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총 게시물 1,226건, 최근 0 건
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Dr. 엄상원
Dr. Um Sang Won
2010.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 (박사)
2006.02 서울대학교 보건대학원 보건학 (석사)
1998.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업 (학사)
2019.04 ~현재 삼성서울병원 호흡기내과 교수
2013.04 ~ 2019.03 삼성서울병원 호흡기내과 부교수
2009.03 ~ 2013.03 삼성서울병원 호흡기내과 조교수
2008.03 ~ 2009.02 삼성서울병원 호흡기내과 임상조교수
2007.05 ~ 2008.02 삼성서울병원 호흡기내과 임상강사
2006.05 ~ 2007.04 서울대학교병원 호흡기내과 임상강사
2003.04 ~ 2006.04 경기도 용인시 공중보건의
1999.03 ~ 2003.02 서울대학교병원 내과 전공의
1998.03 ~ 1999.02 서울대학교병원 인턴 과정 수료
2013.01 ~ 현재 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
2012.01 ~ 현재 American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (AABIP)
2010.01 ~ 현재 Korean Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (KASLC)
2009.01 ~ 현재 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)
2009.01 ~ 현재 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR)
2006.01 ~ 현재 대한 결핵 및 호흡기 학회
2003.01 ~ 현재 대한 내과 학회
ANTICANCER RES 2020 10.21873/anticanres.14329
Clinical Utility of Combined Circulating Tumor Cell and Circulating Tumor DNA Assays for Diagnosis of Primary Lung Cancer
Moon1, SM; Kim, JH; Kim, SK; Kim, S; Kwon, HJ; Bae, JS; Lee, S; Lee, HS; Choi, MY; Jeon, BH; Jeong, BH; Lee, K; Kim, HK; Kim, J; Um, SW

Journal of thoracic disease 2020 10.21037/jtd.2020.01.65
Management of non-small cell lung cancer with resistance to epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor: case discussion
Zheng1, YY; Zhou, M; Arulananda, S; Um, SW; Li, HC

Journal of thoracic disease 2020 10.21037/jtd.2019.12.80
The impact of age and performance status on the efficacy of osimertinib in patients with EGFR T790M-positive non-small cell lung cancer
Gil1, HI; Um, SW

PLoS One 2020 10.1371/journal.pone.0229299
Prognostic value of SUVmax on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT scan in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma
Lim1, JH; Choi, JY; Im, Y; Yoo, H; Jhun, BW; Jeong, BH; Park, HY; Lee, K; Kim, H; Kwon, OJ; Han, J; Ahn, MJ; Kim, J; Um, SW

LUNG CANCER 2020 10.1016/j.lungcan.2019.11.021
The utility of endosonography for mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer in patients with radiological N0 disease
Shin1, SH; Jeong, BH; Jhun, BW; Yoo, H; Lee, K; Kim, H; Kwon, OJ; Han, J; Kim, J; Lee, KS; Um, SW

RESPIROLOGY 2019 10.1111/resp.13488
Clinical usefulness of routine AFB culture and MTB PCR of EBUS-TBNA needle rinse fluid
Ko1, RE; Jeong, BH; Chon, HR; Huh, HJ; Han, J; Lee, H; Lee, K; Kim, H; Kwon, OJ; Um, SW

Journal of thoracic disease 2019 10.21037/jtd.2018.12.130
Clinical features and treatment outcomes of airway foreign body aspiration in adults
Ng1, J; Kim, S; Chang, B; Lee, K; Um, SW; Kim, H; Jeong, BH

EUR RESPIR J 2019 10.1183/13993003.01508-2018
Which definition of a central tumour is more predictive of occult mediastinal metastasis in nonsmall cell lung cancer patients with radiological N0 disease?
Shin1, SH; Jeong, DY; Lee, KS; Cho, JH; Choi, YS; Lee, K; Um, SW; Kim, H; Jeong, BH

