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이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기
Dr. 정종우
Dr. Jeong Jong Woo
이과학치료 수준 높이는 데 심혈기울여
전화예약만 가능
1980 - 1986 서울대학교 의학 학사
1992 - 1994 서울대학교 의학 석사
1994 - 1997 서울대학교 의학 박사
1990.03 - 1995.02 서울대학교 이비인후과 전공의 수료
1994.036 - 1995.02 서울대학교병원 이비인후과 임상강사
1995.03 - 1996.02 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 임상강사
1996.03 - 1998.03 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 전임강사
1998.04 - 2002.09 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 조교수
1998.09 - 2000.02 미국 Michigan 의과대학 연수
2002.10 - 2007.09 현재 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 교수
2008.09 - 2009.08 미국 하버드 의과대학 연수
2016.09 - 현재 울산의대 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 주임교수
2016.09 - 현재 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 과장
Characteristics and pathogenesis of facial nerve stimulation after cochlear implant surgeries: A single-centre retrospective analysis from 1151 patients.
Factors affecting hearing deterioration in vestibular schwannoma patients treated with gamma knife radiosurgery: the Asan Medical Center experience.
What Is the Sensitive Period to Initiate Auditory Stimulation for the Second Ear in Sequential Cochlear Implantation?
A cadaver study of mastoidectomy using an image-guided human-robot collaborative control system.
Application of endoscopy in otology: Changes over the last 8years in Korean Otological Society.
Efficacy of steroid therapy based on symptomatic and functional improvement in patients with vestibular neuritis: a prospective randomized controlled trial.
Long Term Speech Perception Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation in Gap Junction Protein Beta 2 Related Hearing Loss.
Prognostic Factors for Recovery from Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Retrospective Study
Prognostic Factors for Recovery from Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Retrospective Study.
The Association Between Age-Related Hearing Impairment and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Women: 5-Year Follow-Up Observational Study.
Diameter of the Medial Side of the Cochlear Aqueduct Is Narrower in Meniere's Disease: A Radiologic Analysis
Effect of a 4-Week Treatment with Cilostazol in Patients with Chronic Tinnitus: A Randomized, Prospective, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind, Pilot Study
Short-term changes in tinnitus pitch related to audiometric shape in sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
Surgical outcomes of middle fossa approach in intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma.
Vestibular Function Tests for Vestibular Migraine: Clinical Implication of Video Head Impulse and Caloric Tests.
Influences of Diabetes on Hearing Recovery in Noise-Exposed Mice.
The Effect of Korean Red Ginseng on Symptoms and Quality of Life in Chronic Tinnitus: A Randomized, Open-Label Pilot Study.
The efficacy and safety of systemic injection of Ginkgo biloba extract, EGb761, in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Hearing and facial function after surgical removal of cholesteatomas involving petrous bone.
Hearing loss following ventriculoperitoneal shunt in communicating hydrocephalus patients: a pilot study
Long-term follow-up of otitis media with effusion in children: comparisons between a ventilation tube group and a non-ventilation tube group.
Results of anterior facial nerve rerouting procedures for removing skull base tumors.
Hearing gain with a BAHA test-band in patients with single-sided deafness.
Interaural differences of distortion product otoacoustic emission amplitudes in patients with unilateral tinnitus
Results of caloric and sensory organization testing of dynamic posturography in migrainous vertigo: comparison with Meniere's disease and vestibular neuritis
Audiological Follow-up Results after Newborn Hearing Screening Program
Effect of Isoflurane on the Hearing in Mice
Effects of a zinc-deficient diet on hearing in CBA mice
Evaluation of Masking Effects on Speech Perception in Patients With Unilateral Chronic Tinnitus Using the Hearing in Noise Test
Free radicals enzymatically triggered by Clonorchis sinensis excretory-secretory products cause NF-κB-mediated inflammation in human cholangiocarcinoma cells
Preoperative Voice Parameters Affect the Postoperative Speech Intelligibility in Patients with Cochlear Implantation
Surgical treatment of posterior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome caused by jugular diverticulum
소음성 난청의 예방기전
A Case of Bilateral Hearing Loss Following External Ventricular Drainage
Central auditory processing impairment in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Changes of Serum Aldosterone Concentration after Noise Exposure in Mice
Clinical Characteristics of the Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in the Elderly
Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Hearing Recovery From Noise-Induced Temporary Hearing Threshold Shifts in Mice.
