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총 게시물 1,226건, 최근 0 건
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기
Dr. 유광하
Dr. Yoo Gwang Ha
국내 대표 COPD 연구 책임 연구원
2017 | 보건복지부장관 표창 (제114640호)
2013 | 보건복지부장관 표창 (제90661호)
2002 | 고려대학교 의과대학원 졸업 (의학박사)
1998 | 건국대학교 의과대학원 졸업 (의학석사)
1989 | 한양대학교 의과대 졸업 (의학사)
2016-현재 | 건국대학교병원 진료부원장
2001-현재 | 건국대학교병원 전임강사, 조교수, 부교수, 교수(현재)
2006 | Research fellow. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
2005 | Visiting Clinician. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
1999-2001 | 건국대학교병원 호흡기내과 전임의
1998-1999 | 연세대학교병원 호흡기내과 전임의
1994-1998 | 건국대학교병원 내과 전공의
2019-현재 | 대한 결핵 및 호흡기 학회 학술 이사
2016-현재 | 대한천식 알레르기 학회: 무임소이사
2015-현재 | 대한결핵 및 호흡기 학회 COPD 연구회: 부회장
2017-2018 | 대한결핵 및 호흡기 학회 간행 이사
2015-2016 | 대한결핵 및 호흡기 학회 부총무
2014-2015 | 대한천식 알레르기 학회: 홍보이사
2013-2014 | 대한천식 알레르기 학회: 섭외이사
공동-주저자. Burden of Respiratory Disease in Korea: An Observational Study on Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma, COPD, and Rhinosinusitis.  ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH. 2016.11.01.
공동-공동연구자. Effects of Educational Interventions for Chronic Airway Disease on Primary Care.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2016.07.01.
단독-교신저자. Strategies for Management of the Early Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2016.07.01.
공동-교신저자. Korean Asthma Guideline 2014: Summary of Major Updates to the Korean Asthma Guideline 2014.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2016.07.01.
공동-공동연구자. Characteristics of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at the First Visit to a Pulmonary Medical Center in Korea: The KOrea COpd Subgroup Study Team Cohort.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2016.04.01.
공동-공동연구자. Implications of Emphysema and Lung Function for the Development of Pneumonia in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2016.04.01.
공동-공동연구자. Gender Differences in Relations of Smoking Status, Depression, and Suicidality in Korea: Findings from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008–2012.  PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION. 2016.03.01.
공동-공동연구자. The Korean Cough Guideline:Recommendation and Summary Statement.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2016.01.01.
공동-공동연구자. A Case of Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia after Transarterial Chemoembolization for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2015.10.01.
단독-교신저자. Erratum: Disease burden of pneumonia in Korean adults aged over 50 years stratified by age and underlying diseases.  대한내과학회지. 2015.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. Role of Atypical Pathogens and the Antibiotic Prescription Pattern in Acute Bronchitis: A Multicenter Study in Korea.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2015.10.01.
단독. Smoking cessation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2015.02.01.
공동-공동연구자. 천식 진료지침 개정 방향과 핵심 내용.  전국규모학술지. 2015.01.01.
단독-교신저자. Disease burden of pneumonia in Korean adults aged over 50 years stratified by age and underlying diseases.  The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine. 2014.11.01.
공동-교신저자. Disease burden of pneumonia in Korean adults aged over 50 yr stratified by age and underlying diseases.  KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2014.11.01.
공동-공동연구자. Influence of Environmental Exposures on Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Korea.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2014.05.01.
단독. 만성기도질환에서의 흡입약물.  JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 2013.07.01.
공동-공동연구자. Use of Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study in Patients with Aspiration Pneumonia.  Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012.12.01.
단독. 경증천식 지료 중 기도과민성 검사의 필요성.  대한내과학회지. 2012.11.01.
공동-공동연구자. a Multicenter Study of Pertussis Infection in Adults with Coughing in Korea:PCR-Based Study.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2012.11.01.
단독-교신저자. 소아 천식과 잠복결핵 감염과의 연관성.  천식 및 알레르기. 2012.06.01.
공동-공동연구자. 아토피피부염 교육 프로그램을 통한 질병 인지도 변화.  천식 및 알레르기. 2012.03.01.
공동-공동연구자. 아토피피부염의 치료및 관리 실태.  천식 및 알레르기. 2012.03.01.
단독-교신저자. 친식환자 및 만성폐쇄성폐질호나 환자군에서 연간최대 호기유속의 변화랑.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2012.02.01.
단독-교신저자. Annual change of peak expiratory flow rate in asthma and COPD.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2012.01.01.
공동-주저자. Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Korea: The Result of Forth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2011.11.01.