LUNG CANCER 2019 10.1016/j.lungcan.2018.12.027
Incidence of brain metastasis in lung adenocarcinoma at initial diagnosis on the basis of stage and genetic alterations
Yang1, B; Lee, H; Um, SW; Kim, K; Zo, JI; Shim, YM; Kwon, OJ; Lee, KS; Ahn, MJ; Kim, H

BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE 2019 10.1186/s12890-018-0774-6
Are there differences among operators in false-negative rates of endosonography with needle aspiration for mediastinal nodal staging of non-small cell lung cancer?
Kim1, S; Shin, B; Lee, H; Ha, JH; Lee, K; Um, SW; Kim, H; Jeong, BH

Journal of thoracic disease 2019 10.21037/jtd.2018.12.37
Current role and future direction of osimertinib in epidermal growth factor receptor-mutant non-small cell lung cancer
Jeong1, BH; Um, SW

Clinical Epigenetics (2018) 10:65
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in bronchial washings
Sang-Won Um1†1, Yujin Kim2†, Bo Bin Lee2, Dongho Kim2, Kyung-Jong Lee1, Hong Kwan Kim3, Joungho Han4, Hojoong Kim1, Young Mog Shim3 and Duk-Hwan Kim2,5*

Sci Rep. 2018 May 16;8(1):7691. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25800-2
Genomic alterations of ground-glass nodular lung adenocarcinoma
Lee H11, Joung JG2, Shin HT2, Kim DH3, Kim Y3, Kim H1, Kwon OJ1, Shim YM4, Lee HY5, Lee KS5, Choi YL6, Park WY2, Hayes DN7, Um SW

THORAC CANCER 2018 10.1111/1759-7714.12846
Safety of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration in patients with lung cancer within a year after percutaneous coronary intervention
Gil1, HI; Choe, J; Jeong, BH; Um, SW; Jeon, K; Hahn, JY; Kim, H; Kwon, OJ; Chang, YS; Lee, K

Ann Transl Med 2018 10.21037/atm.2018.10.27
The risk factors for brain metastases in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Lim1, JH; Um, SW

PLoS One 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0201242
Comparison of four models predicting the malignancy of pulmonary nodules: A single-center study of Korean adults
Yang1, B; Jhun, BW; Shin, SH; Jeong, BH; Um, SW; Zo, JI; Lee, HY; Sohn, I; Kim, H; Kwon, OJ; Lee, K

SCI REP-UK 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-25800-2
Genomic alterations of ground-glass nodular lung adenocarcinoma
Lee1, H; Joung, JG; Shin, HT; Kim, DH; Kim, Y; Kim, H; Kwon, OJ; Shim, YM; Lee, HY; Lee, KS; Choi, YL; Park, WY; Hayes, DN; Um, SW

Clin Epigenetics 2018 10.1186/s13148-018-0498-8
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in bronchial washings
Um1, SW; Kim, Y; Bin Lee, B; Kim, D; Lee, KJ; Kim, HK; Han, J; Kim, H; Shim, YM; Kim, DH

Ann Transl Med 2018 10.21037/atm.2017.12.30
First-line osimertinib in patients with EGFR-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Jeong1, BH; Um, SW

J Thorac Dis. 2017 Nov;9(11):4248-4250. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.10.91.
Intratumoral heterogeneity and biomarkers for transformation into small cell lung carcinomas from lung adenocarcinomas.
Lee H11, Um SW1.

Clin Epigenetics. 2017 Dec 20;9:131. doi: 10.1186/s13148-017-0432-5. eCollection 2017.
Bronchial biopsy specimen as a surrogate for DNA methylation analysis in inoperable lung cancer.
Um SW#11, Kim HK#2, Kim Y3, Lee BB3, Kim D3, Han J4, Kim H1, Shim YM2, Kim DH3,5.

