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Dr. 이은숙
Dr. Lee Eun Suk
암조직 조금만 떼 암검사하는 기술개발
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2011 대한외과학회 연강학술상 외과학부문
1980-03 1986-02 고려대학교 의학과 대졸
1988-03 1990-02 고려대학교 일반외과학 대학원졸(석사)
1991-09 1993-08 고려대학교 일반외과학 대학원졸(박사)
1986-03 1991-02 고려대학교 부속 혜화병원 인턴, 레지던트
1991-03 1993-12 고려대학교 부속 안암병원 임상강사
1994-01 1995-01 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Post-doctoral fellow
1995-03 2000-10 고려대학교 의과대학 외과 전임강사, 조교수
1998-03 2000-04 Robert Lurie Cancer Center Northwestern University 교환조교수
2000-12 2006-07 국립암센터 유방암센터 센터장
2001-05 2008-08 국립암센터 유방내분비암연구과 과장
2006-08 2007-03 국립암센터 암예방검진센터 센터장
2007-12 2008-08 국립암센터 암예방검진센터 센터장
2008-09 2011-11 고려대학교 의과대학/ 고려대학교 안암병원 유방내분비외과 교수
2011-12 2012-01 국립암센터 분자영상치료연구과 책임연구원
2011-12 현재 국립암센터 유방암센터 전문의
2011-12 2014-09 국립암센터 융합기술연구부 부장
2012-01 2016-03 국립암센터 NExT연구과 책임연구원
2012-09 2014-09 국립암센터 유방암센터 센터장
2014-03 2017-02 국제암대학원대학교 시스템종양생물학과 겸임교수
2014-10 2016-06 국립암센터 연구소 연구소장
2015-10 2018-10 한국보건의료연구원 위원
2016-03 2016-06 국립암센터 정밀의학연구과 책임연구원
2016-06 2017-11 국립암센터 면역세포치료사업단 단장
2017-03 2017-11 국립암센터 면역치료연구과 책임연구원
2017-03 2017-11 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 암의생명과학과 겸임교수
2017-11 현재 국립암센터 원장
2017-11 현재 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 총장
2017-11 현재 국립암센터발전기금 이사장
2020 SCI Views on Precision Medicine among Health Professionals in Korea: A Mixed Methods Study: YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL. : (1.564)
2019 Profiles of depressive symptoms and the association with anxiety and quality of life in breast cancer survivors: a latent profile analysis: Quakity of Life Reseach. : (2.39)
2019 SCI-E Adherence to the American Cancer Society Guidelines for Cancer Survivors and Health-Related Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors: NUTRIENTS. 11(12):E2924~E2924 (4.171)
2019 SCI Genomic characteristics of triple-negative breast cancer nominate molecular subtypes that predict chemotherapy response: Molecular Cancer Research. Online:Published (4.484)
2019 SCI Adding ovarian Suppression to Tamoxifen for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Ransdomized Phase 3 Trial: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. Online:Published (28.349)
2019 SCI-E Outcomes of Pregnancy after Breast Cancer in Korean Women: A Large Cohort Study: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.363)
2019 SCI-E Night-shift work and risk of breast cancer in Korean women: Clinical Epidemiology. 11:743~751 (3.178)
2019 SCI-E Dietary Inflammatory Index and Risk of Breast Cancer Based on Hormone Receptor Status: A Case-Control Study in Korea: NUTRIENTS. Online:Published (4.171)
2019 SCI The Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Plus Radioisotope Method Compared With the Radioisotope-Only Method for Breast Cancer Patients After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Prospective, Randomized, Open-Label, Single-Center Phase 2 Trial: ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 26(8):2409~2416 (3.681)
2019 SCI Night-shift work, circadian and melatonin pathway related genes and their interaction on breast cancer risk: evidence from a case-control study in Korean women: Scientific Reports. 9(1):10982~10982 (4.011)
2019 SCI Different Patterns of Conditional Survival of Breast Cancer Patients by Age and Histologic types: Evidence from the Korean Nationwide Registry: CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY, BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION. 28(7):1169~1176 (5.057)
2019 SCI-E Clinical Significance of Lymph-Node Ratio in Determining Supraclavicular Lymph-Node Radiation Therapy in pN1 Breast Cancer Patients Who Received Breast-Conserving Treatment (KROG 14-18): A Multicenter Study: CANCERS. 11(5):E680~E680 (6.162)
2019 SCI Integrative molecular profiling identifies a novel cluster of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in very young women: cancer science. 110(5):1760~1770 (4.751)
2019 SCI Effect of Antihypertensive Medications on Sepsis-Related Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study: Critical Care Medicine. 47(5):e386~e393 (6.971)
2019 SCI-E Integrative In Vivo Drug Testing Using Gene Expression Signature and Patient-Derived Xenografts from Treatment-Refractory HER2 Positive and Triple-Negative Subtypes of Breast Cancer: CANCERS. 11(4):E574~E574 (6.162)
