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Dr. 이진수
Dr. Lee Jin Soo
폐암 수술의 대가
2010 제3회 암예방의 날 국민훈장 동백장
2001 알리안츠제일생명 올해를 빛낸 한국인상
1967-03 1974-02 서울대학교 의학과 대졸
1974-03 1976-02 서울대학교 보건학과 대학원졸(석사)
1978-03 2007-02 서울대학교 보건학과 대학원졸(박사)
1982 미국 텍사스대학교 의과대학 MD앤더슨병원 종양내과 의사
1982 미국 텍사스대학교 MD 앤더슨 암센터 조교수
1984 미국 텍사스대학교 의과대학 MD앤더슨병원 종양내과 교수
~ 2001 미국 텍사스대학교 MD 앤더슨 암센터 교수
2001-09 2004-08 국립암센터 부속병원 부속병원장
2001-10 2003-01 국립암센터 페암센터 폐암센터장
2001-10 2007-11 국립암센터 폐암연구과 폐암연구과장
2008-06 2014-06 국립암센터 원장
2013-09 2014-06 국제암대학원대학교 총장
2016-01 현재 국제암대학원대학교 명예교수
2001 제12차 세계폐암연구학회 유치위원장
2003 ~ 2007 제12차 세계폐암학술대회 조직위원장
2005-07 2007-09 세계폐암학회(IASCL) 이사
2006-05 2008-06 국립암센터 연구소 연구소장
2006-07 현재 한국역학회 이사
2007.06 2008.06 대한암학회 부회장
2008-02 현재 중앙약사심의위원회 위원
2008.06 ~ 국립암센터발전기금 이사장
2010-06 2011-06 대한암학회 회장
2019 SCI-E Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for Re-biopsy in Previously Treated Lung Cancer: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.363)
2017 SCI-E Lung Cancer Screening with Low-Dose CT in Female Never Smokers:Retrospective Cohort Study with Long-Term National Data Follow-up: Cancer research and treatment. 50(3):748~756 (3.772)
2017 SCI Ottogi Inhibits Wnt/β-catenin Signaling by Regulating Cell Membrane Trafficking of Frizzled8: Scientific Reports. 7(1):13278~13278 (4.259)
2017 SCI-E Incorporating Erlotinib or Irinotecan Plus Cisplatin into Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer According to EGFR Mutation Status: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(4):981~989 (3.772)
2017 SCI-E Randomized phase II study of afatinib plus simvastatin versus afatinib alone in previously treated patients with advanced nonadenocarcinomatous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(4):1001~1011 (3.772)
2016 SCI-E Effect of Accurate Staging Using Positron Emission Tomography on the Outcomes of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Patients With Limited Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer.: Clinical Lung Cancer. 18(1):77~84 (3.03)
2016 SCI-E A Phase II Study of Poziotinib in Patients with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-Mutant Lung Adenocarcinoma who Have Acquired Resistance to EGFR-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors.: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(1):10~19 (4.245)
2016 SCI Association between screening and the thyroid cancer “epidemic” in South Korea: evidence from a nationwide study: British Medical Journal. 355:i5745~i5745 (19.697)
2016 SCI-E ERCC1 expression-based randomized phase II study of gemcitabine/cisplatin versus irinotecan/cisplatin in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Cancer Res Treat. Online:Published (4.245)
2016 SCI-E Comparison of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations between Metastatic Lymph Node Diagnosed by EBUS-TBNA and Primary Tumor in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: PLOS ONE. 11(9):e0163652~e0163652 (3.057)
2016 SCI-E Lung Cancer Epidemiology in Korea: Cancer Research and Treatment. Online:Published (4.245)
2016 SCI-E Effects of accurate staging using PET on the outcomes of PCI in patients with LD-SCLC: Clinical Lung Cancer. Online:Published (3.03)
2016 SCI A phase II study of nintedanib in patints with relapsed small cell lung cancer: Lung Cancer. 96:108~112 (3.767)
2015 SCI-E A Phase II Study of Weekly Paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine as a Second-line Therapy in Patients with Metastatic or Recurrent Small Cell Lung Cancer.: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):465~472 (3.318)
2015 SCI-E Robust Association Tests for the Replication of Genome-Wide Association Studies: BioMed Research International. 2015:461593~461593 (1.579)
2015 SCI Identification of occult tumors by whole-specimen mapping in solitary papillary thyroid carcinoma.: Endocrine-Related Cancer. 22(4):679~686 (4.805)
2015 SCI-E Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Thyroid Cancer Incidence in Korea: Cancer Research and Treatment. 47(3):362~369 (3.318)
2015 SCI A nomogram to predict brain metastasis as the first relapse in curatively resected non-small cell lung cancer patients: Lung cancer. 88(2):201~207 (3.958)
2015 SCI-E Clinical Likelihood of Sporadic Primary EGFR T790M Mutation in EGFR-Mutant Lung Cancer: Clinical Lung Cancer. 16(1):46~50 (3.104)
2014 기타 Systemic Nocardiosis Mimicking Disease Flare-up after Discontinuation of Gefitinib in a Patient with EGFR-Mutant Lung Cancer: Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. 77(6):271~273 (0)
