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Dr. 백정흠
Dr. Baek Jeong Heum
대장암 최소침습수술 활발히 연구
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2013 가천대학교 가천학술상 수상
2015 대한종양외과학회 국제학술대회 SISSO2015 Outstanding Poster Award 수상
2019 대한종양외과학회 국제학술대회 SISSO2019 Outstanding Poster Award 수상
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2003 - 현재 현 가천의대길병원 외과, 대장항문클리닉 교수
2018.8 - 현재 현 가천대 길병원 인공지능센터장
2014. 3 - 현재 현 대한종양외과학회 상임이사
2018.3 - 현재 현 대한내시경복강경외과학회 상임이사
현 대한로봇대장수술 연구회 실무위원
현 복강경대장수술연구회 실무위원
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현 대한외과학회 논문심사위원
2012.9 - 2016 가천대 길병원 국제의료센터장
2013. 4 - 2015 대한대장항문학회 상임이사
2010. 3 - 2014.3 대한임상종양학회 총무이사
2009. 7 - 2013.7 경인 대장항문학 포럼 회장
2011.3 - 2013.12 가천대 의학전문대학원, 임상수기센터장
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대한대장항문학회 학술이사
미국 Cleveland Clinic Foundation 대장항문과, 최소침습수술센터 연구원
미국 City of Hope National Medical Center, 종양외과 및 로봇수술센터, 교환교수
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아시아태평양대장항문학회 정회원 (APFCP)
미국소화기내시경외과학회 정회원 (SAGES)
아시아내시경복강경외과학회 정회원 (ELSA)
1993 대한대장항문학회지 9:9-18 다발성 대장용종증의 임상적 고찰.
1994 대한외과학회지 46:430-441 소아의 난소종양.
1994 대한암학회지 26:208-218 원발성 위장관 임파종의 분석과 예후인자.
1996 대한외과학회지 50:553-560 지속성 외래 복막투석과 혈액투석의 예후에 관한 비교분석.
1996 대한외상학회지 9:64-71 외상성 비장손상.
1999년 한양대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 쥐의 피하에 동종 이식된 대장암에서 Ad5CMV-p53 유전자 치료.
2000 대한외과학회지 58(2):259-264 복강경 담낭절제술의 임상적 고찰.
2003 대한혈관외과학회지 19(1):27-31
2003 대한대장항문학회지 19(6):349-353 급성 말초 동맥 폐색증의 치료. 10) 백정흠, 윤상진, 오재환: 푸르니에괴저의 외과적 치료.
2004 대한대장항문학회지 20(1):8-14 복강경하 대장절제술의 조기 결과.
2004 한국유방암학회지 7(1):49-54 유방암의 수신자판단특성곡선 분석에 의한 정량적 Tc-99m Tetrofosmin Scintimammography의 진단적정확도.
2004 대한혈관외과학회지 20(1):83-87 주요 혈관 손상에 대한 치료.
2004 가천의학 4권 1호 항암화학요법시에 발생하는 오심과 구토.
2004 Oncology 66:353-357 First-Line Chemotherapy with Irinotecan plus Capecitabine for Advanced Colorectal Cancer.
2004 J Korean Med Sci 19(6): In vivo recombinant adenovirus-mediated p53 gene therapy in a syngeneic rat model for colorectal cancer.
2004 대한대장항문학회 총서 13장:206-220 Supportive care for patients receiving chemotherapy.
2005 대한대장항문학회지 S1- S47 복강경대장수술연구회 백서.
2005 대한외과학회지 310- 314 40세 미만 대장암 환자의 생존율.
2005 대한대장항문학회지 220- 224 결장 및 직장 점액암의 근치적 절제술 후 생존율.
2005 Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 531- 535 Oxaliplatin, Folinic acid and 5-FU(FOLFOX4) combination chemotherapy as second-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer patients with irinotecan failure: A Korean single-center experience.
2007 대한외과학회지 72:157-161 충수돌기에 발생한 점액낭종.
2007 대한외과학회지. 73:42-47 수돌기 종양의 임상적 치험.
