation: Assessment of Myocardial Deformation by 2-Dimensional Multilayer Speckle Tracking Echocardiography
Cho EJ11, Park SJ2, Yun HR2, Jeong DS3, Lee SC2, Park SW2, Park PW3.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Mar 29;67(12):1412-22. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.01.013.
Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction as a Mechanism of Angina in Severe AS Prospective Adenosine-Stress CMR Study
Ahn JH11, Kim SM2, Park SJ3, Jeong DS4, Woo MA5, Jung SH5, Lee SC1, Park SW1, Choe YH2, Park PW4, Oh JK6.

Am Heart J. 2016 Jan;171(1):56-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2015.10.016. Epub 2015 Oct 24.
A protective role of early collateral blood flow in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Kim EK11, Choi JH2, Song YB1, Hahn JY1, Chang SA1, Park SJ1, Lee SC1, Choi SH1, Choe YH3, Park SW1, Gwon HC1.

Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Oct;94(42):e1747. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001747.
The Risk Factors That Predict Chronic Hypertension After Delivery in Women With a History of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Hwang JW11, Park SJ, Oh SY, Chang SA, Lee SC, Park SW, Kim DK.

J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2015 Oct;28(10):1194-1203, e2. doi: 10.1016/j.echo.2015.06.009. Epub 2015 Jul 17.
Discrepancies in Left Ventricular Mass Calculation Based on Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Measurements in Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Seo HY11, Lee SP2, Park JB1, Lee JM1, Park EA3, Chang SA4, Kim HK1, Park SJ4, Lee W3, Kim YJ1, Lee SC4, Park SW4, Sohn DW1, Choe YH4.

Heart. 2015 Sep;101(17):1375-81. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2015-307528. Epub 2015 Jun 23.
Watchful observation versus early aortic valve replacement for symptomatic patients with normal flow, low-gradient severe aortic stenosis
Kang DH11, Jang JY1, Park SJ2, Kim DH1, Yun SC3, Song JM1, Park SW2, Chung CH4, Song JK1, Lee JW4.

Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Apr;90(4):441-9. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.12.025. Epub 2015 Mar 6.
Anticoagulation in Ischemic Left Ventricular Aneurysm
Lee GY11, Song YB1, Hahn JY1, Choi SH1, Choi JH1, Jeon ES1, Park SJ1, Lee SC1, Park SW1, Gwon HC2.

J Heart Valve Dis. 2015 Mar;24(2):148-55.
Aggravating Factors Associated with the Severity of Aortic Regurgitation and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Quadricuspid Aortic Valve
Cho EJ1, Son MK, Park SJ, Park SW, Chang SA, Lee SC, Kang IS.

Korean J Intern Med. 2015 Mar;30(2):140-7. doi: 10.3904/kjim.2015.30.2.140. Epub 2015 Feb 27.
Microvascular angina: angina that predominantly affects women
Park JJ11, Park SJ2, Choi DJ3.

PLoS One. 2015 Mar 26;10(3):e0121684. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121684. eCollection 2015.
Gender Difference in Ventricular Response to Aortic Stenosis: Insight from Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Lee JM11, Park SJ2, Lee SP1, Park E3, Chang SA2, Kim HK1, Lee W3, Kim YJ1, Lee SC2, Park SW2, Sohn DW1, Choe YH2.

Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Dec;30(8):1519-28. doi: 10.1007/s10554-014-0498-5. Epub 2014 Jul 22.
Determinants of pulmonary hypertension development in moderate or severe aortic stenosis
Ahn HS11, Chang SA, Kim HK, Kim SJ, Lee SP, Park SJ, Kim YJ, Cho GY, Sohn DW, Oh JK.

Chin Med J (Engl). 2014;127(22):3963-9.
Incidence of coronary artery disease before valvular surgery in isolated severe aortic stenosis
Cho EJ11, Park SJ1, Chang SA1, Jeong DS2, Lee SC1, Park SW1, Park PW2.

