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이전글  다음글  검색목록 목록 글쓰기
Dr. 한호성
Dr. Han Ho Seong
국내 최초 복강경 간절제술 성공
1984 서울대학교 의학과 졸업
1988 서울대학교 의과대학 석사
1993 서울대학교 의학박사 수료
1989 서울대학교병원 외과 전공의 수료 및 외과 전문의
1989 - 1993 경상대학교 병원 조교수
1993 - 2003 이화여자대학교 목동병원 조교수, 부교수, 외과 과장
2004 - 2012 분당서울대학교병원 외과과장
2004 - 2009 중환자 진료부장
2009 - 2011 특수검사부장
2011 - 2016 암·뇌신경진료부 암센터장
2013 - 2016 분당서울대학교병원 암-뇌신경진료부원장
2019 - 현재 국군수도병원장
대한민국의학한림원 정회원
복강경 간절제술 연구회 회장
한국 췌장 외과 연구회 회장
한국간담췌외과학회 섭외위원장 역임
대한 복강경 내시경학회 학술위원장 역임 및 현 국제위원장
한국 정맥경장 영양학회 학술위원장
대한 외과 대사영양학회학술위원장 역임 및 부회장
대한 외상학회 부회장
IASGO : Memebr of Advisory Comitttee
Co-chairman of medical working group in APAN
International Postgraduate Course of Laparoscopic Surgery, Annually Organizing Committee: President
IAP(International Association of Pancreatology) 2013 Organizing Committee: Secretary General
AOPA(Asia-Oceanic Pancreatic Association) 2011 Organizing Committee; treasurer
ELSA(Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia) 2006 Organizing Committee: Treasurer & Secretary
Hepatogastroenterology : Associate Editor
JHBPS(Journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreas Science) Editor
Elsevier Medical Case Reports : Editor of Gastroenterology Part
Annals of Surgical Oncology : Scientific Advisory Board (Asian Pacific Region)
세계적으로 최초로 복강경 간절제술에 대한 기준을 확립하였고, 한국에서는 대표로 참석하여 기준을 확립하는데 기여하였고이러한 내용이 외과분야의 최고권위의 Annals of Surgery 2009년도에 실림
세계 최초로 간내 결석의 복강경적 치료에 대한 내용이 Annals of Surgery 2009년도에 실림
담낭암에 있어서 수술전 염증이 예후인자임을 알린 첫번째 논문이British journal of surgery 2011년도에 실림
Is preoperative subclassification of type I choledochal cyst necessary? Jung K, Han HS, Cho JY, Yoon YS, Hwang DW. Korean J Radiol. 2012 Jan;13 Suppl 1:S112-6.
Laparoscopic approach for treatment of multiple hepatocellular carcinomas. Yoon YS, Han HS, Cho JY, Yoon CJ, Kim JH. Surg Endosc. 2012 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Preoperative Cholangitis and Metastatic Lymph Node Have a Negative Impact on Survival After Resection of Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer. Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Hwang DW, Jung K, Kim JH, Kwon Y, Kim H. World J Surg. 2012 Apr 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Postoperative Prognostic Predictors of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Clinical Analysis and Immunoprofile on Tissue Microarrays. Park JK, Kim MA, Ryu JK, Yoon YB, Kim SW, Han HS, Kang GH, Kim H, Hwang JH, Kim YT. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Breast cancer resistance protein expression is associated with early recurrence and decreased survival in resectable pancreatic cancer patients. Lee SH, Kim H, Hwang JH, Lee HS, Cho JY, Yoon YS, Han HS. Pathol Int. 2012 Mar;62(3):167-75
Hwang DW, Jang JY, Lim CS, Lee SE, Yoon YS, Ahn YJ, Han HS, Kim SW, Kim SG, Yun YK, Han SS, Park SJ, Lim TJ, Kang KJ, Sim MS, Choi SH, Heo JS, Choi DW, Hur KY, Lee DS, Yun SS, Kim HJ, Cho CK, Kim HJ, Yu HC, Cho BH, Song IS. Determination of malignant and invasive predictors in branch duct type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas: a suggested scoring formula. J Korean Med Sci. 2011 Jun;26(6):740-6
Ahn KS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY, Kim JH. Laparoscopic liver resection in patients with a history of upper abdominal surgery. World J Surg. 2011 Jun;35(6):1333-9.