단독. 천식과 감염질환: 천식이 감염질환에 미치는 임상적 영향.  천식 및 알레르기. 2011.09.01.
공동-교신저자. A Case of yellow nail syndrome:Misdiagnosis as congestive heart failure.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2011.08.01.
단독. 호흡기내과 의사를 위한 Respiratory Review of 2011.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2011.08.01.
공동-교신저자. 폐렴환자에서 진동공명영상검사(VRI)의 유용성.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2011.08.01.
단독. 일차 진료의의 흡입기구 사용 숙련도 현황.  천식 및 알레르기. 2011.07.13.
공동-공동연구자. 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환의 조기 진단과 관리.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2011.04.01.
공동-교신저자. 새로운 호흡기 장애 판정 기준의 제안.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2011.03.01.
공동-주저자. 국내 난치성 천식의 특징-파일럿 연구.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2010.12.15.
공동-공동연구자. 비소세포폐암에서 PNA-Mediated PCR Clamping을 이용한 EGFR 돌연변이 분석법.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2010.11.01.
공동-주저자. customized asthma control test with reflection of sociocultural differences.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2010.08.25.
공동-공동연구자. 폐결핵과 동반된파종성 피부 크립토콕쿠스증 1예.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2008.12.31.
단독. 성인 천식 환자에서 흡연에 따른 폐기능 및 임상적 특성.  천식 및 알레르기. 2008.12.26.
단독. 조기 COPD 환자의 치료.  대한내과학회지. 2008.10.24.
단독. 감염과 천식 발생에 관한 역학적 연구 가설.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2008.07.25.
공동-공동연구자. 복부 대동맥 가성동맥류와 급성 호흡곤란증후군으로 동시에 발현한 결핵.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2008.04.30.
단독. asthma.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2008.04.12.
공동-공동연구자. 비소세포폐암에서 DR5 TRAIL 수용체와 p53에 관한 면역조직화학적 분석.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2008.04.01.
공동-주저자. Easy Asthma Management 프로그램을 이용한 천식 치료 약물 처방 형태의 변화.  천식 및 알레르기. 2007.12.25.
공동-공동연구자. 상부 기관에 발생한 사구 종양 1예.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 2007.08.01.
공동-공동연구자. Pemetrexed/cisplatin 병합 2차 항암화학요법에 극적 반응을 보인 악성 흉막 중피종 1예.  Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases(결핵 및 호흡기질환). 2007.05.01.
공동-주저자. 일차 진료의의 천식 치료에 관한 인식 현황과 Easy Asthma Management 프로그램의 유용성 평가.  천식 및 알레르기. 2006.12.01.
공동-교신저자. 만성폐쇄성폐질환자의 급성악화와 효소면역검사법을 이용하여 진단한 Chlamydia pneumonia 감염.  건국 의과학 학술지. 2006.12.01.
공동-공동연구자. 페동맥 고혈압이 국소우심실 Strain에 미치는 영향.  Korean Circulation Journal. 2006.10.01.
공동-교신저자. 농흉을 동반한 Necrotizing Group A Streptococcus Pneumonia 1예.  건국 의과학 학술지. 2006.08.01.
공동-공동연구자. 기관지내 아스페르길루스종 1예.  결핵 및 호흡기질환. 2006.07.31.
공동-공동연구자. Recurrent acute pancreatitis in a patient withh type iib hyperlipoproteinemia:A case report and review of the literature in Korea.  YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL.. 2006.02.01.
단독. COPD 환자의 중증도 분류에서 FEV1과 PEFR의 연관성.  메디칼 리뷰. 2006.01.25.
공동-공동연구자. 외래 진료가 가능한 경증 천식 환자에서 1초간 노력성 호기량(FEV1)과 최대 호기유속(PEFR)간의 연관성.  대한결핵 및 호흡기학회. 2005.10.18.
공동-공동연구자. 혈당조절이 불량한 제2형 당뇨병환자에서 pinitol 투여가 당 대사 및 아디포사이토카인에 미치는 효과.  당뇨병. 2005.09.01.
공동-공동연구자. 당뇨병성 케톤산증으로 발현된 갑상선 기능항진증 1예 A case of hyperthyroiddism presented as diabetic ketoacidosis.  대한 내과 학회지. 2005.07.17.
공동-공동연구자. 일측성 비기능성 부신선종을 동반한 가성 쿠싱증후군 1예 A case of pseudo-cushing’s syndrome with unilateral nonfunctioning adrenal adenoma..  대한 내과 학회지. 2005.07.17.
공동-교신저자. 만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 중증도 분류시 FEV1과 PEFR의 연관성.  결핵 및 호흡기질환. 2005.05.01.