2014 SCI-E The effect of tumor volume and its change on survival in stage III non-small cell lung cancer treated with definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy: Radiation oncology [electronic resource]. 9:283~283 (2.36)
2014 SCI-E Ventriculolumbar Perfusion Chemotherapy With Methotrexate for Treating Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis: A Phase II Study.: The oncologist. 19(10):1044~1045 (4.54)
2014 SCI Clinical outcome according to the level of preexisting epidermal growth factor receptor T790M mutation in patients with lung cancer harboring sensitive epidermal growth factor receptor mutations.: Cancer. 120(14):2090~2098 (4.901)
2014 SCI Genetic variations associated with postoperative recurrence in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer: Clinical Cancer Research. 20(12):3272~3279 (8.193)
2014 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2011: Cancer Research and Treatment. 46(2):109~123 (2.975)
2014 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2014: Cancer Research and Treatment. 46(2):124~130 (2.975)
2014 SCI Genomic profile analysis of diffuse-type gastric cancers: Genome Biology. 15(4):R55~R55 (10.465)
2014 SCI-E A genome-wide association study of survival in small-cell lung cancer patients treated with irinotecan plus cisplatin chemotherapy: The Pharmacogenomics Journal. 14(1):20~27 (5.513)
2013 SCI-E Clinical significance of heterogeneity in response to retreatment with epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with lung cancer acquiring secondary resistance to the drug: Cinical lung cancer. 15(2):145~151 (3.22)
2013 SCI-E The Level of Tobacco-specific Metabolite among Non-smoking Lung Cancer at Diagnosis : A Finding from Case-Control Study: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14(11):1~3 (1.271)
2013 SCI-E Levels of Tobacco-specific Metabolites among Non-smoking Lung Cancer Cases at Diagnosis: Case-control Findings: Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 14(11):6591~6593 (1.271)
2013 SCI Impact of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors versus chemotherapy on the development of leptomeningeal metastasis in never smokers with advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung.: Journal of neurooncology. 115(1):95~101 (3.115)
2013 SCI-E Survival of Korean Adult Cancer Patients by Stage at Diagnosis, 2006-2010: National Cancer Registry Study: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(3):162~171 (1.962)
2013 SCI-E Prognostic Value of Gross Tumor Volume for Definitive Radiation Therapy in Patients With Locoregionally Recurrent Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Surgical Resection: Clinical lung cancer. 14(4):399~406 (2.038)
2013 SCI-E Intercalated combination of chemotherapy and erlotinib for patients with advanced stage non-small-cell lung cancer (FASTACT-2): a randomised, double-blind trial: Lancet Oncology. 14(7):777~786 (25.117)
2013 SCI-E Pathway-Based Analysis Using Genome-wide Association Data from a Korean Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Study: PLoS One. 8(6):e65396~e65396 (3.73)
2013 SCI Analysis of treatment outcomes of intraventricular chemotherapy in 105 patients for leptomeningeal carcinomatosis from non-small-cell lung cancer.: Journal of thoracic oncology. 8(5):599~605 (4.473)
2013 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2013: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(1):15~21 (1.962)
2013 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival and Prevalence in 2010: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(1):1~14 (1.962)
2013 SCI-E Individualized Risk Prediction Model for Lung Cancer in Korean Men: PLOS ONE. 8(2):e54823~e54823 (3.73)
2013 SCI Prognostic implications of genetic variants in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a genome-wide association study: Carcinogenesis. 34(2):307~313 (5.632)
2013 SCI A phase II study of sunitinib in patients with relapsed or refractory small cell lung cancer: Lung Cancer. 79(2):137~142 (3.392)
2012 SCI Early neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio reduction as a surrogate marker of prognosis in never smokers with advanced lung adenocarcinoma receiving gefitinib or standard chemotherapy as first-line therapy: Journal of Cancer Research Clinical Oncology. 138(12):2009~2016 (2.558)
