ketogenic diet
대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation) 0/0 :0-0,2000
6개월 이상 완전히 발작이 조적된 난치성 소아 간질의 임상특징 및 뇌파 특징
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 8/2 :242-249,2000
safety profile of topiramate
장애아동연구소논문집 15/0 :45-54,2001
난치성 간질의 미주신경자극 치료 : 18개월 추적 다기관 임상연구
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 5/1 :46-51,2001
소아 후두엽 기시 간질의 임상적 고찰
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 5/1 :41-45,2001
상염색체 우성 야간 전두엽 간질로 추정되는 환아 1례
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 9/1 :129-133,2001
대뇌피질 발달기형이 동반된 소아간질의 임상 및 전기생리학적 특징에 대한 연구
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 5/1 :10-17,2001
소아간질 환자에서 간질병소 편측화 진단을 위한 KEDI-WISC 검사의 유용성
정신건강연구 20/0 :233-241,2001
소아에서의 전신성 간질증후군
대한신경과학회지(JournalOfTheKoreanNeurologicalAssociation) 19/0 :22-27,2001
부적절하게 조절되는 소아 간질 환자에서 topiramate의 병용투여 효과 : 개방성 phase IV다기관 연구
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 9/1 :69-79,2001
뇌성마비 아동에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 약물치료는?
인제의학 23/3 :311-315,2002
난치성 소아 간질에서의 수술적 치료
대한간질학회지 6/2 :139-143,2002
열성 경련과 영아기 비열성 양성 경련
인제의학 23/3 :320-324,2002
한국판 소아간질 환자의 삶의 질 척도(K-QOLCE)의 타당도 연구
대한간질학회지 6/1 :32-44,2002
중증 영아형 근간대성 간질의 임상적 고찰
대한간질학회지 6/2 :132-138,2002
열성경련 플러스에서 SCN1B유전자의 돌연변이
대한소아신경학회지(JournaloftheKoreanChildNeurologySociety) 10/2 :219-225,2002
난치성 간질 환아의 성장상태, 칼슘 조절호르몬 농도 및 골밀도 소견
대한 소아과 내분비 학회지 7/1 :87-94,2002
난치성 간질을 동반한 결절성 경화증의 수술적 치험 3례
대한소아신경학회지(JournaloftheKoreanChildNeurologySociety) 10/2 :314-324,2002
난치성 간질환자에서 케톤생성 식이요법이 혈중 지질 농도에 미치는 영향
대한간질학회지 6/2 :152-157,2002
케톤생성 식이요법의 유효성과 내인성을 향상시킬 수 있는 방법
대한소아신경학회지(JournaloftheKoreanChildNeurologySociety) 10/1 :41-47,2002
난치성 소아 간질의 치료
소아신경학회지 11/2 :205-213,2003
유소아발달과 발달장애
인제의학 22/3 :331-336,2003
간질의 기타 보조적 치료
대한의사협회지(Journal Of The Korean Medical Association) 46/4 :214-218,2003
소아 급성 파종성 뇌척수염의 임상양상
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 11/2 :343-350,2003
Landau-Kleffner 증후군의 임상적 고찰
소아신경학회지 11/2 :283-289,2003
난치성 소아 간질의 미주 신경자극술 효과
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 7/2 :118-124,2003
acute encephalitis associated with measles: MRI fatures
pediatric neuroradiology 23/2 :212-215,2003
신생아 뇌파의 진단적 유용성에 대한 연구
소아과학회지 46/2 :137-142,2003
간질 발작으로 내원하여 진단된 Gitelman 증후군 1례
대한소아신장학회지 8/1 :68-73,2004
난치성 소아 간질의 미주신경자극술 효과
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 11/2 :118-124,2004
도파 반응성 근육긴장이상, Segawa병 1례
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 12/1 :99-104,2004
Benefits of the nonfasting ketogenic diet compared with the initial fasting ketogenic diet
PEDIATRICS 114/6 :1627-1630,2004
Early- and late-onset complications of the ketogenic diet for intractable epilepsy
EPILEPSIA 45/ :1116-1123,2004
Epileptic Conditions from Genetic/metabolic Disorders
장애아동연구소논문집 17/ :59-63,2004
Lennox-gastaut 증후군으로 발현된 3-Methylcrotony-1CoA Carboxylase 결핍증 1례
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 12/1 :92-98,2004
Therapeutic Outcomes of Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Intractable Childhood Epilepsy
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 12/2 :1-,2004
소아 급성 파종성 뇌척수염의 임상양상 및 치료 결과
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 11/2 :343-350,2004
Diffusion tensor MRI visualizes decreased subcortical fiber connectivity in focal cortical dysplasia
NEUROIMAGE 22/ :1826-1829,2004
사립체 질환
다상성파종성뇌척수염 3예
단순포진상 뇌염환자에서 연속적으로 시행한 MRI, SPECT, FDG-PET 분석
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 9/1 :94-96,2005
Efficacy and safety of the ketogenic diet for intractable childhood epilepsy: Korean multicentric experience
EPILEPSIA 46/2 :272-279,2005
Prognostic factors of status epilepticus in children
Developmental Disorder Caused by Epilepsy
장애아동연구소논문집 18/ :41-46,2005
영아 연축을 동반한 난치성 간질에 대한 수술 치료에 대한 고찰
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 13/2 :166-171,2005