2019 SCI-E Prognostic Value of Post-Diagnosis Health-Related Quality of Life for Overall Survival in Breast Cancer: Findings from a 10-Year Prospective Cohort in Korea: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.363)
2019 SCI-E Delayed IL-21 treatment preferentially expands peptide-specific CD8+ T cells by reducing bystander activation of T cells: IMMUNOTHERAPY. 11(6):497~513 (3.028)
2019 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2016: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(2):417~430 (3.363)
2019 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2019: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(2):431~437 (3.363)
2019 SCI-E Interaction Effect Between Breast Density and Reproductive Factors on Breast Cancer Risk in Korean Population: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 24(1):26~32 (2.33)
2019 SCI Retrospectively validating the results of the ACOSOG Z0011trial in alarge Asian Z0011-eligible cohort: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.471)
2019 SCI-E Prediagnosis obesity and secondary primary cancer risk in female cancer survivors: A national cohort study: CANCER MEDICINE. 8(2):824~838 (3.357)
2019 기타 Parity Differently Affects the Breast Cancer Specific Survival from Ductal Carcinoma In Situ to Invasive Cancer: A Registry-Based Retrospective Study from Korea: Breast Cancer : Basic and Clinical Research. 13:1~8 (0)
2019 SCI-E Direct isolation and characterization of circulating exosomes from biological samples using magnetic nanowires: Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 17(1):1~1 (5.345)
2019 SCI-E Clinical Implication of subcategorizing T2 category into T2a and T2b in TNM staging of breast cancer: CANCER MEDICINE. 11:5514~5524 (3.357)
2018 SCI-E Different Patterns of Risk Reducing Decisions in Affected or Unaffected BRCA Pathogenic Variant Carriers: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(1):280~288 (3.23)
2018 SCI-E Psychosocial Health of Disease-Free Breast Cancer Survivors Compared with Matched Non-cancer Controls: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(1):178~186 (3.23)
2018 SCI-E Predicting Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients With Breast Cancer: combined Statistical Modeling Using Clinicopathological Factors and FDG PET/CT Texture Parameters: clinical nuclear medicine. 44(1):21~29 (6.309)
2018 SCI-E Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Assessment of Residual Breast Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Relevance to Tumor Subtypes and MRI Interpretation Threshold.: Clinical breast cancer. 18(6):459~467 (2.703)
2018 SCI-E Doxorubicin-induced heart failure in cancer patients: A cohort study based on the Korean National Health Insurance Database: CANCER MEDICINE. 7(12):6084~6092 (3.202)
2018 SCI Prognostic impact of skeletal muscle volume derived from crosssectional computed tomography images in breast cancer: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 172(2):425~436 (3.605)
2018 SCI Clinical subtypes and prognosis of pregnancy-associated breast cancer: results from the Korean Breast Cancer Society Registry database: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 172(1):113~121 (3.605)
2018 SCI Differences in attitudes toward genetic testing among the public,patients, and health-care professionals in Korea: European journal of human genetics. 26(10):1432~1440 (3.636)
2018 SCI-E Oncologic Safety of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist for Ovarian Function Protection During Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: Clinical breast cancer. 18(5):e1165~e1172 (2.703)
2018 SCI Factors associated with physical activity of breast cancer patients participating in exercise intervention: SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER. Online:Published (2.676)
2018 SCI-E Incidence of Diabetes After Cancer Development : A Korean National Cohort Study: JAMA oncology. 4(8):1099~1105 (20.871)
2018 SCI-E Comparison of INDEL Calling Tools with Simulation Data and Real Short-Read Data: IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. Online:Published (2.428)
2018 SCI Use of adjuvant chemotherapy in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients with or without the 21-gene expression assay: Breast cancer research and treatment. 170(1):69~76 (3.605)
2018 기타 BRACA1/2유전자 검사의 국내 시행현황(2014): Laboratory Medicine Online. 8(3):107~113 (0)
