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  • Nose [Global] 2024-12-11
    Hello, i am looking for noseball reduction surgery in korea. I had a nose complex since I was in year 6. So currently I am finding nice and no side effects hospital. I hope I can fix my complex as soo…
  • 성형외과마케팅 퇴사후 쓰는 찐리얼2탄!! 전후사진이 중요한 이유!!! [성형관련수다방] 2024-12-11
    안녕~ 글 하나 올리고 하루만에 정지먹고 ㅎㅎ 그래도 댓글이 많이 달려서 최대한 답글을 줄려고는 하는데 이전글은 비댓은 볼수는 있지만 답변은 할 수가 없어서 나도 답답… 그러니 앞으로는 이 아이디에 댓글이나 쪽지를 부탁할께.. 백수인데 나름 바쁨 ㅎㅎ 근데 무턱대고 쓴 글에 6번항목에 다들 신기해하고 중요한지 몰랐다고 하더라고.. (안 읽었던 분들은…
  • Hello [Global] 2024-12-11
    Hi :) I am just looking into the eyelid surgery. I am not sure what surgery I need at the moment. But hopefully, i can find a beautiful doctor soon! There are so many clinics in Korea which makes it …
  • hello [Global] 2024-12-11
    hello I am trying to find some clinic to get surgery and to get some infirmation it is hard hard for me to understand Korean but I will try the translation system in google I hope some meaningful info…
  • hello [Global] 2024-12-11
    hello, trying to find a good clinic for nose surgery. I found this website while doing some research. I hope to find some good places through this website. Looking forward to read many posts thank yo…
  • Hi [Global] 2024-12-11
    Hi, I'm trying to visit Korea to get eyelid surgery this winter. I already made appointments with several places, and am trying to see which one would be best for me. I will be grateful if there's any…
  • eyelid surgery [성형관련수다방] 2024-12-10
    What type of eyelid surgery did everyone get? I heard there were different types of surgery available for different eyelids. Is the natural adhesion method better than getting an incision for your fir
  • Trying to find honest reviews [Global] 2024-12-10
    Hello! Looking to find honest reviews about plastic surgery clinics! Read that a lot of the places buy fake reviews and get their workers or hire marketers to make positive reviews to help their clin…
  • 한사람 인생 망친 강남 그 성형외과 [성형관련수다방] 2024-12-10
    https://sungyesa.com/new/free/4635280 여기 강남역 출구 바로앞에 있는 곳 맞습니다 여전히 실장이고 원장이고 태도 정말 뻔뻔하고 ㅋㅋ 말이 안나오네요 다신 저같은 피해자 안나왔으면 합니다 이런 곳이 예약이 차고 웨이팅이 있다는게 믿기지가 않네요.
  • 코수술 상담받을때 [성형관련수다방] 2024-12-10
    무조건 된다는 얘기보다 한계점 얘기해주는 곳에서 하는게 나으려나? 100% 내 추구미 맞출 수 있다고 해주는 곳 OR 한계가 있다면 어렵다고 말해주는 곳 예사들은 어디가 더 끌려? 사실 아직 상담 받은것도 아님ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 더도어 예약해두고 상담날기다리고있는중인데 귀얇아서 다 맞는 소리로 들릴까봐 ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ 다른 병원도 가보긴할거임..