Outcomes of Therapeutic Modalities for Intractable Childhood Epilepsy
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 13/2 :151-164,2005
주의력결핍-과잉행동장애를 동반한 소아 간질환자에서 Methylphenidate의 효과 및 안전성
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 9/2 :153-158,2005
소아 간질 치료에서 뇌량 전체 절제술의 결과
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 9/2 :165-171,2005
Clinical Characteristics of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Defect with Neurological Manifestations
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 14/2 :-,2006
영아 연축 환아에서의 발달 평가 결과
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 14/2 :286-294,2006
Ketogenic diet for treatment of infantile spasms
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 28/7 :566-571,2006
대뇌 피질 발달 기형을 동반한 난치성 소아 간질에서 케톤생성 식이요법의 효과
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 49/2 :187-191,2006
Landau-Kleffner syndrome with mitochondrial respiratory chain-complex I deficiency
PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 35/2 :158-161,2006
Neurologic manifestations and treatment of Henoch-Scho?nlein purpura
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 28/ :547-,2006
측두엽 간질의 삼중 병리에 대한 절제술의 경험
대한소아신경외과학회지 3/1 :80-84,2006
Diet therapy in refractory pediatric epilepsy: Increased efficacy and tolerability
EPILEPTIC DISORDERS 8/4 :309-316,2006
Vagus nerve stimulation in pediatric intractable epilepsy: a korean bicentric study
Clinical and Laboratorial Characteristics of Korean Children with Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Defect
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 14/2 :207-214,2006
Diagnostic mutational analysis of MECP2 in Korean patients with Rett syndrome
Short-term trial of a liquid ketogenic milk to infants with West syndrome
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 28/ :67-,2006
Clinical and electroencephalographic features of infantile spasms associated with malformations of cortical development
A Case of Cogential Fiber Type Disproportion With Multiple Anomalies
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 14/2 :328-332,2006
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of Korean Children with Mithochondrial Respiratory Chain Defect
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 14/2 :207-214,2006
Use of a modified atkins diet in intractable childhood epilepsy
EPILEPSIA 48/1 :182-186,2007
The effects on cognitive function and behavioral problems of topiramate compared to carbamazepine as monotherapy for children with benign rolandic epilepsy
EPILEPSIA 48/9 :1716-1723,2007
대뇌피질 이형성증과 미세발생이상; 난치성 소아 간질로 뇌엽절제술을 받은 환자에서의 임상소견, 뇌파 및 영상학적 비교
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 15/1 :45-57,2007
Safe and effective use of the ketogenic diet in children with epilepsy and mitochondrial respiratory chain complex defects
EPILEPSIA 48/1 :82-88,2007
Efficacy and tolerability of the ketogenic diet according to lipid:nonlipid ratios - Comparison of 3:1 with 4:1 diet
EPILEPSIA 48/4 :801-805,2007
Nonspecific mitochondrial disease with epilepsy in children: Diagnostic approaches and epileptic phenotypes
CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM 23/ :1301-1307,2007
Vagus nerve stimulation in intractable childhood epilepsy: a Korean multicenter experience
Treatment modality for intractable epilepsy in hypothalamic hamartomatous lesions
Neurosurgery 62/4 :847-856,2008
Comparison of corpus callosotomy and vagus nerve stimulation in children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Brain & Development 30/ :195-199,2008
Mitochondrial respiratory chain defects: Underlying etiology in various epileptic conditions
Epilepsia 49/ :685-690,2008
레녹스 가스토 증후군에서 뇌량절제술
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 12/1 :41-45,2008
Changing the paradigm of 1-stage total callosotomy for the treatment of pediatric generalized epilepsy