2018 SCI Tamoxifen therapy improves overall survival in luminal A subtype of ductal carcinoma in situ: a study based on nationwide Korean Breast Cancer Registry database: Breast cancer research and treatment. 169(2):311~322 (3.605)
2018 SCI-E Dietary pattern and health-related quality of life among breast cancer survivors: BMC women's health. 18(1):65~65 (1.806)
2018 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2015: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 50(2):303~316 (3.23)
2018 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2018: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 50(2):317~323 (3.23)
2018 SCI-E Increasing Trend in Hospital Deaths Consistent among Older Decedents in Korea: A Population-based Study Using Death Registration Database, 2001?2014: BMC palliative care. 2018(17):16~16 (2.335)
2017 SCI Development and validation of the smart management strategy for health assessment tool-short form (SAT-SF) in cancer survivors: Quality of Life Research. 27(2):347~354 (2.344)
2017 SCI Outcome following sentinel lymph node biopsy-guided decisions in breast cancer patients with conversion from positive to negative axillary lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 166(2):473~480 (3.626)
2017 SCI-E Prognostic Impact of Elective Supraclavicular Nodal Irradiation for Patients with N1 Breast Cancer after Lumpectomy and Anthracycline plus Taxane-based Chemotherapy (KROG 1418): A Multicenter Case-Controlled Study: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(4):970~980 (3.772)
2017 SCI-E A Novel Germline Mutation in BRCA1 Causes Exon 20 Skipping in a Korean Family with a History of Breast Cancer: Journal of breast cancer. 20(3):310~313 (2.204)
2017 SCI-E Prevalence and survival prognosis of prostate cancer in patients with end-stage renal disease: A retrospective study based on the Korea National Database (2003-2010): Oncotarget. Online:Published (5.168)
2017 SCI-E CKAP2 (cytoskeleton-associated protein2) is a new prognostic marker in HER2-negative luminal type breast cancer: PLOS ONE. 12(8):e0182107~e0182107 (2.806)
2017 SCI The association between physical activity and health-related quality of life among breast cancer survivors: Health Qual Life Outcomes. 15(1):132~132 (2.143)
2017 SCI Adjuvant Capecitabine for Breast Cancer after Preoperative Chemotherapy: The New England journal of medicine. 376(22):2147~2159 (72.406)
2017 SCI-E Tumor-derived IL-18 induces PD-1 expression on immunosuppressive NK cells in triple-negative breast cancer: Oncotarget. 8(20):32722~32730 (5.168)
2017 SCI-E A randomized controlled trial of physical activity, dietary habit, and distress management with the Leadership and Coaching for Health (LEACH) program for disease-free cancer survivors.: BMC Cancer. 17(1):298~298 (3.288)
2017 SCI Characteristics of BRCA1/2 mutations carriers including large genomic rearrangements in high risk breast cancer patients: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 163(1):139~150 (3.626)
2017 SCI A Microfluidic Immunostaining System Enables Quality Assured and Standardized Immunohistochemical Biomarker Analysis: Scientific reports. 7:45968~45968 (4.259)
2016 SCI-E Post-mastectomy Radiotherapy in Patients with pT1-2N1 Breast Cancer Treated with Taxane-based Chemotherapy: A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis (KROG 1418).: Cancer Research and Treatment. Online:Published (4.245)
2016 SCI-E Optimal radiation dose for patients with one to three lymph node positive breast cancer following breast-conserving surgery and anthracycline plus taxane-based chemotherapy: A retrospective multicenter analysis (KROG 1418): Oncotarget. 8(1):1796~1804 (5.008)
2016 SCI-E Accelerated whole breast irradiation in early breast cancer patients with adverse prognostic features.: Oncotarget. 7(49):81888~81898 (5.008)
2016 SCI Prediagnosis BodyMass Index and Risk of Secondary Primary Cancer in Male Cancer Survivors: A Large Cohort Study: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 34(34):4116~4124 (20.982)
2016 SSCI Three-Year Prospective Cohort Study of Factors Associated with Return to Work After Breast Cancer Diagnosis.: Journal of Occup Rehabilitation. Online:Published (1.644)
2016 SCI Multifunctional magnetic nanowires: A novel breakthrough for ultrasensitive detection and isolation of rare cancer cells from non-metastatic early breast cancer patients using small volumes of blood: Biomaterials. 106:78~86 (8.387)