공동-공동연구자. 호산구 증가증과 연관된 무감정성 갑상선기능항진증 2예 Two cases of apathetic hyperthyroidism associated with peripheral eosinophilia.  대한 내분비 학회지. 2005.04.10.
공동-공동연구자. Plasma Adiponectin and Insulin Ressistance in Korean Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.  YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2005.02.10.
공동-공동연구자. 일측성 비기능성 부신선종을 동반한 가성쿠싱증후군1예.  대한내과학회지. 2005.02.01.
공동-공동연구자. Plasma adiponectin and insuin resistance in Korean type 2 DM.  Yonsei Medical Journal. 2005.02.01.
단독. 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환의 치료.  대한 내과 학회지. 2004.12.25.
공동-공동연구자. 한국 중년 남성에서인슐린 저항성과 관상 동맥질환과의 상관성.  건국의과학학술지. 2004.10.25.
공동-주저자. 천식 치료의 현황과 대책.  건국의과학학술지. 2004.10.25.
공동-공동연구자. 한국 중년 남성에서 인슐린 저항성과 관상동맥질환과의 상관성.  건국의과학학술지. 2004.09.01.
단독. 봄철에 유행하는 알레르기질환.  건강소식지 Healthy 광진. 2004.04.05.
단독. 만성폐쇄성 폐질환의 치료적 접근.  Diatreat. 2004.03.12.
공동-공동연구자. 속립성 결핵과 동반된 침생검으로 진단된 갑상선 결핵 1예.  대한내과학회지. 2003.11.02.
공동-교신저자. 항결핵제 치료시 발생하는부작용.  건국의과학학술지. 2003.10.25.
공동-공동연구자. 결핵성 흉수 환자에서 연령과 흉수 adenosine deaminase활성도와의 관련성.  결핵및 호홉기 질환. 2002.06.25.
공동-교신저자. 진폐증환자에서의 임파구분획 및 싸이토카인의 역활.  결핵및 호흡기 질환. 2002.03.25.
단독. 천식과 감염질환:천식이 감염질환에 미치는 임상적 영향.  천식 및 알레르기. 2001.09.01.
공동-주저자. 진폐증환자에서의 혈청학적 표지자의 변화.  결핵및 호흡기 학회지. 2001.05.25.
공동-주저자. 전격성 경과를 취한 만성 호산구성 폐렴 환자 1예.  건국의과학학술지. 2000.03.01.
공동-교신저자. 조직학적으로 증명된 결핵성 림프절염에 대한 임상적 고찰.  결핵 및 호흡기질환. 1999.12.25.
공동-주저자. 소세포 폐암에서의 위 전이 2예.  결핵 및 호흡기 질환. 1999.04.25.
공동-주저자. 진폐증 환자에서의 혈청 면역 글로불린의 변화.  결핵 및 호흡기 질환. 1999.04.25.
공동-교신저자. 폐 종괴로 발현한 원발성 폐림프종 치험 1예.  결핵 및 호흡기 질환. 1999.04.25.
공동-주저자. 폐암에 의한 Trousseau 증후군 치험 1예.  건국의과학학술지. 1999.03.01.
공동-공동연구자. 좌측 폐혀탈을 유발한 기관지 지방종 1예.  대한 내과 학회지. 1998.03.26.
공동-주저자. 폐쇄성 황달을 유발한 비기생충성 간낭종 1예.  대한소화기학회지. 1998.03.01.
공동-주저자. 십이지장 궤양 환자와 만성 위염 환자의 염증 분포의 차이 및 Hpylori 집락도와 염증도의 상관관계.  건국의과학학술지. 1998.03.01.
공동-주저자. Sezary증후군과 병발된 용혈성 빈혈 1예.  건국의과학학술지. 1997.03.01.
공동-공동연구자. 원발성 종격동 비정상피종성 생식 세포종 3예.  결핵 및 호흡기 질환. 1996.12.25.
공동-공동연구자. 신부전이 동반된 신실질의 Malakoplakia 1예.  대한내과학회지. 1996.06.25.
공동-주저자. 반복적 장폐쇄 증상을 보인 Crohn병 1예.  대한소화기내시경학회지. 1996.03.01.
You KH. Urinary desmosine is associated with emphysema severity and frequent exacerbation in patients with COPD.  Respirology. 2018 Feb;23(2):176-81..
You KH. History of pulmonary tuberculosis affects the severity and clinical outcomes of COPD.  Respirology. 2018 Jan;23(1):100-6.
You KH. Predicting treatable traits for long-acting bronchodilators in patients with stable COPD.  International Journal of COPD. 2017 Dec 12;12:3557-65.