Journal of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics 2/ :29-36,2008
소아 간질 환아에서 뇌파와 PET과의 연관성에 대한 분석
대한소아과학회지(Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society) 51/3 :286-292,2008
피질 이형성증과 미세이형성의 영상 의학적, 전기생리적 및 임상적 차이
대한소아신경외과학회지(The Korean Journal of Pediatric Neurosurgery) 5/1 :30-36,2008
Cultural challenges in using the ketogenic diet in Asian countries
Epilepsia 49/8 :50-52,2008
소아 만성 두통 환자에서의 Magnetic Resonance Angiography 결과 분석
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 16/2 :175-181,2008
반구절단술 시행받은 난치성 소아간질환자들의 임상적 고찰 및 술후 성적
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 16/2 :156-162,2008
소아 간질환자에서의 삶의 질과 Topiramate
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 12/1 :71-77,2008
Effect of a ketogenic diet on EEG: Analysis of sample entropy
Seizure-European Journal Of Epilepsy 17/ :561-566,2008
Clinical efficacy of zonisamide in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: Korean multicentric experience
Brain & Development 30/ :287-290,2008
Long-term outcome of the ketogenic diet for intractable childhood epilepsy with focal malformation of cortical development
Pediatrics 122/ :E330-E333,2008
Improving tolerability of the ketogenic diet in patients with abnormal endoscopic findings
Brain & Development 30/ :416-419,2008
소아 청소년 간질에서 토피라메이트와 관련된 인지 기능 장애
대한간질학회지(Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society) 12/s1 :67-70,2008
비측두엽 소아 간질 환자의 수술 결과
대한소아신경학회지(Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society) 16/2 :146-155,2008
Problems in the Application of the New International Classification of Epilepsy Proposed by ILAE
てんかん硏究(텐칸연구) 26/ :76-83,2008
Neuroradiologic findings in children with mitochondrial disorder: correlation with mitochondrial respiratory chain defects
European Radiology 18/ :1741-1748,2008
Newly observed thalamic involvement and mutations of the HEXA gene in a Korean patient with juvenile GM2 gangliosidosis
Metabolic Brain Disease 23/3 :235-242,2008
Advanced treatment of intractable childgood epilepsy.
epilepsy & seizure 1/1 :1-10,2008
Early surgery of hamartoma of the floor of the fourth ventricle: A case report
Brain & Development 31/5 :347-351,2009
Comparison of various imaging modalities in localization of epileptogenic lesion using epilepsy surgery outcome in pediatric patients
Seizure-European Journal Of Epilepsy 18/7 :504-510,2009
Insular epilepsy surgery under neuronavigation guidance using depth electrode
Childs Nervous System 25/5 :591-597,2009
Evaluation of renal function in children with mitochondrial respiratory chain complex defect: usefulness of cystatin C
Acta Paediatrica 98/6 :1014-1018,2009
Factors Influencing the Evolution of West Syndrome to Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Pediatric Neurology 41/2 :111-113,2009
Clinical characteristics of patients with non-specific and non-categorized mitochondrial diseases
Acta Paediatrica 98/11 :1825-1829,2009
소아 사립체 질환에서 시각 유발전위검사의 유용성
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 52/4 :471-475,2009
Outcome of surgical treatment in non-lesional intractable childhood epilepsy
Seizure-European Journal Of Epilepsy 18/9 :625-629,2009
Ictal single-photon emission computed tomography with slow dye injection for determining primary epileptic foci in infantile spasms
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 52/7 :804-810,2009
Endoscopic disconnection of hypothalamic astrocytoma causing gelastic epilepsy: Case report
Journal of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics 4/2 :151-155,2009
소아 뇌갈림증의 신경영상학적 소견 및 임상 양상
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 52/4 :458-463,2009
10th Asian & Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology: Expanding the Field of Child Neurology from the Region to the World.