2016 SCI-E The Significance of Serum HER2 Levels at Diagnosis on Intrinsic Subtype-Specific Outcome of Operable Breast Cancer Patients: PLOS ONE. 11(10):e0163370~e0163370 (3.057)
2016 SCI Breast cancer-specific mortality in small-sized tumor with node-positive breast cancer: a nation-wide study in Korean breast cancer society.: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 159(3):489~498 (4.085)
2016 SCI-E Identification of Prognostic Risk Factors for Transient and Persistent Lymphedema after Multimodal Treatment for Breast Cancer: Cancer Research and Treatment. 48(4):1330~1337 (4.245)
2016 SCI-E Locoregional Recurrence by Tumor Biology in Breast Cancer Patients after Preoperative Chemotherapy and Breast Conservation Treatment: Cancer research and treatment. 48(4):1363~1372 (4.245)
2016 SCI-E Metabolic syndrome in breast cancer survivors with high carbohydrate consumption: The first report in community setting: Clinical Nutrition. Online:Published (4.487)
2016 SCI-E Clinically Significant Unclassified Variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genes Among Korean Breast Cancer Patients: Cancer Research and Treatment. Online:Published (4.245)
2016 SCI-E Factors associated with late recurrence after completion of 5-year adjuvant tamoxifen in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer: BMC Cancer. 16:430~430 (3.265)
2016 SCI-E The role of the addition of ovarian suppression to tamoxifen in young women with hormone-sensitive breast cancer who remain premenopausal or regain menstruation after: BMC Cancer. 16:319~319 (3.265)
2016 SCI-E The role of the addition of ovarian suppression to tamoxifen in young women with hormone-sensitive breast cancer who remain premenopausal or regain menstruation after chemotherapy (ASTRRA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and progress: BMC CANCER. 16:319~319 (3.265)
2016 SCI An aptamer-antibody complex (oligobody) as a novel delivery platform for targeted cancer therapies: Journal of Controlled Release. 229:1~9 (7.441)
2016 SCI Identifying the potential long-term survivors among breast cancer patients with distant metastasis: Annals of oncology. 27(5):828~833 (9.269)
2016 SCI A Comparative Study of Daily 3-Gy Hypofractionated and 1.8-Gy Conventional Breast Irradiation in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Medicine. 95(19):e3320~e3320 (2.133)
2016 SCI-E Efficient Capture and Isolation of Tumor-Related Circulating Cell-Free DNA from Cancer Patients Using Electroactive Conducting Polymer Nanowire Platforms: Theranostics. 6:828~836 (8.854)
2016 SCI The Author’s Response: Assessment of Breast Cancer Patients’ Knowledge and Decisional Conflict Regarding Tamoxifen Use: Journal of Korean medical science. 31(4):647~647 (1.256)
2015 SCI-E Second Primary Cancer after Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):641~649 (3.318)
2015 SCI-E Effect of Time Interval between Breast-conserving Surgery and Radiation Therapy on Outcomes of Node-positive Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide followed by Taxane: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):483~490 (3.318)
2015 SCI-E Prognostic Implications of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Association With Programmed Death Ligand 1 Expression in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Clinical Breast Cancer. 16(1):51~58 (2.107)
2015 SCI-E Impact of Molecular Subtype Conversion of Breast Cancers after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Clinical Outcome: Cancer research and treatment. 48(1):133~141 (3.318)
2015 SCI Uptake of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy among female BRCA mutation carriers: experience at the National Cancer Center of Korea.: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 142(1):333~340 (3.081)
2015 SCI-E Identification of Risk Factors for Locoregional Recurrence in Breast Cancer Patients with Nodal Stage N0 and N1: Who Could Benefit from Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy?: PLoS ONE. 10(12):e0145463~e0145463 (3.234)
2015 SCI-E Patient-reported assessment of self-management strategies of health in cancer patients: development and validation of the Smart Management Strategy for Health Assessment Tool (SAT): Psycho-Oncology. 24(12):1723~1730 (2.443)
2015 SCI Assessment of Breast Cancer Patients’ Knowledge and Decisional Conflict Regarding Tamoxifen Use: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 30(11):1604~1611 (1.266)
