SCI/SCIE 학술지 「 Neuroimage : Clinical 」 등 국내외 저명학술지 다수 게재 (17건)
미국수면학회 2017년 정기학술대회 「불면증 환자 대상 인지행동치료의 뇌MRI 기능연결성 분석」등 국내외 학술회의 다수 발표 (31회)
2017 대한수면의학회 추계학술대회 젊은 연구자상 등 다수 수상
2019 Hwang DK, Nam M, Lee YG (교신 저자). The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Schizophrenia Patients with Sleep Disturbance: A Nonrandomized, Assessor-Blind trial. Psychiatry Research 274, 182-188
2017 Lee YG (1저자), Kim S, Kim N, Choi JW, Park J, Kim SJ, Gwak AR, Lee YJ. Changes in Subcortical Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Patients with Psychophysiological Insomnia after Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Changes in Resting-state FC after CBT for Insomnia Patients. Neuroimage Clin. Oct 12;17:115-123
2017 Lee YG (1저자), Lee YJ, Jeong DU. Differential Effects of Obesity on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome according to Age. Psychiatry Investig. Sep;14(5):656-661
2017 Choi JB, Lee YG, Jeong DU. Transdermal Nicotine Patch Effects on EEG Power Spectra and Heart Rate Variability During Sleep of Healthy Male Adults. Psychiatry Investig. Jul;14(4):499-505
2016 Lee YJ, Kim JW, Lee YJ, Jeong DU. Sleep EEG Characteristics in Young and Elderly Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Psychiatry Investig. Mar;13(2):217-21
2016 Lee YJ (1저자), Jun JY,Lee YJ,Park J,Kim S,Lee SH,Yu SY,Kim SJ5.Insomnia in North Korean Refugees: Association with Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms. Psychiatry Investig. Jan;13(1):67-73
2015 Kim SJ, Kang SG, Cho IH, Lee YJ, Hong JP, Park J, Lee YJ. The Relationship between Poor Performance on Attention Tasks and Increased Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Nov;24(11):1361-8
2015 Jun JY, Lee YJ, Lee SH, Yoo SO, Song J, Kim SJ. Association between Defense Mechanisms and Psychiatric Symptoms in North Korean Refugees. Compr Psychiatry. Jan;56:179-87
2014 Hwang HS, Lee HJ, Yoon HN, Jung DW, Lee YJ, Lee YJ, Jeong DU, Park KS. Unconstrained Sleep Apnea Monitoring Using Polyvinylidene Fluoride Film-Based Sensor. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. Jul:61(7):2125-34
2014 Lee YJ (1저자) and Jeong DU. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Is Associated With Higher Diastolic Blood Pressure in Men but Not in Women. Am J Hypertens. Mar;27(3):325-30.
2014 Kim SJ, Lee YJ, Cho SJ, Lee YJ. Effect of quetiapine XR on depressive symptoms and sleep quality compared with lithium in patients with bipolar depression. J Affect Disord. . Mar;157:33-40
2014 Jung DW, Hwang SH, Yoon HN, Lee YGJ, Jeong DU, Park KS. Nocturnal Awakening and Sleep Efficiency Estimation Using Unobtrusively Measured Ballistocardiogram. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 61(1); 131-138
2013 Jung DW, Hwang SH, Chung GS, Lee YJ, Jeong DU, Park KS. Estimation of Sleep Onset Latency based on the Blood Pressure Regulatory Reflex Mechanism. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform, 17 (3); 539-544
2018 Kim SH, Nam M, Ha JH, Koh SH, YG Lee(교신저자). Analysis of Psychiatric Treatment Pattern of Outpatients from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds at Seoul Metropolitan Eunpyeong Hospital. J Soc Korean Women Psychiatr. Vol 16, No1
2017 Hwang DK, Nam M, Lee YG(교신저자). The Sleep Characteristics of Chronic Schizophrenia Patients with Insomnia in Community-based Mental Health Services. Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology 24(2):97-105
2009 Lee YJ (1저자), Jung HY, SI Lee, Kim SG, Park JH. Comparison on the Efficacy of Quetiapine Versus Haloperidol in the Treatment of Delirium: Prospective, Randomized Trial. Korean J Biol Psychiatry 16(1):15-24
2013 Lee JH, Jeong HS, Lim SM, Cho HB, Ma JY, Ko E, Im JJ, Lee SH, Bae S, Lee YJ, Lyoo IK, Jeong DU. Reliability and Validity of the Fatigue Severity Scale among University Student in South Korea. Korean J Biol Psychiatry 20: 6-11