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총 게시물 1,226건, 최근 0 건
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기
Dr. 송시열
Dr. Song Si Yeol
전화예약만 가능
1991 .03 ~ 1997 .02 서울대학교  의학 학사
2002 .03 ~ 2004 .02 울산대학교  의학 석사
2004 .03 ~ 2006 .02 울산대학교  의학 박사
1997 .03 ~ 1998 .02 서울대학교병원, 인턴(수련의)
2002 .03 ~ 2006 .02 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과, 레지던트(전공의)
2006 .03 ~ 2008 .02 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과, 임상강사
2008 .03 ~ 2013 .03 울산의대, 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과, 조교수
2009 .03 ~ 2010 .06 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과, 의국장
2010 .08 ~ 2011 .07 미국, Stanford University, 교환교수
2013 .04 ~ 2019 .02 울산의대, 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과, 부교수
2014 .07 ~ 2018 .08 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과 의국장
2019 .03 ~ 현재 울산의대, 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과, 교수
2020 .09 ~ 현재 울산의대, 서울아산병원 방사선종양학과 임상과장, 주임교수
Establishment of a Patient-derived Xenograft for Development of Personalized HER2-targeting Therapy in Gastric Cancer.
Evaluation of delivered dose to a moving target by 4D dose reconstruction in gated volumetric modulated arc therapy
Feasible Optimization of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Dose by Tumor Size for Stage I Non-small-cell Lung Cancer.
A 10-year clinical outcome of radiotherapy as an adjuvant or definitive treatment for primary tracheal adenoid cystic carcinoma.
A strategy for actualization of active targeting nanomedicine practically functioning in a living body.
Feasibility of Postoperative Radiotherapy Using Conventional Fractionation for Lymph Node Metastasis from Cutaneous Melanoma.
Refining prognostic stratification of human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: different prognosis between T1 and T2.
Role of fractionated radiotherapy in patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus.
Application of peptide displaying phage as a novel diagnostic probe for human lung adenocarcinoma.
Improving Delivery Accuracy of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy to a Moving Tumor Using Simplified Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy
Polymeric nanoparticle-docetaxel for the treatment of advanced solid tumors: phase I clinical trial and preclinical data from an orthotopic pancreatic cancer model.
Postoperative Radiotherapy After Limb-sparing Surgery for Soft-tissue Sarcomas of the Distal Extremities.
Survey of the Patterns of Using Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Korea.
Clinical efficacy of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for lung metastases arising from colorectal cancer.
Clinical outcome of fiducial-less CyberKnife radiosurgery for stage I non-small cell lung cancer.
Definitive radiotherapy alone over 60 Gy for patients unfit for combined treatment to stage II-III non-small cell lung cancer: retrospective analysis.
Definitive radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy for clinical stage T4N0-1 non-small cell lung cancer.
Development of new on-line statistical program for the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology.
Direct Plan Comparison of RapidArc and CyberKnife for Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
Multifunctional hollow gold nanoparticles designed for triple combination therapy and CT imaging.
Nanoparticulated docetaxel exerts enhanced anticancer efficacy and overcomes existing limitations of traditional drugs.
Prognostic Significance of the Number of Metastatic pN2 Lymph Nodes in Stage IIIA-N2 Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Curative Resection.
Variation in Practice Patterns of Korean Radiation Oncologists for Spine Metastasis between 2009 and 2014.
Verification of Accuracy of CyberKnife Tumor-tracking Radiation Therapy Using Patient-specific Lung Phantoms.
폐암 정위체부방사선치료 시 고정기구(frame) 사용 유무에 따른 셋업 정확성 평가
A cisplatin?incorporated liposome that targets the epidermal growth factor receptor enhances radiotherapeutic efficacy without nephrotoxicity.
A dosimetric comparison of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and non-coplanar intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer.
Effects of total body irradiation-based conditioning on allogeneic stem cell transplantation for pediatric acute leukemia: a single-institution study.
Ibulocydine sensitizes human cancers to radiotherapy by induction of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis.
Novel peptides functionally targeting in vivo human lung cancer discovered by in vivo peptide displayed phage screening.
Postoperative radiation therapy following the incomplete resection of a non-small cell lung cancer.
폐암 SBRT에서 호흡동조 VMAT의 정확성 분석을 위한 새로운 4D 팬텀 모델 개발
Radiation-induced liver disease after stereotactic body radiotherapy for small hepatocellular carcinoma: clinical and dose-volumetric parameters.