2015 SCI The Value of Ki67 in Very Young Women with Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer: Retrospective Analysis of 9,321 Korean Women.: Annals of surgical oncology. 22(11):3481~3488 (3.93)
2015 SCI Health Behaviors of Cancer Survivors in Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey in Korea: Higher Alcohol Drinking, Lower Smoking, and Physical Inactivity Pattern in Survivors with Higher Household Income.: Medicine. 94(31):e1214~e1214 (5.723)
2015 SCI-E Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Cancer research and treatment. 47(3):416~423 (3.318)
2015 SCI Automated measurement of multiple cancer biomarkesr using quantum-dot-based microfluidic immunohistochemistry: Analytical Chemistry. 87(8):4177~4183 (5.636)
2015 SCI Wnt/β-Catenin Small-Molecule Inhibitor CWP232228 Preferentially Inhibits the Growth of Breast Cancer Stem-like Cells: Cancer Research. 75(8):1691~1702 (9.329)
2015 SCI-E The Clinical Impact of 21-Gene Recurrence Score on Treatment Decisions for Patients with Hormone Receptor-Positive Early Breast Cancer in Korea: Cancer research and treatment. 47(2):208~214 (3.318)
2015 SCI-E Cross-cultural Validation of Cancer Communication Assessment Tool in Korea: Psycho-oncology. 24(2):197~203 (2.443)
2015 SCI A pathway-based approach for identifying biomarkers of tumor progression to trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer: Cancer letters. 356(2 Pt B):880~890 (5.621)
2014 SCI Vaccination with ErbB-2 Peptides Prevents Cancer Stem Cell Expansion and Suppresses the Development of Spontaneous Tumors in MMTV-PyMT Transgenic Mice: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 147(1):69~80 ()
2014 SCI-E Lack of effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma genetic polymorphisms on breast cancer risk: a case-control study and pooled analysis: Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 15(21):9093~9099 (1.5)
2014 SCI-E A Web-based self-management exercise and diet intervention for breast cancer survivors: Pilot randomized controlled trial: International journal of nursing studies. 51(12):1557~1567 (2.248)
2014 SCI High Volumetric Breast Density Predicts Risk for Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal, but not Premenopausal, Korean Women: Annals of surgical oncology. 21(13):4124~4132 (3.943)
2014 SCI An integrated multifunctional platform based on biotin-doped conducting polymer nanowires for cell capture, release, and electrochemical sensing: Biomaterials. 35(36):9573~9580 (8.312)
2014 SCI Treatment factors affecting breast cancer-related lymphedema after systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy in stage II/III breast cancer patients: Breast cancer research and treatment. 148(1):91~98 (4.198)
2014 SCI-E High-purity isolation and recovery of circulating tumor cells using conducting polymer-deposited microfluidic device: Theranostics. 4(11):1123~1132 (7.827)
2014 SCI-E Trends in the aggressiveness of end-of-life care for Korean pediatric cancer patients who died in 2007-2010: PLOS ONE. 9(6):e99888~e99888 (3.534)
2014 SCI-E The association of self-leadership, health behaviors, and posttraumatic growth with health-related quality of life in patients with cancer: PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 3582:3582~3582 (4.044)
2014 SCI Low-mass-ion discriminant equation: A new concept for colorectal cancer screening.: International Journal of Cancer. 134(8):1844~1853 (5.007)
2014 SCI Comparison of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Guided by the Multimodal Method of Indocyanine Green Fluorescence, Radioisotope, and Blue Dye Versus the Radioisotope Method in Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 21(4):1254~1259 (3.943)
2014 SCI-E A Quantum Dot-Based Microfluidic Multi-Window Platform for Quantifying the Biomarkers of Breast Cancer Cells: Integr Biol (Camb). 6(4):430~437 (3.996)
2014 SCI An Electroactive Biotin-Doped Polypyrrole Substrate That Immobilizes and Releases EpCAM-Positive Cancer Cells: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 53(18):4597~4602 (11.336)
2014 SCI-E Association of Polymorphisms and Haplotypes in the Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) Gene with the Risk of Breast Cancer in Korean Women.: PLOS One. 9(1):e84532~e84532 (3.534)