Ahn KS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY, Kim JH. Laparoscopic anatomical S5 segmentectomy by the Glissonian approach J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2011 May;21(4):345-8
Hur S, Yoon CJ, Kang SG, Dixon R, Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY. Transcatheter arterial embolization of gastroduodenal artery stump pseudoaneurysms after ancreaticoduodenectomy: safety and efficacy of two embolization techniques. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2011 Mar;22(3):294-301
Ahn KS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY. Laparoscopic anatomic S4 segmentectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2011 21(4) e183-6
Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Ahn KS, Lee SH, Hwang JH. Hepatobliary scan for assessing disease severity in patients with cholelithiasis. Arch Surg 2011:146(2):169-74
Ahn KS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Kim HH, LeeTS, Kang SB, Cho JY. Laparoscopic Resection of nonadrenal retroperitoneal tumors. Arch Surg 2011:146(2):162-7
Kim JW, Lee SH, Jeong SH, Kim H, Ahn KS, Cho JY, Yoon YS, Han HS Increased urinary lipocalin-2 reflects matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in chronic hepatitis C with hepatic fibrosis. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2010;222(4):319-27.
Han HS, Cho JY, Yoon YS, Ahn KS, Kim H. Preoperative inflammation is a prognostic factor for gallbladder carcinoma. Br J Surg 2011;98:111-6
Cho KA, Lim GW, Joo SY, Woo SY, Seoh JY, Cho SJ, Han HS, Ryu KH. Transplantation of bone marrow cells reduces CCl(4) -induced liver fibrosis in mice. Liver Int. 2010 Nov [Epub ahead of print]
Kim H, Song JY, Cho JY, Yoon YS, Han HS, Lee HS, Ryu HS Choe G. Strong cytoplasmic expression of COX2 at the invasive fronts of gallbladder cancer is associated with a poor prognosis. J Clin Pathol 2010, epub ahead of print
Cho KA, Joo SY, Han HS, Ryu KH, Woo SY. Osteoclast activation by receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand enhances the mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells from the bone marrow in acute injury. Int J Mol Med 2010;26(4):557-63
Chun KS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY, Kim JH, Ahn KS. Overcoming difficulties encountered when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy; review of over one thousand laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Hepatogastroenterology 2010;57:338-402
Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY, Ahn KS. Laparoscopic right hemihepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol 2010;17(8):2090-1
Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Ahn KS. Risk Factors for Acute Cholecystitis and a Complicated Clinical Course in Patients with Symptomatic Cholelithiasis. Arch Surg 2010;145(4):329-33
Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Kim YH, Lee KH. The laparoscopic approach for suspected early stage of gallbladder carcinoma. Arch Surg 2010;145(2):128-33
Ahn KS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Cho JY, Khalikulov K. Laparoscopic Transduodenal Ampullectomy for Benign Ampullary Tumors. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2010:20(1):59-63
Shimizu S, Han HS, Okamura K, Nakashima N, Kitamura Y, Tanaka M. Technologic developments in telemedicine: State-of-the-art academic interactions. Surgery. 2010;147(5):597-601
Yoon YS, Han HS, Cho JY, Ahn KS. Total laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma located in all segments of the liver. Surg Endosc. 2010; 24(7):1630-7
Yoon YS, Han HS, Cho JY, Ahn KS. Totally Laparoscopic Central Bisectionectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2009;19(5):59-63
Buell JF, Cherqui D, Geller DA, O'Rourke N, Iannitti D, Dagher I, Koffron AJ, Thomas M, Gayet B, Han HS, Wakabayashi G, Belli G, Kaneko H, Ker CG, Scatton O, Laurent A, Abdalla EK, Chaudhury P, Dutson E, Gamblin C, D'Angelica M, Nagorney D, Testa G, Labow D, Manas D, Poon RT, Nelson H, Martin R, Clary B, Pinson WC, Martinie J, Vauthey JN, Goldstein R, Roayaie S, Barlet D, Espat J, Abecassis M, Rees M, Fong Y, McMasters KM, Broelsch C, Busuttil R, Belghiti J, Strasberg S, Chari RS; World Consensus Conference on Laparoscopic Surgery. The international position on laparoscopic liver surgery: The Louisville Statement, 2008. Ann Surg. 2009;250(5):825-30
Lee JH, Han HS, Kim HA, Koo MY Long-term results of fundectomy and periesophagogastric devascularization in patients with gastric fundal variceal bleeding. World J Surg. 2009;33(10):2144-9
Han HS, Cho JY, Yoon YS. Techniques for performing laparoscopic liver resection in various hepatic lesions. J Hepatobiliary Pancrear Surg 2009;16(4):427-32
Yoon YS, Lee KH, Han HS, Cho JY, Ahn KS. Patency of splenic vessels after laparoscopic spleen and splenic vessel-preserving distal pancreatectomy. Br J Surg. 2009;96(6):633-40.