Future neurology 4/5 :551-553,2009
Resective Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Pediatrics 125/1 :E58-E66,2010
Comparison of temporal lobectomies of children and adults with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy
CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM 26/ :177-183,2010
Efficacy and Safety of Adjunctive Levetiracetam Therapy in Pediatric Intractable Epilepsy
Pediatric Neurology 42/2 :86-92,2010
Efficacy and tolerability of adjunctive therapy with zonisamide in childhood intractable epilepsy
Brain & Development 32/2 :208-212,2010
Caregiver's Burden and Quality of Life in Mitochondrial Disease
Pediatric Neurology 42/4 :271-276,2010
A case of Ohtahara syndrome with mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I deficiency
Brain & Development 32/3 :253-257,2010
Behavioral improvement after transplantation of neural precursors derived from embryonic stem cells into the globally ischemic brain of adolescent rats
Brain & Development 32/8 :658-668,2010
Initial Experiences with Proton MR Spectroscopy in Treatment Monitoring of Mitochondrial Encephalopathy
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 51/5 :672-675,2010
외측두엽 간질의 수술적 결과
대한소아신경외과학회지 7/1 :31-40,2010
Iron deficiency in children with mitochondrial disease
Metabolic Brain Disease 25/2 :185-189,2010
A case of hippocampal sclerosis diagnosed as cortical dysplasia due to preoperative brain MRI finding
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 53/1 :106-110,2010
Electrocardiography as an early cardiac screening test in children with mitochondrial disease
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 54/5 :644-647,2010
Electroencephalography Features of Primary Epileptogenic Regions in Surgically Treated MRI-Negative Infantile Spasms
Pediatric Neurosurgery 46/3 :182-187,2010
Surgical Outcomes and Prognostic Factors after Epilepsy Surgery in Children with Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 18/1 :20-32,2010
Renal Stone Associated with the Ketogenic Diet in a 5-Year Old Girl with Intractable Epilepsy
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 51/3 :457-459,2010
소아청소년기 수면 장애의 임상적 연구
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 18/2 :187-196,2010
중심-측두엽 극파 동반 양성 간질에서의 인지 행동 관찰 및 topiramate 1일 1회 투약 효과
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 18/2 :206-213,2010
Usefulness of liquid ketogenic milk for intractable childhood epilepsy
e-SPEN, the European e-journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 5/5 :203-207,2010
Risk factors of ocular involvement in children with mitochondrial respiratory chain complex defect
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 53/12 :994-999,2010
Leigh 증후군 환아에서의 안과적 이상 소견
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 53/2 :163-166,2010
Comparison of short-versus long-term ketogenic diet for intractable infantile spasms
EPILEPSIA 52/4 :781-787,2011
Neuroimaging in identifying focal cortical dysplasia and prognostic factors in pediatric and adolescent epilepsy surgery
EPILEPSIA 52/4 :722-727,2011
Topiramate on the quality of life in childhood epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 33/ :707-712,2011
Uncovered primary seizure foci in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome after corpus callosotomy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 33/8 :672-677,2011
Comparative trial of low- and high-dose zonisamide as monotherapy for childhood epilepsy
Evaluation of Algorithms for Intracranial EEG (iEEG) Source Imaging of Extended Sources: Feasibility of Using iEEG Source Imaging for Localizing Epileptogenic Zones in Secondary Generalized Epilepsy
BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 24/ :91-104,2011
Localization of ictal onset zones in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome using directional connectivity analysis of intracranial electroencephalography
A Case of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Confirmed by Molecular Genetic Analysis
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 18/3 :272-276,2011
A Case of Early Onset MELAS Patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 18/3 :266-271,2011
A1 Segment Hypoplasia/aplasia Detected by Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Neuropediatric Patients