Trials. 2014 Aug 26;15:333. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-333.
Understanding of chest pain in microvascular disease proved by cardiac magnetic resonance image (UMPIRE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Park SJ1, Park JJ, Choi DJ1, Chun EJ, Choi SI, Kim SM, Jang SY, Ahn S, Choe YH.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Jun 10;63(22):2398-407. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.02.577. Epub 2014 Mar 30.
Early Surgery Versus Conventional Treatment for Asymptomatic Severe Mitral Regurgitation
Kang DH11, Park SJ2, Sun BJ3, Cho EJ2, Kim DH3, Yun SC4, Song JM3, Park SW2, Chung CH5, Song JK3, Lee JW5, Park PW6.

Int J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 15;174(2):355-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.04.112. Epub 2014 Apr 18.
Changes in the etiology of valvular heart disease in the rapidly aging Korean population
Jang SY11, Ju EY2, Seo SR3, Choi JY4, Park SJ1, Kim DK1, Park SW5.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Feb 15;83(3):E165-7. doi: 10.1002/ccd.24412. Epub 2013 Oct 21.
Valve Prosthesis Distortion After Cardiac Compression in a Patient Who Underwent Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
Kim EK11, Choi SH, Song PS, Park SJ.

J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Jan;29(1):137-40. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2014.29.1.137. Epub 2013 Dec 26.
The Successful Implantation of Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device as a Destination Therapy in Korea: Echocardiographic Assessment
Lee GY11, Park SJ1, Kim S2, Choi N3, Jeong DS4, Jeon ES5, Lee YT4.

Circ J. 2014;78(1):259-61. Epub 2013 Oct 4.
Traumatic Tricuspid Valve Detachment From Annulus Diagnosed on 3-D Transesophageal Echocardiography
Kim J11, Lee M, Lee JY, Lee JY, Choi KH, Lim SH, Kang BK, Sung K, Park SJ, Park SW.

Chin Med J (Engl). 2013;126(24):4649-54.
What is the real practice of exercise echocardiographic testing in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis
Cho EJ11, Park SJ2, Song JE1, Kim SH1, Lee YJ1, Gak JH1, Chang SA1, Lee SC1, Park SW1.

J Korean Med Sci. 2013 Dec;28(12):1830-4. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2013.28.12.1830. Epub 2013 Nov 26.
Immunoglobulin G4 Non-Related Sclerosing Disease with Intracardiac Mass Mimicking Mitral Stenosis: Case Report
Hwang JW11, Park SJ, Gwag Hb, Ha JM, Lee WJ, Kim E, Yune S, Kim JS, Park YJ, Kim DK.

Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 3;168(3):2851-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.03.151. Epub 2013 May 1.
Effects of the novel angiotensin II receptor type I antagonist, fimasartan on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury
Han J11, Park SJ, Thu VT, Lee SR, Long le T, Kim HK, Kim N, Park SW, Jeon ES, Kim EJ, Yoon CH, Cho GY, Choi DJ.

Circ J. 2013;77(9):2390-8. Epub 2013 Jun 12.
Contractile Reserve Determined on Exercise Echocardiography in Patients With Severe Aortic Regurgitation
Park SJ11, Enriquez-Sarano M, Song JE, Lee YJ, Ha MR, Chang SA, Choi JO, Lee SC, Park SW, Oh JK.

J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2013 Aug 28;15:72. doi: 10.1186/1532-429X-15-72.
Early detection of subclinical ventricular deterioration in aortic stenosis with cardiovascular magnetic resonance and echocardiography
Lee SP11, Park SJ, Kim YJ, Chang SA, Park EA, Kim HK, Lee W, Lee SC, Park SW, Sohn DW, Choe YH.

Circ J. 2013;77(7):1877-9. Epub 2013 Mar 27.
Hook-Like Long Linear Echogenic Mobile Mass Arising in the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Presenting With Orthostatic Hypotension and Syncope - Diagnosis on Multimodal Imaging Echocardiography and Computed Tomography -
Cho EJ11, Park SJ, Lee MR, Park PW, Park SW, Choe YH, Kim SJ, Han Y.

Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Mar;29(3):553-60. doi: 10.1007/s10554-012-0116-3. Epub 2012 Aug 26.
Aortic dilatation and calcification in asymptomatic patients with bicuspid aortic valve: analysis in a Korean health screening population
Lee M11, Sung J, Cho SJ, Choi SH, Cho SW, Oh JK, Park SJ, Kim DK.

JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Feb;6(2):137-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2012.10.013.
Hemodynamic Patterns for Symptomatic Presentations of Severe Aortic Stenosis
Park SJ11, Enriquez-Sarano M, Chang SA, Choi JO, Lee SC, Park SW, Kim DK, Jeon ES, Oh JK.

Circ J. 2012;76(3):758-60. Epub 2011 Dec 10.
Popcorn-Like Appearance of Papillary Fibroelastoma of the Aortic Valve
Kim EK11, Park SJ, Park PW, Byun KM, Lee SC, Park SW, Choe YH.

Circ J. 2011;75(10):2350-6. Epub 2011 Jul 28.
E/e' Ratio Is a Strong Prognostic Predictor of Mortality in Patients With Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation With Preserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function
Park SJ1, Lee SC, Jang SY, Chang SA, Choi JO, Park SW, Oh JK.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011 Aug 30;58(10):1080. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2011.01.074.
Systolic Murmur A Key to Pandora's Box
Park SJ11, Kim WS, Choe YH, Lee SC, Oh JK, Michelena HI.

Cardiology. 2011;119(1):38-42. doi: 10.1159/000329839. Epub 2011 Jul 29.
Transient Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction with Thrombus and Subsequent Cardioembolic Stroke in Short-Term Overt Hypothyroidism
Yang JH11, Jang HW, Park SJ, Park SW.

Circ J. 2011;75(2):357-65. Epub 2010 Oct 30.
Detection of Masked Hypertension and the 'Mask Effect' in Patients With Well-Controlled Office Blood Pressure
Park SJ1, Park JB, Choi DJ, Youn HJ, Park CG, Ahn YK, Shin JH, Kim DW, Rim SJ, Bae JH, Park HY; Korean Hypertension Research Network.

Echocardiography. 2010 Nov;27(10):1194-204. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8175.2010.01220.x. Epub 2010 Oct 29.
Correlation between LV Regional Strain and LV Dyssynchrony Assessed by 2D STE in Patients with Different Levels of Diastolic Dysfunction
Park SJ11, Oh JK.

Int J Cardiol. 2010 Nov 19;145(2):203-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2010.09.049. Epub 2010 Oct 16.
Preoperative N-terminal pro-B type natriuretic peptide level can predict the regression of left ventricular mass after valvular surgery in patients with chronic severe mitral regurgitation: One-year follow-up
Song BG11, Park SJ, Jeon ES, Choi SH, On YK, Choi JO, Lee SC, Park SW, Kim DK, Oh JK, Sung KI, Park PW.

Eur J Echocardiogr. 2010 Oct;11(9):770-7. doi: 10.1093/ejechocard/jeq064. Epub 2010 May 18.
The effect of loading alterations on left ventricular torsion: a simultaneous catheterization and two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiographic study
Park SJ11, Nishimura RA, Borlaug BA, Sorajja P, Oh JK.

J Crit Care. 2010 Jun;25(2):329-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2009.12.016
Clinical characteristics, and laboratory and echocardiographic findings in takotsubo cardiomyopathy presenting as cardiogenic shock
Song BG11, Park SJ, Noh HJ, Jo HC, Choi JO, Lee SC, Park SW, Jeon ES, Kim DK, Oh JK.

J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2010 May 24;12:31. doi: 10.1186/1532-429X-12-31.
Early detection of cardiac involvement in Miyoshi myopathy: 2D strain echocardiography and late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Choi ER11, Park SJ, Choe YH, Ryu DR, Chang SA, Choi JO, Lee SC, Park SW, Kim BJ, Kim DK, Oh JK.

Mechanism of Increased Left Ventricular Torsion and Untwisting in Patients With Abnormal Relaxation Filling Pattern: Chicken or Egg
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