2013 SCI-E Efficacy of a training program for long-term disease- free cancer survivors as health partners: a randomized controlled trial in Korea.: Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 14(12):7229~7235 (1.271)
2013 SCI Adjuvant tamoxifen-induced mammographic breast density reduction as a predictor for recurrence in estrogen receptor-positive premenopausal breast cancer patients: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 142(3):559~567 (4.469)
2013 SCI Phase 2 trial of accelerated, hypofractionated whole-breast irradiation of 39 Gy in 13 fractions followed by a tumor bed boost sequentially delivering 9 Gy in 3 fractions in early-stage breast cancer: International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 87(5):1037~1042 (4.524)
2013 SCI A Model to Estimate the Risk of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Combinations of Treatment-Related Factors of the Number of Dissected Axillary Nodes, Adjuvant Chemotherapy, and Radiation Therapy: International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 86(3):498~503 (4.524)
2013 SCI The attitudes of Korean cancer patients, family caregivers, oncologists, and members of the general public toward advance directives: Support Care Cancer. 2013(21):1437~1444 (2.649)
2012 SCI-E Prognostic implication of thyroglobulin and quantified whole body scan after initial radioiodine therapy on early prediction of ablation and clinical response for the patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 26(10):777~786 (1.502)
2012 SCI Preoperative systemic therapy in locoregional management of early breast cancer: highlights from the Kyoto Breast Cancer Consensus Conference: Breast Cancer Research and Treastment. 136(3):919~926 (4.431)
2012 SCI Predicting Nonsentinel Lymph Node Metastasis Using Lymphoscintigraphy in Patients with Breast Cancer: The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 53(11):1693~1700 (6.381)
2012 SCI-E High-content quantum dot-based subtype diagnosis and classification of breast cancer patients using hypermulticolor quantitative single cell imaging cytometry: Nano Today. 7(4):231~244 (15.355)
2012 SCI Polymorphisms in adiposity-related genes are associated with age at menarche and menopause in breast cancer patients and healthy women: Human Reproduction. 27(7):2193~2200 (4.475)
2012 SCI-E Progranulin as a Prognostic Biomarker for Breast Cancer Recurrence in Patients Who Had Hormone Receptor-Positive Tumors: A Cohort study: PLOS ONE. 7(6):e39880~e39880 (4.092)
2012 SCI Phase II trial of preoperative paclitaxel, gemcitabine, and trastuzumab combination therapy in HER2 positive stage II/III breast cancer: The Korean Cancer Study Group BR 07-01: Breast Cancer Res Treat. 132(2):589~600 (4.431)
2012 SCI-E Prostate stem cell antigen single nucleotide polymorphisms influence risk of estrogen receptor negative breast cancer in Korean females.: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(1):41~48 (0.659)
2011 SCI-E Locoregional Recurrence of Breast Conserving Surgery after Preoperative Chemotherapy in Korean Women with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Journal of Breast Cancer. 14(4):289~295 (0.179)
2011 SCI Social support and depressive mood 1 year after diagnosis of breast cancer compared with the general female population: a prospective cohort study.: Supportive care in cancer. 19(9):1379~1392 (2.058)
2011 SCI Attitudes of cancer patients, family caregivers, oncologists and members of the general public toward critical interventions at the end of life of terminally ill patients.: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 183(10):e673~e679 (9.015)
2011 SCI Quantitative proteomic profiling of breast cancers using a multiplexed microfluidic platform for immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry: Biomaterials. 32(5):1396~1403 (7.882)
2011 SCI Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors With Breast Cancer 1 Year After Diagosis Compared With the General Population A Prospective Cohort Study: Annals of Surgery. 253(1):101~108 (7.474)
2010 SCI-E Oncological Safety and Quality of Life Associated with Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction with a Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap.: The breast journal. 16(4):356~361 (1.61)
2010 SCI Triple negative breast cancer in Korea-distinct biology with different impact of prognostic factors on survival: Breast Cancer Res Treat. 123:177~187 (4.696)