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 18/3 :231-239,2011
Various indications for a modified Atkins diet in intractable childhood epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 34/ :570-575,2012
Rufinamide as an adjuvant treatment in children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Genetic and Epileptic Features in Rett Syndrome
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 53/3 :495-500,2012
Localization of ictal onset zones in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) based on information theoretical time delay analysis of intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG)
EPILEPSY RESEARCH 99/1-2 :78-86,2012
Dietary therapies: A worldwide phenomenon
EPILEPSY RESEARCH 100/3 :205-209,2012
발작과 뇌전증에 대한 개정된 용어 및 개념: ILAE의 분류 및 용어 관련 보고(2005-2009) 한글판
Journal of Korean Epilepsy Society 16/1 :1-8,2012
Effects of lamotrigine on cognition and behavior compared to carbamazepine as monotherapy for children with partial epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 34/10 :818-823,2012
Safety and role of ketogenic parenteral nutrition for intractable childhood epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 34/8 :620-624,2012
Early cardiac evaluation in children with non-specific mitochondrial disease with isolated mitochondrial respiratory chain complex i defect
A multicenter trial of oxcarbazepine oral suspension monotherapy in children newly diagnosed with partial seizures: A clinical and cognitive evaluation
New Classification of Focal Cortical Dysplasia: Application to Practical Diagnosis
Journal of Epilepsy Research 2/2 :38-42,2012
Epilepsy in Korean patients with Angelman syndrome
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 55/5 :171-176,2012
Usefulness of Diffusion Tensor Tractography in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
Catch-up growth after long-term implementation and weaning from ketogenic diet in pediatric epileptic patients
CLINICAL NUTRITION 32/1 :98-103,2013
Mitochondrial disease and epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 35/35 :757-761,2013
Seizure outcome of infantile spasms with focal cortical dysplasia
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 35/35 :816-820,2013
Clinical analysis of catastrophic epilepsy in infancy and early childhood: Results of the Far-East Asia Catastrophic Epilepsy (FACE) study group
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 35/1 :786-792,2013
Localization of epileptogenic zones in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome using frequency domain source imaging of intracranial electroencephalography: a preliminary investigation
Lower fat and better quality diet therapy for children with pharmacoresistant epilepsy
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 56/8 :327-331,2013
Interferon beta-1b Treatment in a Korean Girl with Multiple Sclerosis
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 21/1 :28-32,2013
Clinical Presentations and the Bacterial Meningitis Score in Children with Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Pleocytosis
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 21/2 :46-52,2013
The Usefulness of Diffusion Tensor Image-integrated Neuronavigation in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
대한소아신경외과학회지 10/1 :15-21,2013
Schilder's disease in a young child with tumefactive demyelinating brain lesion
NEUROLOGY ASIA 18/4 :419-421,2013
Quantitative Analysis of Simultaneous EEG Features during PET Studies for Childhood Partial Epilepsy
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 54/3 :572-577,2013
The Significance of Insular Hypometabolism in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Children
Journal of Epilepsy Research 3/2 :54-62,2013
Relapsed Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis after Epilepsy Surgery
Journal of Epilepsy Research 3권/1호 :28-31,2013
Epilepsy surgery in pediatric intractable epilepsy with destructive encephalopathy.
Journal of Epilepsy Research 3/2 :48-53,2013
Polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched diet therapy for a child with epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 36/Issue2 :163-166,2014
Changing name of epilepsy in Korea; cerebroelectric disorder(noi-jeon-jeung,뇌전증,): my epilepsy story.
