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총 게시물 25,290건, 최근 3 건
목록 글쓰기
Dr. 박진우
Dr.Park Jin Woo
성형외과 전문의
Plastic surgery
프로필 인사말
아직 등록된 프로필 인사말이 없습니다.
성형외과 전문의
대한의사협회 정회원
대한성형외과학회 정회원
대한미용성형외과학회 정회원
대한두개안면성형외과학회 정회원
대한창상학회 정회원
2020년 손위생 우수직원 수상
2021년 의무기록 충실작성 의사상
2022년 microsurgery workshop 수료

· Effectiveness of Aspiration in Treating Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device-Induced Pocket Hematoma and Characteristics of Patients with Pocket Hematoma- Journal of Wound Management and Research. (2022)
· Effect of Gentamycin Collagen Sponge on Wound Healing: In Vivo Study and Assessment of Its Effectiveness against Nosocomial Bacteria- Journal of Wound Management and Research. (2022)
· Influence of Drain Characteristics and Other Known Risk Factors on Surgical Site Infection Occurrence in Plastic Surgery Patients- Journal of Wound Management and Research. (2023)

· Basal cell nevus syndrome: A case report. Research & Reconstructive Forum (R&R Forum) (2020)
· Coexistence of malignant melanoma and basal cell carcinoma: A case report. Research & Reconstructive Forum (R&R Forum) (2020)
· Ectopic salivary gland on lower lip. The Ho-Youngnam Regional Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (2021)
· The effectiveness of Cardiac implantable electronic device(CIED) induced pocket hematoma treatment by aspiration. PRS Korea (2021)
· Effect of Gentamycin Collagen Sponge on Wound Healing: In Vivo Study and Assessment of Its Effectiveness against Nosocomial Bacteria. Research & Reconstructive Forum (R&R Forum) (2022)
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