You KH. Role of radiation therapy in primary central nervous system lymphoma : KROG 14-20 Collaborative Study of Brain and Lymphoma Committee.  Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2017 Sep;9(9):3208-14.
You KH. Different impacts of respiratory symptoms and comorbidities on COPD-specific health-related quality of life by COPD severity.  International Journal of COPD. 2017 Nov 13;12:3301-10.
You KH. Comparative study on medical utilization and costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with good lung function.  International Journal of COPD. 2017 Sep 11;12:2711-21.
You KH. Asthma-COPD Overlap Shows Favorable Clinical Outcomes Compared to Pure COPD in a Korean COPD Cohort.  Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research. 2017 Sep;9(5):431-7.
You KH. Kim IA. IL-32-induced Inflammatory Cytokines Are Selectively Suppressed by α1-antitrypsin in Mouse Bone Marrow Cells.  Immune Network. 2017 Apr;17(2):116-20.
You KH. Factors affecting satisfaction with education program for chronic airway disease in primary care settings.  Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2017 Jul;9(7):1911-8.
You KH. Comparison of World Health Organization and Asia-Pacific body mass index classifications in COPD patients.  International Journal of COPD. 2017 Aug 21;12:2465-75..
You KH. Clinical implications of blood eosinophil count in patients with non-asthma-COPD overlap syndrome COPD.  International Journal of COPD. 2017 Aug 17;12:2455-64.
Kim IA, Kim SJ, You KH, Lee KY, Koh HK, Kim HJ. Malignant tracheal necrosis and fistula formation following palliative chemoradiotherapy: a case report.  Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2017 May;9(5):E402-7.
공동-공동연구자. Socioeconomic impact of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma-COPD overlap syndrome.  Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2017 Jun;9(6):1547-56.
공동-공동연구자. Inhaled indacaterol for the treatment of COPD patients with destroyed lung by tuberculosis and moderate-to-severe airflow limitation: results from the randomized INFINITY study.  International Journal of COPD. 2017 May 29;12:1589-96.
공동-공동연구자. Factors associated with stage of change in smoker in relation to smoking cessation based on the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey II-V.  PLoS One. 2017 May 4;12(5):e0176294.
공동-공동연구자. Which bronchodilator reversibility criteria can predict severe acute exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients?Research.  Respiratory Research. 2017 May 30;18:107..
공동-공동연구자. Identification of subtypes in subjects with mild-to-moderate airflow limitation and its clinical and socioeconomic implications.  International Journal of COPD. 2017.04.12.
공동-공동연구자. Prevalence of chronic cough and possible causes in the general population based on the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  MEDICINE. 2016.07.01.
공동-공동연구자. Association of the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio with Lung Function and Exacerbations in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  PLOS ONE. 2016.06.01.
공동-공동연구자. Factors associated with exacerbation in mild-to-moderate COPD patients.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. 2016.06.01.
공동-공동연구자. Lower diffusing capacity with chronic bronchitis predicts higher risk of acute exacerbation in chronic obstructive lung disease.  JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE. 2016.06.01.
공동-교신저자. Impacts of coexisting bronchial asthma on severe exacerbations in mild-to-moderate COPD: results from a national database.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. 2016.04.01.
공동-공동연구자. Choice between Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes.  Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2016.03.01.
공동-주저자. Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with Rapid Decline in Exercise Capacity in Male Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  RESPIRATION. 2016.02.01.
공동-공동연구자. Efficacy and safety of aclidinium bromide in patients with COPD: A phase 3 randomized clinical trial in a Korean population.  RESPIROLOGY. 2015.11.01.
공동-공동연구자. Zabofloxacin versus moxifloxacin in patients with COPD exacerbation: a multicenter, double-blind, double-dummy, randomized, controlled, Phase III, non-inferiority trial.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. 2015.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. The Prognostic Value of Residual Volume/Total Lung Capacity in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2015.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. Effect of Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke on the Quality of Life: A Nationwide Population-Based Study from South Korea.  PLOS ONE. 2015.09.01.
공동-공동연구자. Clinical features of lung adenocarcinomas with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and miliary disseminated carcinomatosis.  THORACIC CANCER. 2015.09.01.
공동-공동연구자. Discrepancies between modifed MRC dyspnea soore and COPD assessment test score in patients.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. 2015.08.01.
공동-공동연구자. Association of plasma adipokines with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severity and progression.  Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2015.07.01.
공동-교신저자. Prevalence of Spirometrically-defined Restrictive Ventilatory Defect in Korea: The Fourth-2, 3, and Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2008-2012.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2015.06.01.