EPILEPSIA 55/3 :384-386,2014
Outcomes of epilepsy surgery in childhood-onset epileptic encephalopathy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 36/6 :496-504,2014
Primary central nervous system anaplastic large cell lymphoma presenting initially with meningitis
NEUROLOGY ASIA 19/ :231-234,2014
Combined Use of Multiple Computational Intracranial EEG Analysis Techniques for the Localization of Epileptogenic Zones in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
The impact of an exercise therapy on psychosocial health of children with benign epilepsy: A pilot study
EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 37/ :151-156,2014
Epilepsy-related clinical factors and psychosocial functions in pediatric epilepsy
EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 37c/- :43-48,2014
Adjunctive levetiracetam treatment in pediatric lennox-gastaut syndrome
PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 51/4 :527-531,2014
A modified Atkin's diet for an infant with pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency confirmed by PDHA1 gene mutation
NEUROLOGY ASIA 19/3 :327-329,2014
Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A with residual merosin expression
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 57/3 :149-152,2014
Psychological Problems and Clinical Outcomes of Children with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 55/6 :1556-1561,2014
Myocardial atrophy in children with mitochondrial disease and Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 57/5 :232-239,2014
Wernicke’s encephalopathy in a child with high dose thiamine therapy.
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 57/11 :496-499,2014
Localization of epileptogenic zones in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) using graph theoretical analysis of ictal intracranial EEG: A preliminary investigation
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 37/1 :29-36,2015
Neurocognitive function in children after anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy
PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 52/1 :88-93,2015
Long-term prognosis of patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in recent decades
EPILEPSY RESEARCH 110/- :10-19,2015
Screening for depression and anxiety disorder in children with headache
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 58/2 :64-68,2015
Brain somatic mutations in MTOR cause focal cortical dysplasia type II leading to intractable epilepsy
NATURE MEDICINE 21/4 :395-400,2015
Neuropsychological effects of levetiracetam and carbamazepine in children with focal epilepsy
NEUROLOGY 84/23 :2312-2319,2015
Perceived stigma in Korean adolescents with epilepsy: Effects of knowledge about epilepsy and maternal perception of stigma
결절성 경화증 (Tuberous sclerosis) 환자에서 뇌실막밑 거대세포 별아교세포종의 (Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma) 치료
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 23/1 :1-6,2015
Applying the bacterial meningitis score in children with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis: a single center’s experience
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 58/7 :251-255,2015
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy in children: a report of four patients with variable relapsing courses
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 58/5 :194-198,2015
The causal epileptic network identifies the primary epileptogenic zone in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Spinal Cord Tumor Presenting as Secondary Torticollis: A Case Report
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 23/3 :135-137,2015
Parry-Romberg syndrome with ipsilateral hemipons involvement presenting as monoplegic ataxia
Korean Journal of Pediatrics 58/9 :354-357,2015
Efficacy of the classic ketogenic and the modified Atkins diets in refractory childhood epilepsy
EPILEPSIA 57/1 :51-58,2016
The Impact of a 35-Week Long-Term Exercise Therapy on Psychosocial Health of Children With Benign Epilepsy
Family factors contributing to emotional and behavioral problems in Korean adolescents with epilepsy
EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 56/ :66-72,2016
Predictive role of brain connectivity for resective surgery in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 127/8 :2862-2868,2016
Surgical treatment of pediatric focal cortical dysplasia: Clinical spectrum and surgical outcome
NEUROLOGY 30;87/9 :945-951,2016
Surgical versus medical treatment for children with epileptic encephalopathy in infancy and early childhood: Results of an international multicenter cohort study in Far-East Asia (the FACE study)
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 38/5 :449-460,2016
미토콘드리아 호흡연쇄 복합체 결함이 동반된 난치성 소아 뇌전증에서의 Zonisamide 부가 요법
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 24/3 :89-94,2016
Juvenile Myasthenia Gravis in Korea: Subgroup Analysis According to Sex and Onset Age
JOURNAL OF CHILD NEUROLOGY 31/14 :1561-4568,2016
Epilepsy Characteristics and Clinical Outcome in Patients With Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like Episodes (MELAS)
PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 64/- :59-65,2016