Clin Epigenetics 2017 10.1186/s13148-017-0432-5
Bronchial biopsy specimen as a surrogate for DNA methylation analysis in inoperable lung cancer
Um1, SW; Kim, HK; Kim, Y; Lee, BB; Kim, D; Han, J; Kim, H; Shim, YM; Kim, DH

Journal of thoracic disease 2017 10.21037/jtd.2017.10.91
Intratumoral heterogeneity and biomarkers for transformation into small cell lung carcinomas from lung adenocarcinomas
Lee1, H; Um, SW

CANCER RES TREAT 2017 10.4143/crt.2016.347
Prevalence of Mutations in Discoidin Domain-Containing Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 2 (DDR2) in Squamous Cell Lung Cancers in Korean Patients
Lee1, MS; Jung, EA; An, SB; Kim, YJ; Oh, DY; Song, JY; Um, SW; Han, J; Choi, YL

Ann Thorac Med. 2017 Apr-Jun;12(2):121-124. doi: 10.4103/1817-1737.203752.
Pulmonary actinomycosis mimicking lung cancer on positron emission tomography
Choi H11, Lee H1, Jeong SH1, Um SW1, Kown OJ1, Kim H1.

Eur Respir J. 2016 Dec;48(6):1743-1750. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01148-2016. Epub 2016 Nov 3.
Joint effect of airflow Limitation and emphysema on postoperative outcomes in early-stage nonsmall cell lung cancer
Shin S11, Park HY2,3, Kim H4, Kim HK1, Choi YS1, Kim J1, Um SW5, Chung MJ6, Kim H5, Kwon OJ5, Zo JI1, Guallar E4,7, Cho J4,7,8, Shim YM1,3.

Intern Med. 2016;55(21):3105-3111. Epub 2016 Nov 1.
Triple Gene Analysis Using Samples Obtained by Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
Lee K11, Um SW, Jeong BH, Yang JW, Choi YL, Han J, Kim H, Kwon OJ.

Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 15;76(22):6568-6576. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-0873. Epub 2016 Sep 13.
Molecular Evolution Patterns in Metastatic Lymph Nodes Reflect the Differential Treatment Response of Advanced Primary Lung Cancer
Um SW11, Joung JG2, Lee H3, Kim H3, Kim KT2, Park J3, Hayes DN4, Park WY5,6.

Intern Med. 2016;55(9):1061-6. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.55.6082. Epub 2016 May 1.
The Utility of Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in Patients with Small-cell Lung Cancer
Kang HK11, Um SW, Jeong BH, Lee KJ, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Han J.

J Thorac Oncol. 2016 Mar;11(3):426-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2015.11.007. Epub 2015 Dec 30.
Incidence of of Brain Metastasis at the Initial Diagnosis of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Basis of Stage, Excluding Brain Metastasis
Lee H11, Jeong SH1, Jeong BH1, Park HY1, Lee KJ1, Um SW1, Kwon OJ1, Kim H2.

Chest. 2016 Jan;149(1):180-91. doi: 10.1378/chest.15-0034. Epub 2016 Jan 6.
Quantitative CT Scanning Analysis of Pure Ground-Glass Opacity Nodules Predicts Further CT Scanning Change
Bak SH11, Lee HY2, Kim JH1, Um SW3, Kwon OJ3, Han J4, Kim HK5, Kim J5, Lee KS1.

Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2016 Jan;9(1):43-52. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0287. Epub 2015 Oct 28.
Cancer-Specific Production of N-Acetylaspartate via NAT8L Overexpression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Its Potential as a Circulating Biomarker
Lou TF11, Sethuraman D2, Dospoy P3, Srivastva P1, Kim HS4, Kim J5, Ma X6, Chen PH7, Huffman KE3, Frink RE3, Larsen JE3, Lewis C8, Um SW9, Kim DH10, Ahn JM5, DeBerardinis RJ11, White MA12, Minna JD13, Yoo H14.

Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 20;6(32):33358-68. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5188.
The NEXT-1 (Next generation pErsonalized tX with mulTi-omics and preclinical model) trial: prospective molecular screening trial of metastatic solid cancer patients, a feasibility analysis
Kim ST11, Lee J1, Hong M2,3, Park K4,5, Park JO1, Ahn T3,4, Park SH1, Park YS1, Lim HY1, Sun JM1, Ahn JS1, Ahn MJ1, Kim HC6, Sohn TS6, Choi DI7, Cho JH8, Heo JS6, Kwon W6, Uhm SW9, Lee H10, Min BH10, Hong SN10, Kim DH5,11, Jung SH12, Park W4,5, Kim KM2,3, Kang WK1, Park K1,2.

J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Sep;150(3):514-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2015.06.024. Epub 2015 Jun 18.
Pure ground glass nodular adenocarcinomas: Are preoperative positron emission tomography/computed tomography and brain magnetic resonance imaging useful or necessary
Cho H11, Lee HY2, Kim J3, Kim HK3, Choi JY4, Um SW5, Lee KS1.

Stat Med. 2015 Jul 10;34(15):2325-33. doi: 10.1002/sim.6485. Epub 2015 Mar 20.
Comparison of operational characteristics for binary tests with clustered data
Kwak M11, Um SW2, Jung SH3.

Diagn Cytopathol. 2015 Jul;43(7):539-44. doi: 10.1002/dc.23242. Epub 2014 Nov 26.
Cytomorphological identification of advanced pulmonary adenocarcinoma harboring KRAS mutation in lymph node fine-needle aspiration specimens: Comparative investigation of adenocarcinoma with KRAS and EGFR mutations
Song DH11, Lee B1, Shin Y1, Choi IH1, Ha SY1, Lee JJ1, Hong ME1, Choi YL1, Han J1, Um SW2.

Korean J Radiol. 2015 Jul-Aug;16(4):942-6. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2015.16.4.942. Epub 2015 Jul 1.
Lung Infarction due to Pulmonary Vein Stenosis after Ablation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation Misdiagnosed as Organizing Pneumonia: Sequential Changes on CT in Two Cases
Kwon MR11, Lee HY1, Cho JH2, Um SW3.

Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jun;8(2):161-6. doi: 10.3342/ceo.2015.8.2.161. Epub 2015 May 13.
Changes in the Flow-Volume Curve According to the Degree of Stenosis in Patients With Unilateral Main Bronchial Stenosis
Ko Y11, Yoo JG2, Yi CA3, Lee KS3, Jeon K4, Um SW4, Koh WJ4, Suh GY4, Chung MP4, Kwon OJ4, Kim H4.

Ann Oncol. 2015 Apr;26(4):762-8. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdu584. Epub 2014 Dec 23.
A randomized phase III trial of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) versus observation for patients with asymptomatic cerebral oligo-metastases in non-small-cell lung cancer
Lim SH11, Lee JY1, Lee MY1, Kim HS1, Lee J1, Sun JM1, Ahn JS1, Um SW2, Kim H2, Kim BS3, Kim ST4, Na DL5, Sun JY6, Jung SH7, Park K1, Kwon OJ2, Lee JI3, Ahn MJ8.

PLoS One. 2015 Mar 24;10(3):e0121250. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121250. eCollection 2015.
Preoperative Flexible Bronchoscopy in Patients with Persistent Ground-Glass Nodule
Jhun BW11, Um SW1, Suh GY1, Chung MP1, Kim H1, Kwon OJ1, Lee KS2, Han J3, Kim J4.

J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Feb;10(2):331-7. doi: 10.1097/JTO.0000000000000388.
Endobronchial Ultrasound versus Mediastinoscopy for Mediastinal Nodal Staging of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Um SW11, Kim HK, Jung SH, Han J, Lee KJ, Park HY, Choi YS, Shim YM, Ahn MJ, Park K, Ahn YC, Choi JY, Lee KS, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kwon OJ, Kim J, Kim H.