Efficacy of Oral Prostaglandin I2 in Patients with Chronic Nonspecific Vertigo
Histopathology After Endolymphatic Sac Surgery for Meniere's Syndrome.
Proteomic Analysis of the Protein Expression in the Cochlea of Noise-Exposed Mice.
Standardization for a Korean Version of Chronic Ear Survey: Translation and Verification of Validity and Reliability.
Up-regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha by cobalt chloride prevents hearing loss in noise-exposed mice.
고령 환자에서의 양성 돌발성 두위현훈의 임상적 특징
A Case of Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss after Salicylate Intoxication
Analysis of the 169 Patients with External Auditory Canal Foreign Bodies in the Eemergency Department
Coenzyme Q10 in combination with steroid therapy for treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a controlled prospective study.
Coenzyme Q10 in combination with steroid therapy for treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss:a controlled prospective study.
Di-K19Hc, an antimicrobial peptide as new ototopical agent for treatment of otitis media
Factors Influencing Hearing Outcomes after Ossiculoplasty Using Polycel Prosthesis in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media
Factors Influencing Hearing Outcomes after Ossiculoplasty Using Polycel® Prosthesis in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media
Ingestion of Korean Red Ginseng after Noise Exposure Can Potentiate Rapid Recovery of Hearing in Mice
Roles of an anti-tuberculosis medication and surgery in patients with tuberculous otitis media.
Salicylate Intoxication이후 발생한 양측 청력 저하를 주소로 내원 한 환자 1예
Clinical results of atticoantrotomy with attic reconstruction or attic obliteration for patients with an attic cholesteatoma.
Clinical results of atticoantrotomy with attic reconstruction or attic obliteration for patients with an attic cholesteatoma.
Efficient molecular genetic diagnosis of enlarged vestibular aqueducts in East Asians.
Facial nerve stimulation after cochlear implantation according to types of Nucleus 24-channel electrode arrays.
Long-term results of endolymphatic mastoid shunt surgery in patients with intractable Meniere's disease.
Mechanisms of the Prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Pre-operative Evaluation of Eustchian Tube Function Using a Modified Pressure Equilibration Test is Predictive of Good Postoperative Hearing and Middle Ear Aeration in Type 1 Tympanoplasty Patients
Retinoic acid applied after noise exposure can recover the noise-induced hearing loss in mice.
마우스에서 시상하부-뇌하수체-부신축의 비활성기에 투여한 프레드니졸론의 소음성 난청에 미치는 영향
고실 내 저농도 젠타마이신 주입술을 통한 메니에르병의 치료
신생아 집중치료실 퇴원아의 신생아 청력 선별검사
Apoptotic Pattern of Cochlear Outer Hair Cells and Frequency-specific hearing Threshold Shift in Noise-exposed BALB/c Mice
Can Intratympanic Dexamethasone Added to Systemic Steroids Improve Hearing Outcome in Patients With Sudden Deafness?
Circadian changes in serum corticosterone levels affect hearing in mice exposed to noise
Clinical Comparison of the Auditory Steady-State Response with the Click Auditory Brainstem Response in infants
Experiences of 22 Cases of Malignant External Otitis.Increasing Trend of Resistant Organisms
Pre-operative Evaluation of Eustchian Tube Function Using a Modified Pressure Equilibration Test is Predictive of Good Postoperative Hearing and Middle Ear Aeration in Type 1 Tympanoplasty Patients
Retinoic acid applied after noise exposure can recover the noise-induced hearing loss in mice.
