I'm looking to get a Breast Augmentation in Korea next year. I've been researching on my own, and found this great website which will help me with making decision for doctor, type of implant, and othe…
Hi, I am just looking into getting the breast surgery. I hope to use this website to find the clinic where I will get the surgery done! For those of you who have gotten breast augmentation surgery don…
Hi, I'm looking to find a suitable doctor for an upper blepharoplasty revision in Korea. Its been frustrating trying to sift through paid ads, and am looking for solid information. I don't understand …
Hello, i am looking for noseball reduction surgery in korea. I had a nose complex since I was in year 6. So currently I am finding nice and no side effects hospital. I hope I can fix my complex as soo…
성형외과마케팅 퇴사후 쓰는 찐리얼2탄!! 전후사진이 중요한 이유!!!
안녕~ 글 하나 올리고 하루만에 정지먹고 ㅎㅎ 그래도 댓글이 많이 달려서 최대한 답글을 줄려고는 하는데 이전글은 비댓은 볼수는 있지만 답변은 할 수가 없어서 나도 답답… 그러니 앞으로는 이 아이디에 댓글이나 쪽지를 부탁할께.. 백수인데 나름 바쁨 ㅎㅎ
근데 무턱대고 쓴 글에 6번항목에 다들 신기해하고 중요한지 몰랐다고 하더라고..
(안 읽었던 분들은…