2010 SCI-E Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using a Microfluidic Multiplexed Immunohistochemistry Platform: PLoS One. Online:Published (4.411)
2010 SCI Dietary Mushroom Intake and the Risk of Breast Cancer Based on Hormone Receptor Status: Nutrition and Cancer. 62:476~483 (1.974)
2010 SCI-E Association of shared decision-making with type of breast cancer surgery: a cross-sectional study: BMC Health Services Research. Online:Published (1.66)
2010 SCI Primary systemic therapy with intermittent weekly paclitaxel plus gemcitabine in patients with stage II and III breast cancer: a phase II trial: Investigational New Drugs. 28(1):83~90 (3.072)
2009 SCI-E Primary Primitive NeuroectodermalTumor of the Breast: a Case Report: Korean J. Radiol. :407~410 (1.049)
2009 SCI Correlates of existential well-being and their association with health-related quality of life in breast cancer survivors compared with the general population: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. :139~150 (4.859)
2009 SSCI Big gap between risk perception for breast cancer and risk factors: Nationwide survey in Korea: Patient Education and Counselling. 76(1):113~9 (2.219)
2009 SCI-E Fatty fish and fish omega-3 fatty acid intakes decrease the breast cancer risk: a case-control study: BMC Cancer. 9(1):216~216 (3.087)
2008 SCI Impact of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment on work-related life and factors affecting them: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 116:609~616 (4.453)
2008 SCI Analysis of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea rates by three different anthracycline and taxane containing regimens for early breast cancer: Breast Cancer Res Treat. :335~342 (5.684)
2008 SCI-E Genetic Counseling Can Influence the Course of a Suspected Familial Cancer Syndrome Patient: From a Case of Li-Fraumeni Like Syndrome with a Germline Mutation in the TP53 Gene.: The Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 28:493~497 (0.66)
2008 SCI Scoring system for predicting malignancy in patients diagnosed with atypical ductal hyperplasia at ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 112(1):189~195 (4.453)
2008 SCI-E Upregulated HSP27 in human breast cancer cells reduces Herceptin susceptibility by increasing Her2 protein stability: BMC Cancer. 8:286~295 (2.709)
2008 SCI Increased cytoplasmic levels of CIS, SOCS1, SOCS2, or SOCS3 are required for nuclear translocation: FEBS Letters. 582:2319~2324 (3.263)
2008 SCI Promoter hypomethylation of the N-acetyltransferase 1 gene in breast cancer: Oncology Reports. 19:663~8 (1.597)
2008 SCI Association of clinical experiences with patient-reported outcomes among breast cancer surgery patients: breast cancer quality care study: Quality of Life Research. 17:215~225 (2.466)
2007 SCI A randomized phase-III trial of docetaxel/capecitabine versus doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide as primary chemotherapy for patients with stage II/III breast cancer.: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 109:481~489 (4.671)
2007 SCI Trends in breast cancer treatment in Korea and impact of compliance with consensus recommendations on survival: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 106:245~253 (4.453)
2007 SCI Extent of routine central lymph node dissection with small papillary thyroid carcinoma: World Journal of Surgery. 10:1954~1959 (1.765)
2007 SCI Extent of rountine central lymphnode dissection with small palilloary thyroid carcinoma: World Journal of Sugery. 31:1954~1959 (1.765)
2007 SCI Clinical implications of CYP2D6 genotypes predictive of tamoxifen pharmacokinetics in metastatic breast cancer: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25:3837~3845 (15.484)
2007 SCI Population-based breast cancer statistics in Korea during 1993-2002: incidence, mortality, and survival: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22:s11~s16 (0.725)
2007 SCI The nuclear localization of SOCS6 requires the N-terminal region and negatively regulates Stat3 protein levels: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 360:333~338 (2.855)
2007 SCI Epidermal growth factor receptor status in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: Journal of Clinical Pathology. 60:881~884 (2.245)
2007 SCI Primary Malignant Teratoma with a Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Component in Thyroid Gland: A Case Report: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22:568~571 (0.725)