2012 SCI A randomized phase II study of irinotecan plus cisplatin versus irinotecan plus capecitabine with or without isosorbide-5-mononitrate in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Annals of Oncology. 23(11):2925~2930 (6.425)
2012 SCI The prognostic impact of microRNA sequence polymorphisms on the recurrence of patients with completely resected non-small cell lung cancer: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 144(4):794~807 (3.406)
2012 SCI Ventriculolumbar Perfusion Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis: A Phase I Study With Pharmacokinetic Data.: American journal of clinical oncology. Online:Published (2.005)
2012 SCI-E A genome-wide association study for irinotecan-related severe toxicities in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: The Pharmacogenomics Journal. Online:Published (4.536)
2012 SCI First-SIGNAL: first-line single-agent iressa versus gemcitabine and cisplatin trial in never-smokers with adenocarcinoma of the lung.: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 30(10):1122~1128 (18.372)
2012 SCI-E Vandetanib Versus placebo in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer after prior therapy with an epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor: a randomized, double-blind phase III trial (ZEPHYR).: Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.. 30(10):1114~1121 (18.372)
2012 기타 Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2012: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(1):25~31 (0)
2012 기타 Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival and Prevalence in 2009: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(1):11~24 (0)
2012 SCI FX: an RNA-Seq analysis tool on the cloud: Bioinformatics. 28(5):721~723 (5.468)
2011 SCI Comparison of clinical outcome of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer harbouring epidermal growth factor receptor exon 19 or exon 21 mutations.: Journal of clinical pathology. 64(11):947~952 (2.475)
2011 SCI Chemoport with a non-collapsible chamber as a replacement for an Ommaya reservoir in the treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis: Acta Neurochirugica. 153:1971~1978 (1.329)
2011 SCI-E Phase II study of weekly paclitaxel and capecitabine in patients with metastatic or recurrent esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: BMC Cancer 2011. 11:385~393 (3.153)
2011 SCI Circulating cell-free DNA in plasma of never smokers with advanced lung adenocarcinoma receiving gefitinib or standard chemotherapy as first-line therapy.: Clin Cancer Res. 17(16):5179~87 (7.338)
2011 SCI DNA repair gene polymorphisms and benefit from gefitinib in never-smokers with lung adenocarcinoma: Cancer. 117(14):3201~3208 (5.131)
2011 SCI-E Long-term survival of cancer patients in Korea, 1993-2007: National Cancer Registry Study.: Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 11(6):1459~1464 (1.24)
2011 SCI A phase 2 study of irinotecan, cisplatin, and simvastatin for untreated extensive-disease small cell lung cancer.: Cancer.. 117(10):2178~2185 (5.131)
2011 기타 Prediction of cancer incidence and mortality in Korea, 2011.: Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association.. 43(1):12~18 ()
2011 기타 Cancer statistics in Korea: incidence, mortality, survival, and prevalence in 2008.: Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association.. 43(1):1~11 (0)
2011 SCI A randomized phase II study of gefitinib plus simvastatin versus gefitinib alone in previously treated patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.: Clinical cancer research. 17(6):1553~1560 (7.338)
2010 SCI-E Clinical characteristics of malignant pericardial effusion associated with recurrence and survival.: Cancer Research and Treatment. 42(4):210~216 (0)
2010 SCI A Genome-wide association study reveals susceptibility variants for non-small cell lung cancer in the Korean population: Human Molecular Genetics. 19(24):4948~4954 (7.386)
2010 SCI Variation in TP63 is associated with lung adenocarcinoma susceptibility in Japanese and Korean populations: Nature Genetics. 42:893~896 (34.284)
2010 SCI Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality and Survival in 2006-2007: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25:1113~1121 (0.838)
2010 SCI Erratum: Associations of ABCB1, ABCC2, and ABCG2 polymorphisms with irinotecan-pharmacokinetics and clinical outcome in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.: Cancer. 116(15):3749~3749 (5.418)
2010 SCI-E Association of SUMO-1 and UBC9 genotypes with tumor response in non-small cell lung cancer treated with irinotecan-based chemotherapy: The Pharmacogenomics Journal. 10(2):86~93 (4.398)