2007 Tumori 93:106-108 Perivascular epithelial cell tumor (PECOMA) in the transverse colon of an adolescent: A case report.
2007 대한내시경복r강경외과학회 10(1):28-33 직장암 환자에서 수술 전 신보강 방사선화학요법 후 복강경수술과 개복수술의 비교.
2008 Jpn J Clin Oncol. Feb;38(2):112 ~ 21 Chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery in rectal cancer: improved local control using a moderately high pelvic radiation dose.
2008 대한대장항문학회. Oct;24(5):373-379 근치적절제술을 받은 대장암환자에서 복강경수술과 개복수술의 중기 결과.
2009 Websurg.com Totally robotic low anterior resection (RLAR) with transanal specimen extraction and single stapling technique.
2009 Websurg.com Totally laparoscopic right hemicolectomy with transvaginal specimen extraction.
2009 J Korean Soc Vasc Surg. Nov;25(2):160-162 Multiple Aneurysms of the Radial Artery: a Case Report.
2009 Yonsei Med J 50(4): 555-559 Clinical Features of Abdominopelvic Actinomycosis: Report of Twenty Cases and Literature Review.
2009 Seminars of Colon and Rectal Surgery.:20:190-4 Complications of Robotic Total Mesorectal Excision.
2009 JKSVS 25(2): 160-2 Multiple Aneurysms of the Radial Artery: a Case Report
2010 Langenbecks Arch Surg. : 395:359–364 2009 Multiple primary malignancies involving colorectal cancer-clinical characteristics and prognosis with reference to surveillance.
2010 Annals of Surgery 251:882-6 Oncologic outcomes of robotic-assisted total mesorectal excision for the treatment of rectal cancer.
2010 Disease of the Colon and Rectum :53:5:721-7 Validation of risk index category as a predictor of surgical site infection in colorectal patients.
2010 Annals of Surgical Oncology DOI 10.1245/s10434-010-0909-3 Multicentric study on robotic tumor specific mesorectal excision for the treatment of rectal cancer.
2010 Journal of Women’s Medicine Vol. 3 No. 4 Synchronous occurrence of ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma and gastric schwannoma mimicking metastasis from ovarian cancer
2010 Surg Oncol. Nov 18. The prognostic significant of percentage drop in serum CEA post curative resection for colon cancer.
2010 JKSVS 26(1): 43-7 Acute Abdominal Aortic Dissection after Blunt Trauma: Report of 2 Cases
2010 JKSVS 26(1): 61-3 Saphena Varix Mimicking Femoral Hernia
2010 Interst Res 8(2)172-6 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rectum: Report of Two Cases
2010 J Korean Surg Soc 78:51-4 Clinical Feature of Iatrogenic Fistulas between Prosthetic Graft and Native Vein in CRF Patients
2011 Int J Colorectal Dis. May;26(5):617-21 A retrospective clinicopathological analysis of appendiceal tumors from 3,744 appendectomies: a single institution study.
2011 Int J Surg Pathol. Apr;19(2):145-51 Mutations in K ras and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression in Korean Patients With Stages III and IV Colorectal Cancer.
Int J Surg Pathol. Apr;19(2):145-51.
2011 Surg Endosc. Sep;25(9):2967-71 Oncological outcomes of laparoscopic colon resection for cancer after implementation of a full-time preceptorship. .
2011 Surgical Endoscopy Feb;25(2):521-5 Robotic and laparoscopic total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer: A case-matched study.
2012 Am J Surg. Jan 19. [Epub ahead of print] The outcome after stent placement or surgery as the initial treatment for obstructive primary tumor in patients with stage IVU colon cancer.
2012 Clin Imaging. Jan-Feb;36(1):14-8 Pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer: imaging findings and growth rates at follow-up CT.
2012 Int J Clin Oncol. Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print] Neoadjuvant treatment of mid to lower rectal cancer with oxaliplatin plus 5 fluorouracil and leucovorin in combination with radiotherapy: a Korean single center phase II study.