J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Dec;29(12):1632-8. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2014.29.12.1632. Epub 2014 Nov 21.
Clinical Value of Endobronchial Ultrasound Findings for Predicting Nodal Metastasis in Patients with Suspected Lymphadenopathy: A Prospective Study
Jhun BW11, Um SW2, Suh GY2, Chung MP2, Kim H2, Kwon OJ2, Han J3, Lee KJ2.

PLoS One. 2014 Dec 1;9(12):e113656. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113656. eCollection 2014.
Development of a Prediction Rule for Estimating Postoperative Pulmonary Complications
Jeong BH11, Shin B1, Eom JS2, Yoo H1, Song W1, Han S3, Lee KJ1, Jeon K1, Um SW1, Koh WJ1, Suh GY1, Chung MP1, Kim H1, Kwon OJ1, Woo S4, Park HY1.

Respirology. 2014 Aug;19(6):914-20. doi: 10.1111/resp.12336. Epub 2014 Jun 17.
Fibrotic airway stenosis following radiotherapy in patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma
Eom JS11, Kim B, Kim H, Jeon K, Um SW, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kwon OJ.

"PLoS One. 2014 Mar 14;9(3):e91893. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091893. eCollection 2014."
Combined Endobronchial and Transesophageal Approach of an Ultrasound Bronchoscope for Mediastinal Staging of Lung Cancer
Lee KJ11, Suh GY1, Chung MP1, Kim H1, Kwon OJ1, Han J2, Um SW1.

Yonsei Med J. 2014 Jan;55(1):84-91. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2014.55.1.84.
The Clinical, Radiological, and Bronchoscopic Findings and Outcomes in Patients with Benign Tracheobronchial Tumors
Jhun BW11, Lee KJ, Jeon K, Um SW, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kwon OJ, Kim H.

Anticancer Res.?2013 Nov;33(11):5127-33.
High-throughput Molecular Genotyping for Small Biopsy Samples in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Maeng CH11,?Lee HY,?Kim YW,?Choi MK,?Hong JY,?Jung HA,?Lee KS,?Kim H,?Kwon OJ,?Sun JM,?Ahn JS,?Park K,?Um SW,?Ahn MJ.

Yonsei Med J. 2013 Nov;54(6):1416-21. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2013.54.6.1416.
Usefulness of Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
Hong G11, Lee KJ, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Han J, Um SW.

Intern Med. 2013;52(17):1875-81.
The Role of Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Recurrent Non-small Cell Lung Cancer after Surgery
Han SG11, Yoo H, Jhun BW, Park HY, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Han J, Um SW.

EGFR and KRAS mutation analyses from specimens obtained by bronchoscopy and EBUS-TBNA
Lung Cancer. 2013 Jul;81(1):65-70. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2013.03.005. Epub 2013 Mar 22.
Clinical applicability of staging small cell lung cancer according to the seventh edition of the TNM staging system
Jhun BW11, Lee KJ, Jeon K, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Sun JM, Ahn JS, Ahn MJ, Park K, Choi JY, Lee KS, Han J, Um SW.

Yonsei Med J. 2013 May 1;54(3):672-8. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2013.54.3.672.
Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for the Diagnosis of Central Lung Parenchymal Lesions
Verma A11, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Um SW.

Respirology. 2013 May;18(4):637-42. doi: 10.1111/resp.12060.
Classification of broncholiths and clinical outcomes
Lim SY11, Lee KJ, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Um SW.

Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013 Mar;17(3):412-7. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.12.0273.
Toxocariasis as a cause of new pulmonary infiltrates
Kang YR11, Kim SA, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Kang ES, Um SW.

Chest. 2013 Feb 1;143(2):577. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1950.
The Value of CT Scan-Guided Biopsy in Evaluation of Ground-Glass Opacity Response
Liu Q1, Liang W.

