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Hi Everybody

saejima 2006-01-20 (금) 04:42 18년전 262

First of all, I'd like to apologize for writing in English.

I'm a Korean who lives in USA but I speak Korean as well as any Koreans. I'm the last one to show off my English skills by writing in English on purpose so please don't 'tackle' me for writing in English.

I don't even like America even though I live in America

The reason that I have to write in English is, this computer doesn't have Korean font and it won't let me install korean font. I am in a school.

Of course I have a computer at home, but since there's only one computer at home, all my family memebers constantly comes uses it and see everything. My family think plastic surgery is for losers so if they find out that I do this, they will make fun of me and I'll never hear end of it.

I have a one question though. If any of you know what plastic surgery hospital is good in North West USA, please let me know and I'll be greatfull.

Thank you very much.

이 영역은 병원에서 등록한 광고 영역입니다.

댓글 6건
saejima 작성자 2006-01-25 (수) 09:12 18년전 수정 삭제
주소 https://sungyesa.com/new/m01/17074
지금은 한국말
으음.. 작성자 2006-01-22 (일) 02:13 18년전 수정 삭제
주소 https://sungyesa.com/new/m01/17075
북서아메리카에 어느병원이 있는지 어케 알어?--;;;; 강남도 뭐가 뭔지 모르는데;;; 집에서 하기도 뭐하고 학교에서 폰트 안되면 눈팅하세여..^^
-特美- 작성자 2006-01-21 (토) 00:25 18년전 수정 삭제
주소 https://sungyesa.com/new/m01/17076
성형외과는 한국이짱!
키오꾸 작성자 2006-01-20 (금) 19:19 18년전 수정 삭제
주소 https://sungyesa.com/new/m01/17077
Qkfpt 작성자 2006-01-20 (금) 19:17 18년전 수정 삭제
주소 https://sungyesa.com/new/m01/17078
ㅡ.,ㅡ; 영어로 미국싸이트 올리면 되겠네..왜 이런댜..
뷰티풀마인드 작성자 2006-01-20 (금) 10:34 18년전 수정 삭제
주소 https://sungyesa.com/new/m01/17079
북 아메리카의 성형 외과를 추천해달라니 이런 남감할데가....;;;
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