2007 기타 The Clinical Characteristics and Predictive Factors of Stage IV Breast Cancer at the Initial Presentation: A Review of a Single Institute’s Data: 한국유방암학회지. 10(2):101~106 ()
2007 기타 The Clinical Characteristics and Predictive Factors of Stage IV Breast Cancer at the Initial Presentation: A Review of a Single Institute’s Data: 한국유방암학회지. 10(2):101~106 ()
2007 SCI Sentinel node identification rate, but not accuracy, is significantly decreased after pre-operative chemotherapy in axillary node-positive breast cancer patients: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 102:283~288 (4.671)
2007 SCI Increased SOCS6 stability with PMA requires its N-terminal region and the Erk pathway via Pkc activation: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 354:184~189 (2.855)
2007 SCI Health-related quality of life in disease-free survivors of breast cancer with the general population: Annals of Oncology. 18:173~182 (4.875)
2006 SCI Detection of BRAFV600E mutation on fine-needle aspiration specimens of thyroid nodule refines cyto-pathology diagnosis, especially in BRAFV600E mutation-prevalent area: CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. 65:660~666 (3.412)
2006 SCI Predicting tissue HER2 status using serum HER2 levels in patients with metastatic breast cancer: Clinical Chemistry. 52:1510~1515 (7.717)
2006 SCI Serum HER-2 concentration in patients with primary breast cancer: Journal of Clinical Pathology. 59:601~605 (2.17)
2006 SCI Epigenetic silencing of the sulftransferase1A1 gene by hypermethylation in breast tissue: Oncology Reports. 15:27~32 (1.572)
2005 SCI The melanoma antigen gene as a surveillance marker for the detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with breast carcinoma: CANCER. 104:251~256 (4.434)
2005 SCI Incidental ovarian(18)F-FDG accumulation on PET : correlation with the menstrual cycle: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 32:757~763 (3.94)
2005 SCI Tamoxifen-resistant breast cancers show less frequent methylation of the estrogen receptor beta but not the estrogen receptor alpha gene: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM. 83:132~139 (4.82)
2004 SCI Decreased identification rate of sentinel lymph node after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: World Journal of Surgery. 28:1019~1024 (1.952)
2004 SCI Predictive value of [18F]FDG PET for pathological response of breast cancer to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 15(9):1352~1357 (4.319)
2004 SCI-E CpG methylation of the Erα and Erβ genes in breast cancer: INT J Mol MED. 14:289~293 (1.94)
2004 SCI Validation of the Korean version of the EORTC QLQ-C30: Qual Life Res. 13:863~868 (1.5)
2004 SCI The histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A sensitize estrogen receptor alpha-negative breast cancer cells to tamoxifen: Oncogene. 23:1724~1736 (5.979)
2004 SCI Comparison of plasma D-dimer and thrombus precursor protein in patients with operable breast cancer as a potential predictor of lymph node metastasis: BLOOD COAGUL FIBRIN. 15:9~13 (1.588)
2004 기타 Sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Breast Cancer. 11:233~241 (0)
2003 SCI Apoptotic Action of 17β-Estradiol in Raloxifene-Resistant MCF-7 Cells In Vitro and In Vivo: J Natl Cancer Inst. 95:1586~1597 (14.5)
2003 SCI Prevalence and Risk of Cancer of Focal Thyroid Incidentaloma Identified by F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose-Position Emission Tomography for Metastasis Evaluation and Cancer-screening in Healthy Subjects: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 88:4100~4104 (5.16)
2003 SCI Circulating numbers of endothelial progenitor cells in patients with gastric and breast cancer: Cancer Lett. 198:83~88 (1.741)
2002 SCI Optimized flow cytometric assay for the measurement of platelet microparticles in plasma : preanalytic and analytic considerations: BLOOD COAGUL FIBRIN. 13:393~397 (1.938)
2001 SCI The timing and characterization of p53 mutations in progression from atypical ductal hyperplasia to invasive lesions in the breast cancer: J Mol Med. 79:648~655 (3.445)
2001 SCI Silencing and Reactivation of the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator-Estrogen Receptor α Complex: Cancer lett. 61:3632~3639 (8.649)
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