Chest. 2013 Jan;143(1):172-8.
Natural History of Pure Ground-Glass Opacity Lung Nodules Detected by Low-Dose CT Scan
Chang B11, Hwang JH, Choi YH, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Lee HY, Lee KS, Shim YM, Han J, Um SW.

The role of pleural fluid MAGE RT-nested PCR in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion
PLoS One. 2014 Mar 14;9(3):e91893. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091893. eCollection 2014.
Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of a lung mass via a transesophageal approach using endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscope
Lee KJ11, Suh GY1, Chung MP1, Kim H1, Kwon OJ1, Han J2, Um SW1.

Yonsei Med J. 2012 Mar;53(2):369-76. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2012.53.2.369.
Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Angiopoietin-2 Are Associated with the Severity of Systemic Inflammation Rather than the Presence of Hemoptysis in Patients with Inflammatory Lung Disease
Park HY11, Hahm CR, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Um SW.

J Korean Med Sci. 2012 Jan;27(1):46-51. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2012.27.1.46. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
Nodal Stations and Diagnostic Performances of Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Jhun BW11, Park HY, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Han J, Um SW.

Intern Med. 2011;50(21):2525-32. Epub 2011 Nov 1.
The Role of Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Node Metastases in Patients with Extrapulmonary Malignancy
Song JU11, Park HY, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Um SW.

Intern Med. 2011;50(18):2071; author reply 2073. Epub 2011 Sep 15.
Role of In-111 Pentetreotide in Differentiating Carcinoid Tumours from Sarcoidosis
Jindal T1, Meena M.

Lung Cancer. 2011 Aug;73(2):237-42. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2010.11.008. Epub 2010 Dec 9.
Treatment outcomes for Patients with synchronous multiple primary non-small cell lung cancer
Jung EJ11, Lee JH, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Shim YM, Um SW.

Lung Cancer. 2011 May;72(2):244-9. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2010.08.011. Epub 2010 Sep 9.
Treatment outcomes of patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the airway
Lee JH11, Jung EJ, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Shim YM, Kim J, Han J, Um SW.

Intern Med. 2010;49(23):2609-12. Epub 2010 Dec 1.
Concurrent Endobronchial Carcinoid Tumor and Sarcoidosis
Bae SY11, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Kim J, Han J, Um SW.

Respirology. 2010 Nov;15(8):1179-84. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2010.01793.x.
Occult nodal metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer at clinical stage IA by PET/CT
Park HK11, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Chung MP, Lee KS, Shim YM, Han J, Um SW.

Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2010 Sep;11(3):340-1. doi: 10.1510/icvts.2010.241661. Epub 2010 Jun 30.
Endobronchial inflammatory polyp as a rare complication of endobronchial ultrasound-transbronchial needle aspiration
Gupta R11, Park HY, Kim H, Um SW.

Respirology. 2010 Jan;15(1):150-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2009.01662.x. Epub 2009 Nov 23.
Bronchoscopic features and bronchoscopic intervention for endobronchial hamartoma
Kim SA11, Um SW, Song JU, Jeon K, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Jung MP, Kwon OJ, Park JH, Yi CA, Han J, Kim H.

J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Nov;4(11):1331-6. doi: 10.1097/JTO.0b013e3181b6be3e.
Prognostic Value of F-18-FDG Uptake on Positron Emission Tomography in Patients with Pathologic Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Um SW11, Kim H, Koh WJ, Suh GY, Chung MP, Kwon OJ, Choi JY, Han J, Lee KS, Kim J.

Lung. 2009 Mar-Apr;187(2):136-40. doi: 10.1007/s00408-009-9136-8. Epub 2009 Feb 14.
HLA Antigens and Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Lung Disease in Korean Patients
Um SW11, Ki CS, Kwon OJ, Koh WJ.
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