Ketogenic Diet for Children with Epilepsy : A Practical Meal Plan in a Hospital
Clinical nutrition research 5/1 :60-63,2016
Estimating the Prevalence of Treated Epilepsy Using Administrative Health Data and Its Validity: ESSENCE Study
Review of clinical studies of perampanel in adolescent patients
GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 6/9 :e00505-,2016
Cause of Death in Children With Mitochondrial Diseases
Spectral characteristics of intracranial electroencephalographic activity in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 39/2 :138-144,2017
Somatic Mutations in TSC1 and TSC2 Cause Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Protein-losing enteropathy as a complication of the ketogenic diet
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 58/4 :891-893,2017
Modification of electrophysiological activity pattern after anterior thalamic deep brain stimulation for intractable epilepsy: report of 3 cases
JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 126/6 :2028-2035,2017
Ketogenic Diet for the Management of Epilepsy Associated with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex in Children
Journal of Epilepsy Research 7/1 :45-49,2017
An analysis of a novel, short-term therapeutic psychoeducational program for children and adolescents with chronic neurological illness and their parents; feasibility and efficacy
드라베 증후군의 SCN1A 유전자 변이 양상
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 25/1 :9-12,2017
Quinidine Trial in a Patient with Epilepsy of Infancy with Migrating Focal Seizure and KCNT1 Mutation
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 25/3 :169-173,2017
Discontinuing Antiepileptic Drugs after Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery for Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 25/3 :127-132,2017
Low glycemic index treatment in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 39/8 :687-692,2017
Electroencephalography Network Effects of Corpus Callosotomy in Patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 8/Article :1-10,2017
Altered brain functional connectivity induced by physical exercise may improve neuropsychological functions in patients with benign epilepsy.
EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 76/ :126-132,2017
Mowat-Wilson syndrome presenting with fever-associated seizures.
EPILEPTIC DISORDERS 19/4 :481-485,2017
Efficacy of Stiripentol in Dravet Syndrome with or without SCN1A Mutations
Efficient strategy for the molecular diagnosis of intractable early-onset epilepsy using targeted gene sequencing
Targeted gene panel and genotype-phenotype correlation in children with developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
EPILEPSY RESEARCH 141/ :48-55,2018
Differential effects on sodium current impairments by distinct SCN1A mutations in GABAergic neurons derived from Dravet syndrome patients
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 40/4 :287-298,2018
Vigabatrin and high-dose prednisolone therapy for patients with West syndrome
EPILEPSY RESEARCH 145/1 :127-133,2018
Adverse Events During Perampanel Adjunctive Therapy in Intractable Epilepsy
The efficacy of ketogenic diet for specific genetic mutation in developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
Interregional metabolic connectivity of 2-deoxy-2[18 F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography in vagus nerve stimulation for pediatric patients with epilepsy: A retrospective cross-sectional study.
EPILEPSIA 59/12 :2,249-2,259,2018
Early Diagnosis of KBG Syndrome Using Diagnostic Exome Sequencing
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 26/4 :272-275,2018
Brain somatic mutations in SLC35A2 cause intractable epilepsy with aberrant N-glycosylation
Neurology: Genetics 4/6 :e294-e302,2018
Long-term Outcome of Resective Epilepsy Surgery in Patients With Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
PEDIATRICS 142/4 :e20180449-e20180459,2018
Age-Based Characteristics of West Syndrome in Patients with Mitochondrial Disease
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society(대한소아신경학회지) 26/4 :197-204,2018
Rufinamide efficacy and safety in children aged 1-4?years with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT 40/10 :897-903,2018
Epilepsy Surgery for Children With Low-Grade Epilepsy-Associated Tumors: Factors Associated With Seizure Recurrence and Cognitive Function
Clobazam as an adjunctive treatment for infantile spasms
EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 95/ :161-165,2019
Short- and long-term seizure-free outcomes of dietary treatment in infants according to etiology
Optimized Treatment for Infantile Spasms: Vigabatrin versus Prednisolone versus Combination Therapy
Journal of Clinical Medicine 8/10 :1591-1-1591-10,2019
Proband-Only Clinical Exome Sequencing for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Clinical Implementation of Targeted Gene Sequencing for Malformation of Cortical Development
Genetic and clinical features of SCN8A developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
EPILEPSY RESEARCH 158/1 :e106222-,2019
Precise detection of low-level somatic mutation in resected epilepsy brain tissue.
ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 138/6 :901-912,2019