Cho KA, Ju SY, Cho SJ, Jung YJ, Woo SY, Seoh JY, Han HS, Ryu KH. Mesenchymal stem cells showed the highest potential for the regeneration of injured liver tissue comparing with other subpopulations of the bone marrow. Cell Biol Int. 2009 ;33(7):772-7
Ko J, RA W, Bae T, Lee T, Kim HH, Han HS Two-port laparoscopic placement of a peritoneal dialysis catheter with abdominal wall fixation. Surg Today. 2009;39(4):356-8
Yoon YS, Han HS, Cho JY, Laparoscopic Treatment for Intrahepatic Duct Stones in the Era of Laparoscopy: Laparoscopic Intrahepatic Duct Exploration and Laparoscopic Hepatectomy.
Ann Surg 2009: 249(2); 286-91
Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Shin SH. Outcomes of laparoscopic liver resection for lesions located in right-sided liver Arch Surg 2009;144(1);25-9
Suh KS, Yi NJ, Kim T, Kim J, Shin WY, Lee HW, Han HS, Lee KU. Laparoscopy-assisted donor right hepatectomy using a hand port system preserving the middle hepatic vein branches. World J Surg. 2009 33(3):526-33
Suh KS, Yi NJ, Kim J, Shin WY, Lee HW, Han HS, Lee KU. Laparoscopic hepatectomy for a modified right graft in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2008 40(10):3529-31.
Lee JH, Yom CK, Han HS. Comparison of long-term outcomes of laparoscopy-assisted and open distal gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.Surg Endosc. 2009;23(8):1759-63
Lee HK. Han HS, Min SK The Association between body mass index and the severity of cholecystitis. Am J Surg 2009;197(4):455-8
Shin SH, Han HS, Yoon YS, Chun KS, Cho JY, Jang JY, Kim SW, Park YH. Laparoscopically assisted extrahepatic cyst excision and left hemihepatectomy for a type IV-A choledochal cyst. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2008;18(6):831-5.
Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Shin SH.. Feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection for tumors located in the posterosuperior segments of the liver, with a special reference to overcoming current limitations on tumor location. Surgery. 2008;144(1):32-8
Shimizu S, Han HS, Okamura K, Yamaguchi K, Tanaka M. Live multi-station teleconferences at the First Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association via academic broadband Internet. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2008;15(3):344-5
Cho JY, Han HS, Yoon YS, Shin SH. Experiences of laparoscopic liver resection including lesions in the posterosuperior segments of the liver. Surg Endosc. 2008;22(11):2344-9
Shimizu S, Han HS, Okamura K, Yamaguchi K, Tanaka M. Live demonstration of surgery across international borders with uncompressed high-definition quality. HPB (Oxford). 2007;9(5):398-9.
Nakashima N, Shimizu S, Okamura K, Hahm JS, Kim YW, Han HS, Torata N, Antoku Y, Lee YS, Tanaka M. Development of a broadband telemedical network based on internet protocol in the Asia-Pacific region. Methods Inf Med. 2007;46(6):709-15.
Eom BW, Jang JY, Lee SE, Han HS, Yoon YS, Kim SW. Clinical outcomes compared between laparoscopic and open distal pancreatectomy. Surg Endosc. 2007 Nov 20
Choi YS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Jang JY, Kim SW, Park YH. Laparoscopic splenectomy plus cholecystectomy for treating hereditary spherocytosis combined with cholelithiasis in siblings. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2007;16(5):317-8.
Shimizu S, Nakashima N, Okamura K, Han HS, Tanaka M. Telesurgery system with original-quality moving images over high-speed Internet: expansion within the Asia-Pacific region. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2007 Oct;17(5):673-8
Jung YJ, Ju SY, Yoo ES, Cho SJ, Cho KA, Woo SY, Seoh JY, Park JW, Han HS, Ryu KH. MSC-DC interactions: MSC inhibit maturation and migration of BM-derived DC.
Cytotherapy. 2007;9(5):451-8.
Woo HS, Lee KH, Park SY, Han HS, Yoon CJ, Kim YH. Adrenal cortical adenoma in adrenohepatic fusion tissue: a mimic of malignant hepatic tumor at CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007 Mar;188(3):W246-8
Jung YJ, Ryu KH, Cho SJ, Woo SY, Seoh JY, Chun CH, Yoo K, Moon IH, Han HS. Syngenic bone marrow cells restore hepatic function in carbon tetrachloride-induced mouse liver injury. Stem Cells Dev. 2006 Oct;15(5):687-95.