2012 Surg Endosc. 26:2471~6 Robot assisted total mesorectal excision: is there a learning curve?
2012 Ann Surg Oncol. Aug;19(8):2494-9 Short-term Results and Long-term Oncologic Outcomes between Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy and Adjuvant Postoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Rectal Cancer: A Case matched Study.
2013 Ann Surg Oncol. Feb;20(2):697-702 Clinical impact of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes for survival in curatively resected stage IV colon cancer with isolated liver or lung metastasis.
2013 Int J Surg. ;11(6):442-6 Comparison of short-term outcomes after elective surgery following endoscopic stent insertion and emergency surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer.
2013 Ann Surg. Feb;257(2):214-8 Single port laparoscopic appendectomy versus conventional laparoscopic appendectomy: a prospective randomized controlled study.
2013 Arch Gynecol Obstet. Feb;287(2):301-5 Clinical manifestations of abdominal wall endometriosis: a single center experience.
2013 Int J Colorectal Dis. Feb;28(2):191-6 The association of hospital volume with rectal cancer surgery outcomes.
2013 Int J Clin Oncol. Apr;18(2):260-6 Neoadjuvant treatment of mid-to-lower rectal cancer with oxaliplatin plus 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin in combination with radiotherapy: a Korean single center phase II study.
2013 Surg Res. Jun 1;182(1):49-54 Prognostic value of circulating cytokines for stage III colon cancer.
2013 Radiat Oncol. Aug 19;8(1):202 What does absence of lymph node in resected specimen mean after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for rectal cancer.
2013 Surg Today. Sep;43(9):995-1002 Direct comparison of Seprafilm® versus Adept ® versus no additive for reducing the risk of small-bowel obstruction in colorectal cancer surgery.
2013 Korean J Crit Care Med 28(2): 101-7 The Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Patients with Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis Admitted to the Medical Intensive Care Unit
2014 Cancer Med.Jun;3(3):674-80. Comparison of HER2 expression between primary colorectal cancer and their corresponding metastases.
2014 Biochem Pharmacol. Nov 1;92(1):142-8. Docosahexaenoic acid inhibits insulin-induced activation of sterol regulatory-element binding protein 1 and cyclooxygenase-2 expression through upregulation of SIRT1 in human colon epithelial cells.
2014 Ann Surg Treat Res. 2014 Sep;87(3):139-43. Comparison of the surgical outcomes of laparoscopic versus open surgery for colon perforation during colonoscopy.
2014 World J Gastroenterol.Sep 7;20(33):11826-34. Surgical failure after colonic stenting as a bridge to surgery.
2015 Ann Surg Treat Res. Jan;88(1):8-14 Comparison of long term oncologic outcomes of stage III colorectal cancer following laparoscopic versus open surgery.
2015 Korean JCO 11(1):24-7 Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumor in the lower rectum
2015 Ann Colorproct 31(3):98-102 Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors Associated With the Nonreversal Ileostomy Following Sphincter-Preserving Surgery for Rectal Cancer
2015 Clin Transl Oncol Sep;17(9):751-6 RAS status in Korean patients with stage III and IV colorectal cancer.
2015 Current Proteomics, 12, 210-216 Use of High-Throughput Trypsin Digestion in Proteomic Studies.
2015 Eur Surg 47:337–340 Factors affecting the difficulty of laparoscopic total mesorectal excision for mid- to lower rectal cancer.
2016 Trials. Jan 19;17:34 The role of primary tumor resection in colorectal cancer patients with asymptomatic, synchronous unresectable metastasis: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
2016 J Pathol Transl Med. May;50(3):231-7 . Rare Case of Anal
Canal Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Associated with Perianal and Vulvar Pagetoid Spread.
2016 Current Proteomics, 13, 55-60 An Automated High Throughput Sample Preparation Protocol for LC-MS/MS Analysis of Glycopeptides.
2017 Surgical Practice 21 (2), 58-62 Clinical and pathological evaluation of patients with prostate and colorectal cancer five or more years after curative resection.