마우스에서 시상하부-뇌하수체-부신축의 비활성기에 투여한 프레드니졸론의 소음성 난청에 미치는 영향
고실 내 저농도 젠타마이신 주입술을 통한 메니에르병의 치료
신생아 집중치료실 퇴원아의 신생아 청력 선별검사
Apoptotic Pattern of Cochlear Outer Hair Cells and Frequency-specific hearing Threshold Shift in Noise-exposed BALB/c Mice
Can Intratympanic Dexamethasone Added to Systemic Steroids Improve Hearing Outcome in Patients With Sudden Deafness?
Circadian changes in serum corticosterone levels affect hearing in mice exposed to noise
Clinical Comparison of the Auditory Steady-State Response with the Click Auditory Brainstem Response in infants
Experiences of 22 Cases of Malignant External Otitis.Increasing Trend of Resistant Organisms
Pre-operative Evaluation of Eustchian Tube Function Using a Modified Pressure Equilibration Test is Predictive of Good Postoperative Hearing and Middle Ear Aeration in Type 1 Tympanoplasty Patients
Retinoic acid applied after noise exposure can recover the noise-induced hearing loss in mice.
마우스에서 시상하부-뇌하수체-부신축의 비활성기에 투여한 프레드니졸론의 소음성 난청에 미치는 영향
고실 내 저농도 젠타마이신 주입술을 통한 메니에르병의 치료
신생아 집중치료실 퇴원아의 신생아 청력 선별검사
Apoptotic Pattern of Cochlear Outer Hair Cells and Frequency-specific hearing Threshold Shift in Noise-exposed BALB/c Mice
Can Intratympanic Dexamethasone Added to Systemic Steroids Improve Hearing Outcome in Patients With Sudden Deafness?
Circadian changes in serum corticosterone levels affect hearing in mice exposed to noise
Clinical Comparison of the Auditory Steady-State Response with the Click Auditory Brainstem Response in infants
Experiences of 22 Cases of Malignant External Otitis.Increasing Trend of Resistant Organisms
Lipoic acid rescues DBA mice from early-onset age-related hearing impairment.
한국인에서의 중추청각처리장애 진단을 위한 검사도구의 적용과 나이에 따른 정상 범위
이명환자에서 Prostaglandin l2의 이명치료 효과
양성 발작성 체위 변환성 현기증 환자에 대한 이석정복 치료법의 효과
인공와우 이식 아동의 전기자극 수준 변화에 대한 장기 추적 연구
Blepharokymographic analysis of eyelid motion in Bell's palsy.
Clinical Features and Comparison of the Results according to Surgical Methods in Patients with Intrameatal Vestibular Schwannoma
Clinical usefulness of Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potenial in Unilateral Meniere's Disease
Cochlear Implantation in the Cochlear Nerve Hypoplasia or Aplasia as Suggested by Temporal Bone Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Comparing pure-tone audiComplications following cochlear implantation in patients with anomalous inner ears: experiences in Asan Medical Center
Hypoxic changes in the central nervous system of noise-exposed mice
Postoperative Complications Following Cochlear Implantation in Patients with Inner Ear Anomalies
Relationships and Effectiveness among Various Questionnaires before and after Intervention of hearing Aids
The Effect of Isoflurane, Halothane and Pentobarbital on Noise-Induced hearing Loss in Mice
The Effect of Pretreatment of CoCl₂on the Prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
The Validity Using Two-stage Automated Auditory Brainstem Response as a Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Protocol : Experiences in Asan Medical Center
Therapeutic effectiveness over time of intratympanic dexamethasone as salvage treatment of sudden deafness
Cartilaginous incisions in septoplasty.