공동-공동연구자. Comparison of Clinical Efficacy and Safety between Indacaterol and Tiotropium in COPD: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.  PLOS ONE. 2015.03.01.
공동-공동연구자. The efficacy and safety of prone positioning in adults patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.  JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE. 2015.03.01.
공동-공동연구자. Three-month Treatment Response and Exacerbation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2015.01.01.
공동-공동연구자. Emphysematous phenotype is an independent predictor for frequent excerbation of COPD.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE. 2014.12.01.
공동-공동연구자. Long-acting anticholinergic agents in patients with uncontrolled asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE. 2014.12.01.
공동-주저자. Clinical features of lung adenocarcinomas with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and miliary disseminated carcinomatosis.  THORACIC CANCERTHORACIC CANCER. 2014.11.01.
단독-주저자. Asthma Status and Waning of Measles Antibody Concentrations after Measles Immunization.  PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL. 2014.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. Epidemiological aspects of pertussis among adults and adolesents in a Korean outpatietns setting: a multicenter PCR-based study.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2014.09.01.
공동-공동연구자. Comparison of Korean COPD Guideline and GOLD Initiative Report in Term of Acute Exacerbation: A Validation Study for Korean COPD Guideline.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2014.08.01.
공동-공동연구자. Health care use and economic burden of patients with diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Korea.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE. 2014.06.01.
공동-공동연구자. Medical Utilization and Cost in Patients with Overlap Syndrome of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma.  COPD-JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. 2014.04.01.
공동-공동연구자. The associatin between influenza treatment and hospitalization-associated outcomes among Krean children with laboratory-confirmed influenza.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2014.02.01.
공동-공동연구자. The association between inhaled long-acting bronchodilators and less in-hospital care in newly-diagnosed COPD patients.  RESPIRATORY MEDICINE. 2014.01.01.
공동-공동연구자. The health care burden of high grade chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Korea: analysis of the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service data.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. 2013.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. Comparison of Levofloxacin versus Moxifloxacin for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis.  AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2013.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. Mortality of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Korea: Assessed with the Pneumonia Severity Index and the CURB-65 Score.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2013.09.01.
공동-공동연구자. Asthma and risk of selective IgA deficiency of CVI: A population based case control study.  MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS. 2013.08.01.
공동-공동연구자. Association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease: a national cross-sectional cohort study.  BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2013.08.01.
공동-공동연구자. Characteristics of Children with Asthma Who Achieved Remission of Asthma.  JOURNAL OF ASTHMA. 2013.06.01.
단독-주저자. Economic Burden and Epidemiology of Pneumonia in Korean Adults Aged over 50 Years.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2013.06.01.
공동-공동연구자. A possible role for CD8(+) and non-CD8(+) cell granzyme B in early small airway wall remodelling in centrilobular emphysema.  RESPIROLOGY. 2013.05.01.
공동-공동연구자. Clinical investigation of EGFR mutation detection by pyrosequencing in lung cancer patients.  ONCOLOGY LETTERS. 2013.01.01.
공동-공동연구자. Clinical characteristics of patients with tuberculosis-destroyed lung.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE. 2013.01.01.
공동-공동연구자. Poor correlation between tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma assays in close contacts of patients with multidrug-resistant tubercuosis.  RESPIROLOGY. 2012.07.01.
공동-공동연구자. Assessment of the association between atopic conditions and tympanostomy tube placement in children.  ALLERGY AND ASTHMA PROCEEDINGS. 2012.05.01.
공동-주저자. Prevalence of COPD in Korea: the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2008.  RESPIROLOGY. 2011.05.01.
공동-주저자. Assessment of humoral and cell-mediated immune response to measles-mumps-rubella vaccine viruses among patients with asthma.  ALLERGY AND ASTHMA PROCEEDINGS. 2010.12.01.
공동-공동연구자. Increased risk of serious pneumococcal disease in patients with atopic conditions other than asthma.  JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2010.01.21.
공동-공동연구자. Increased risk of serious pneumococcal disease in patients with atopic conditions other than asthma.  JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2008.09.16.
공동-주저자. Increased risk of serious pneumococcal disease in patients with atopic conditions other than asthma.  JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2007.12.25.
공동-주저자. The impact of electronic medical records on timeliness of diagnosis of asthma.  JOURNAL OF ASTHMA. 2007.10.25.
공동-공동연구자. Easy diagnosis of asthma: Computer-assisted, symptom-based diagnosis.  JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2007.10.01.
공동-공동연구자. Effect of pinitol on glucose metabolism and adipocytokines in uncontrolled type 2 diabetes.  DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE. 2007.04.25.
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