Clinical prognostic factors and grading system for rib fracture following stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in patients with peripheral lung tumors.
Diagnostic Value of Neck Node Status Using 18F-FDG PET for Salivary Duct Carcinoma of the Major Salivary Glands
Enhancement of Radiotherapeutic Efficacy by Paclitaxel-Loaded pH-Sensitive Block Copolymer Micelles
Immunocytes as a biocarrier to deliver therapeutic and imaging contrast agents to tumors
Intracytoplasmic epidermal growth factor receptor shows poor response to the cetuximab antitumor effect in irradiated non-small cell lung cancer cell lines
Liver motion during cone beam computed tomography guided stereotactic body radiation therapy
Low-dose external beam radiotherapy as a postoperative treatment for patients with diffuse pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee: 4 recurrences in 23 patients followed for mean 9 years.
Polymeric nanoparticles containing taxanes enhance chemoradiotherapeutic efficacy in non-small cell lung cancer
Postoperative radiotherapy for ependymoma.
Preclinical evaluation of injectable sirolimus formulated with polymeric nanoparticle for cancer therapy
Prognostic value of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma with pathologically positive neck lymph node
Treatment results of post-operative radiotherapy in patients with salivary duct carcinoma of the major salivary glands
Use of macrophages to deliver therapeutic and imaging contrast agents to tumors
Identification of Induced-Radioactivity in Medical LINAC Using a NaI(Tl)-Crystal Detector
Prognosis of Esophageal Cancer Patients with Pathologic Complete Response After Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy.
Prognosis of esophageal cancer patients with pathologic complete response after preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy.
Treatment outcome of postoperative radiotherapy for retroperitoneal sarcoma.
Clinical significance of NQO1 C609T polymorphisms after postoperative radiation therapy in completely resected non-small cell lung cancer.
Postoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer.
Probabilities of pulmonary and cardiac complications and radiographic paramenters in breast cancer radiotherapy
Radiotherapy for Esthesioneuroblastoma: Is Elective Nodal Irradiation Warranted in the Multimodality Treatment Approach?
Usefulness of Interim FDG-PET after Induction Chemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Receiving Sequential Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy.
A comparison of dose distributions of HDR intracavitary brachytherapy using different sources and treatment planning systems
A treatment planning study on glioblastoma with different techniques using boron neutron capture therapy, 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, and intensity modulated radiotherapy
Fractionated stereotactic body radiation therapy for medically inoperable stage I lung cancer adjacent to central large bronchus.
Systemic delivery and preclinical evaluation of Au nonparticle containing β-lapachone for radiosensitization
Systemic delivery and preclinical evaluation of Aunanoparticle containing beta-lapachone for radiosensitization.
Therapeutic effect of Recombinant human epidermal growth factor(RhEGF) on mucositis in patients undergoing radiotherapy, with or without chemotherapy, for head and Neck cancer
고선량률 강내 근접치료에 사용되는 Ir-192 선원과 치료계획 시스템간의 계산선량 비교
편도암에 대한 세기조절방사선치료의 예비적 결과
진행된 하인두암에서 유도항암화학요법 후 방사선치료의 결과
Assessment of Respiratory Tumor Movement using 4D Computed Tomography for Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Lung Tumor
Strategy of Respiratory Gated Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer Patient in Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Phantom Study
Clinical results of stereotactic body frame based fractionated radiation therapy for primary or metastatic thoracic tumors
4D CT for Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Lung Cancer - A case report-
FDG-PET in the prediction of pathologic response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced, resectable esophageal cancer
Low-dose, Whole-lung Radiotherapy for Pulmonary Extra-medullary Hematompoiesis -A case report-
비인강암에서 방사선치료의 예측인자로써 Ku70 발현의 의의
비인강암에서 방사선치료의 예측인자로써 Ku70 발현의 의의
Change of FDG Uptake According to Radiation Dose on Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Clinical Results of Stereotactic Body Fram Based Fractionated Radiosurgery for Primary or Metastatic Thoracic Tumors
두경부 편평상피세포암종에서 18FDG-PET을 이용한 방사선치료 반응 평가
T1NO 성문암의 방사선치료관련 예후 인자 분석
비인강암의 세기조절방사선치료기술을 이용한 동시차등조사가속치료의 예비성적
TINO 성문암의 방사선치료관련 예후 인자 분석
비인강암의 세기조절 방사선치료기술을 이용한 동시차등 조사 가속치료의 예비성적
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가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원

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