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Talk about korean plastic surgery
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I wonder if many foreigners actually join this site

프림로즈힐 2023-12-16 00:55:53 (KST) 9개월전 (KST) 465
‘Global’ is such an interesting board.

Are people here mostly koreans living abroad?

Or are there many foreigners checking this site to get a plastic surgery in Korea?

plz leave a comment here if you are not korean

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Comments 2
bxnrieu 2023-12-27 23:49:48 (KST) 8개월전 (KST)
URL https://sungyesa.com/new/global/307
Hi ! I’m not Korean (I am Asian though) but I’ve been using this site to find out more about surgery in Korea. I feel that it’s also a good way to improve my Korean language skills by reading more ahahah.
안따 2023-12-31 17:12:08 (KST) 8개월전 (KST)
URL https://sungyesa.com/new/global/319
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