2017 Surgical Practice 21 (4), 155-160 . Prophylactic Perihepatic Lymphadenectomy in Patients with Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastasis: A prospective preliminary study.
2017, Journal of Clinical Oncology 35 (15_suppl), e18204-e18204 Use of a cognitive computing system for treatment
of colon and gastric cancer in South Korea.
2017 Journal of Clinical Oncology 35 (15_suppl), e15047-e15047 The effect of postoperative chemotherapy and prognostic factors for colorectal cancer liver: Only metastasis (CRLM) after R0 or R1 resection.
2017 JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2, 1-8 . Assessing Concordance With Watson for Oncology, a Cognitive Computing Decision Support System for Colon Cancer Treatment in Korea
2018 Cancer letters Curcumin suppresses oncogenicity of human colon cancer cells by covalently modifying the cysteine 67 residue of SIRT1.
2018, Annals of surgical oncology 1-3 Global Forum of Cancer Surgeons: A Steady Voice for Cancer Surgeons to Improve Surgical Care for Cancer Patients Globally.
2018, Annals of coloproctology 34 (3), 144 Impact of adjuvant therapy type on survival in stage II/III rectal cancer without preoperative chemoradiation: a Korean multicenter retrospective study.
2018, Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology 14 (1), 53-57 Metastatic colon cancer of an ovarian cancer origin mimicking primary colon cancer.
2018 Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology 14 (1), 37-42 Long-term oncologic outcomes in pathologic tumor response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer.
2018, Biochemical pharmacology 153, 282-291 Leptin induces SIRT1 expression through activation of NF-E2-related factor 2: Implications for obesity-associated colon carcinogenesis.
2018, Surgical endoscopy, 1-7 Autologous blood, a novel agent for preoperative colonic localization: a safety and efficacy comparison study.
2019 Ann Surg Treat Res. 2019 Oct;97(4):184-193. doi: 10.4174/astr.2019.97.4.184. Epub 2019 Oct Which strategy is better for resectable synchronous liver metastasis from colorectal cancer, simultaneous surgery, or staged surgery? Multicenter retrospective analysis.
2019 PLoS One. 2019 Mar 25;14(3):e0213640. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213640. eCollection 2019. Early experience with Watson for oncology in Korean patients with colorectal cancer.
2019 Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Feb 3;2019:8072928. doi: 10.1155/2019/8072928. eCollection 2019 Concordance Rate between Clinicians and Watson for Oncology among Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer: Early, Real-World Experience in Korea..
2019 AAPS PharmSciTech. 2019 Jan 23;20(2):88. doi: 10.1208/s12249-019-1295-1. In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Bioavailability of Ginsenoside-Modified Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Containing Curcumin.
2019 JCO Clin Cancer Inform. 2018 Dec;2:1-8. doi: 10.1200/CCI.17.00109. Assessing Concordance With Watson for Oncology, a Cognitive Computing Decision Support System for Colon Cancer Treatment in Korea.
2019 Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Feb 15;25(4):1415-1429. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-1232. Epub 2018 Nov 16. Inhibition of LEF1-Mediated DCLK1 by Niclosamide Attenuates Colorectal Cancer Stemness.
2019 Dig Surg. 2019;36(6):509-513. doi: 10.1159/000494297. Epub 2018 Nov 8. Risk Factors for Recurrence of Right Colonic Diverticulitis.
2019 Anticancer Res. 2018 Aug;38(8):4667-4676. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12772. Investigation into Enhancing Capecitabine Efficacy in Colorectal Cancer by Inhibiting Focal Adhesion Kinase Signaling.
2019 Surg Endosc. 2019 Apr;33(4):1080-1086. doi: 10.1007/s00464-018-6358-y. Epub 2018 Jul 12. Autologous blood, a novel agent for preoperative colonic localization: a safety and efficacy comparison study.
상세정보 펼쳐보기
복강경 대장수술- Atlas of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery - 대한대장항문학회 복강경대장수술연구회 (2009)
대장암의 항암요법 초판(2004) 및 개정판(2010) - 대한대장항문학회 항암요법연구회
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