Clinical manifestations and risk factors of children receiving triple ventilating tube insertions for treatment of recurrent otitis media with effusion.
ometry and auditory steady state response for the measurement of hearing loss
Inner Ear Anomalies in Cochlear Implantees: Importance of Radiologic Measurements in the Classification
Inner ear anomalies in cochlear implantees: importance of radiologic measurements in the classification.
Lipo-prostaglandin E1 in combination with steroid therapy is effective for treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in Korean patients with Type 2 diabetes.
돌발성 난청환자에서 측정한 전정유발 근전위 검사의 임상적 유용성
소음에 노출된 흰쥐에서 Halothane이 난청과 세포사에서 미치는 영향
순음청력검사와 청성안정유발반응의 청력 및 주파수에 따른 상관관계 분석
측두골 전산화 단층촬영의 정량적 측정을 이용한 내이 기형의 진단
제2형 당뇨환자에서 발생한 돌발성 난청이 치료제로서 Lipo-Prostaglandin E1의 효능분석
돌발성 난청 환자에서 촬영한 자기 공명 영상의 진단적 유용성
중이내 발생한 침샘 분리종 1예
The effect of canalith repositioning for anterior semicircular canal canalithiasis
Anti-apoptotic role of retinoic acid in inner ear of noise-exposed mice
Central auditory processing disorder
Morphological change of mouse inner ear hair cells after noise exposure
Protective Effect of Isoflurane Anesthesia on Noise-Induced hearing Loss in Mice.
Protective Effect of Isoflurane on Noise-induced Hearing Loss in Mice.
The Effect of Canalith Repositioning for Anterior Semicircular Canal Canalithiasis
내림프관 절제 후 발생한 내림프 수종 1예
Accumulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha in mouse inner ear by noise stimulation
Expression of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor in the inner ear of noise-induced mouse
Facial Nerve Schwannomas : Different Manifestations And Outcomes
Facial nerve Schwannomas: Different menifestationa and outcomes
Facial nerve schwannomas: Different manifestationsand outcomes
Otogenic Brain Abcess : Recent Experience of 13 Cases
Otogenic brain abscesses: Recent experiences of 13 cases
The changes of hearing threshold and endocochlear potential by Bafilomycin delivered to round window in guinea pig
A Case of Wegener’s granulomatosis in Temporal bone
A case of Wegener's granulomatosis in the temporal bone
Recurrent benign paroxysmal positional vertigo at different canals
The effect of cisplatin on the calcium regulation in isolated outer hair cells og guinea pig
The effects of neurotransmitters on the ion channels in the isolated Deiters' cells of guinea pig cochlea
Analysis of Inner Ear Abnormalities Using Temporal Bone Computed Tomography in Profound Hearing Loss Patients.
Outward Rectifying Current in Isolated Deiters Cells from Guinea Pig Cochlea.
The Effect of Acethylcholine on the Slow Motility Induced by High Potassium Ion and Increased Intracellular Calcium in Outer Hair Cells.
The change of hearing threshold and perilymphatic lactate concentration in guinea pigs with induced hypoxia
The change of hearing threshold by the lactate delivered to round window in guinea pigs
ATP and nitric oxide modulate intracellular calcium in isolated pillar cells of the guinea pig cochlea
ATP and nitric oxide modulate intracellular calcium in isolated pillar cells of the guinea pig cochlea
Acetylcholine-evoked calcium increases in Deiters' cell of the guinea pig cochlea suggest 9-like receptors
Analysis of Prognosis in Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Dizziness
Inhibition of cholesteatomatous bone resorption with pamidronate disodium
Roles of cochlear supporting cells in auditory signal transduction
The Effect of Carbamylcholine on the Depolarization-Induced Change of Intracellular Calcium in the Outer Hair Cells of Guinea Pig Cochlea
The Exploratory Tympanotomy in the Conductive Hearing Loss with Normal Appearing Tympanic Membrane
11 Approaches to Petrous-Clivus via Partial Labyrinthectomy for Hearing Preservation
11 approaches to petrous-clivus via partial labyrinthectomy for hearing preservation
The distribution of adenoid mast cells related to chronic otitis media with effusion
Efficacy of audiologic tests in the differential diagnosis of cochlear and retrocochlear hearing loss
Morphologic and biologic changes of experimentally induced cholesteatoma in Mongolian gerbils with anticytokeratin and lectin study
Bone resorption of cultured middle ear cholesteatomatous epithelium - In Vitro study
Changes of the Ca2+ current of the cochlear outer hair cells by cisplatin in guinea pigs
DPOAE in Acoustic neuroma.