Jang JY, Kim SW, Han HS, Yoon YS, Han SS, Park YH.. Totally laparoscopic management of choledochal cysts using a four-hole method. Surg Endosc. 2006 20:1762-5
Yoon YS, Han HS, Choi YS, Jang JY, Suh KS, Kim SW, Lee KU, Park YH. Total laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2006 16(3):274-7.
Choi YS, Han HS, Yoon YS, Lee TG, Jang JY, Kim SW, Park YH. Laparoscopic end-to-end choledochocholedochostomy for bile duct injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2006 16(3):264-6.
Yi NJ, Han HS, Min SK. The safety of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis in high-risk patients older than sixty with stratification based on ASA score.
Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2006;15(3):159-64.
Min SK, Han HS, Kim SW, Park YH, Lee HK, Lee JH. Initial Experiences with Laparoscopy-assisted and Total Laparoscopy for Anatomical Liver Resection: A Preliminary Study. J Korean Med Sci. 2006 21:69-74
Im SA, Lee KE, Nam E, Kim do Y, Lee JH, Han HS, Seoh JY, Park HY, Cho MS, Han WS, Lee SN. Potential prognostic significance of p185(HER2) overexpression with loss of PTEN expression in gastric carcinomas. Tumori. 2005 91:513-21
Yoon YS, Han HS, Choi YS, Lee SI, Jang JI, Suh KS, Kim SW, Lee KU, Park YH. Total laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy in a child with benign liver mass. J Ped Surg 2006 41: e25-8
Shimizu S, Nakashima N, Okamura K, Hahm JS, Kim YW, Moon BI, Han HS, Tanaka M. International transmission of uncompressed endoscopic surgery images via superfast broadband Internet connections. Surg Endosc. 2005;20:167-70
Han HS, Min SK, Lee HK, Kim SW, Park YH. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with preservation of the spleen and splenic vessels for benign pancreas neoplasm. Surg Endosc 2005;19:1367-9
Lee HK, Han HS, Lee JH, Min SK. Nontraumatic perforation of the bile duct treated with laparoscopic surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2005;15:329-32
Lee HK, Han HS, Lee JH, Min SK. Sex based analysis of the outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. Br J Surg 2005;92:463-6
Lee JH, Han HS, Lee HK. A prospective randomized study comparing open vs laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy in early gastric cancer: early results. Surg Endosc. 2005;19:168-73
Kang SB, Han HS, Min SK, Lee HK. Nontraumatic perforation of bile duct in adults. Arch Surg 2004;139:1083-7.
Han HS, Yi NJ. Laparoscopic treatment of intrahepatic duct stone. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2004;14:157-62.
Han HS, Yi NJ. Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy in benign biliary disease. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2004;14:80-4.
Kang SB, Han HS. Laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct in a patient with situs inversus totalis. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2004;14:103-6.
Cho KS, Baek SY, Kang BC, Choi HY, Han HS. Evaluation of preoperative sonography in acute cholecystitis to predict technical difficulties during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Clin Ultrasound 2004;32:115-22.
Han HS, Yi NJ, Kim YW, Fleischer GD. New operative method for fundal variceal bleeding: fundectomy with periesophagogastric devascularization. World J Surg 2004;28:406-10.
Lee JH, Han HS, Min SK, Lee HK. Laparoscopic repair of various types of biliary-enteric fistula: three cases. Surg Endosc 2004;18:349.
Han HS, Kim YW, Yi NJ, Fleischer GD. Laparoscopy-assisted D2 subtotal gastrectomy in early gastric cancer. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2003;13:361-5.
Lee JH, Han HS, Kim YW, Min SK, Lee HK. Laparoscopic wedge resection with handsewn closure for gastroduodenal tumors. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2003;13:349-53.
Yi NJ, Kim YW, Han HS, Fleischer GD. Duodenal polypectomy of Brunner's gland hyperplasia using a novel laparoscopic technique. Surg Endosc 2002;16:1493-5.
Kim YW, Han HS, Fleischer GD. Hand-assisted laparoscopic total gastric
omy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2003;13:26-30.
상세정보 펼쳐보기
Atlas of Surgery: American College of Surgeon, in press
Surgical Gastroenterology and liver transplantation:Gallbladder cancer. Elsevier, in press
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2005 외상학
2006 간담췌 외과학
2010 외과학
2011 김정룡 소화기계 질환
2011 한국형 전문 외상 처치술
2012 복강경 간수술 Atlas
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