Different production of interleukin-1α, interleukin-1β, interleukin-8 from cholesteatomatous and normal epithelium
Dose-response relationship of morphologic changes by cisplatin and radiation in Guinea pig cochleas
Four cases of the external auditory canal cancer.
Hearing Preservation after the Treatment of Gamma Knife for Acoustic Tumors
Middle ear epithelial cell culture in Mongolian Gerbil
Organotypic culture of organ of corti with floating drop method from newborn rat.
The induction of P450-medialted Oxidation of all-trans Retinoic acid by retinools in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines
The inhibitory effect of pamidronate disodium on the bone resorption using fetal rat calvarial bone culture
청신경 종양환자의 gamma knife 치료후 청력 변화
Changes of platinum concentration in inner ear after intraperitoneal injection of cisplatin in Guinea pigs
Clinical applications of multifrequency tympanometry.
Clinical significance of the extratympanic electrocochleography.
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in normal and sensorineural hearing loss ears.
Otogenic brain abscess
Gerbil에서 유발기간에 따른 중이진주종의 cytokeratin 분포
Clinical Follow-up after Tympanostomy Tube Insertion on Children with Otitis Media with Effusion.
Interneukin-1α, interleukin-1β and interleukin-8 gene expression in human aural cholesteatomas
Lectin binding patterns in experimentally induced cholesteatoma in Mongolian gerbil
코골음 및 구호흡 환아에서 두부측면 X-선 사진을 통한 경구 아데노이드 절제술의 효과 예측
중이진주종상피와 정상상피에서 interleukin-1 interleukin-1 와 interleukin-8의 발현
한국인 후두암의 역학적 양상
Histologic structure of antrochoanal polyps.
플라스틱 포매를 이용한 진주종, 외이도 표피, 후이개 표피, 고막, 중이점 막 조직에서의 cytokeratin 분포에 대한 면역조직 화학적 연구
중이진주종 환자의 상피에서 interleukin-1a, Interleukin-1B, Interleukin-6와 Interleukin-8의 분포
Middle eat epithelial cell culture in the Mongolian gerbil. Immunobiol Otorhinolaryngol
정상인에서 클릭 유발 이음향방사를 이용하여 원심성 청성신경 전달로인 올리브 와우각삭의 탐색에 대한 연구
사대와 상부경추부위에 대한 경구접근법
An analysis of labyrinthine fistula in chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma
Bleomycin을 이용한 림프관 기형증의 경화요법
1991년 한국인의 중이염과 중이염관련 질환의 유병율 조사
정상 기니픽의 유발이음향방사의 특성과 신뢰도에 관한 연구
유세포계측검색(Flow Cytometry) 으로 측정한 후두암세포의 DNA 양상에 관한 연구
CO2 레이저를 이용한 기관지경 수술의 임상 응용
유양동 삭개술 및 고실성형술의 재수술의 결과
경비중격경접형동 뇌하수체수술의 결과: 외비성형술 접근법에 관하여
상세정보 펼쳐보기
상세정보 펼쳐보기
음성질환,후두암, 갑상선암,인후두역류질환
고려대학교 안암병원
신촌세브란스 연세암병원
가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원
가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원
가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원
고려대학교 구로병원

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