2010 SCI-E First-Line Gefitinib Treatment for Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Poor Performance Status.: J Thorac Oncol.. 5(3):361~368 (4.547)
2010 SCI-E Genetic Polymorphisms in the Polycomb Group Gene EZH2 and the Risk of Lung Cancer: Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 5:10~16 (4.547)
2010 SCI Preschool children and their mothers are more exposed to paternal smoking at home than school children and their mothers: Clinica Chimica Acta(상위20#이내 학술지임). 411(1-2):72~76 (2.535)
2009 SCI Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality and Survival in 2005: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 24:995~1003 (0.843)
2009 SCI Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase Ⅱ Study of Sequential Erlotinib and Chemotherapy As First-Line Treatment for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 27(30):5080~5087 (17.157)
2009 기타 Nationwide Cancer Incidence in Korea, 2003-2005: Cancer Research and Treatment. 41(3):122~131 ()
2009 SCI A phase II study of synchronous three-dimensional conformal boost to the gross tumor volume for patients with unresectable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer: results of Koean Radiation Oncology Group 0301 study: International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 74(5):1397~1404 (4.639)
2009 SCI Association of CYP2A6 polymorphisms with S-1 plus docetaxel therapy outcomes in metastatic gastric cancer: Pharmacogenomics. 10(7):1147~55 (3.551)
2009 SCI-E Early Prediction of Response to First-Line Therapy Using Integrated 18F-FDG PET/CT for Patients with Advanced Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 4(7):816~821 (3.508)
2009 SCI Comparison of Circulating Plasma DNA Levels between Lung Cancer Patients and Healthy Controls: Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 11(3):182~185 (3.643)
2008 SCI Reduced local recurrence of a single brain metastasis through microscopic total resection: Journal of Neurosurgery. 110(4):730~736 (2.124)
2008 SCI Integrated pharmacogenetic prediction of irinotecan pharmacokinetics and toxicity in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Lung Cancer. Online:Published (3.455)
2008 SCI Randomized phase II study of subcutaneous amifostine versus epoetin-alfa given three times weekly during concurrent chemotherapy and hyperfractionated radiotherapy for limited-disease small cell lung cancer: Cancer. 113:1623~1631 (4.632)
2008 SCI-E Randomized phase II study of maintenance irinotecan therapy versus observation following induction chemotherapy with irinotecan and cisplatin in extensive disease small cell lung cancer: Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 3:1039~1045 (1.429)
2008 SCI Growth rates of metastatic brain tumors in nonsmall cell lung cancer: Cancer. 113:1043~1047 (4.632)
2008 SCI Association of p53 codon 72 polymorphism and MDM2 SNP309 with clinical outcome of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Cancer. 113:799~807 (4.632)
2008 SCI Adenocarcinoma of lung in never smoked children.: Lung Cancer. 61:266~269 (3.455)
2008 SCI Phase III study comparing cisplatin plus gemcitabine with cisplatin plus pemetrexed in chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced-stage non-small-cell lung cancer: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 26:3543~3551 (15.484)
2008 SCI Randomized phase 2 study of irinotecan plus cisplatin versus gemcitabine plus vinorelbine as first-line chemotherapy with second-line crossover in patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer.: Cancer. 113:388~395 (4.632)
2008 SCI Primary chemotherapy for newly diagnosed nonsmall cell lung cancer patients with synchronous brain metastases compared with whole-brain radiotherapy administered first : result of a randomized pilot study: Cancer. 113:143~149 (4.632)
2008 SCI CYP1B1, CYP1A1, MPO, and GSTP1 polymorphisms and lung cancer risk in never-smoking Korean women: Lung Cancer. 60:40~46 (3.455)
2008 SCI Factors influencing attitudes to legislation banning the manufacture and sale of tobacco products.: Tobacco Control. 17:142~143 (3.277)
2008 SCI Influence of the organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B1(OATP1B1) polymorphisms on irinotecan-pharmacokinetics and clinical outcome of pationts with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Lung Cancer. 59:69~75 (3.455)
2007 SCI A phase II trial of modified weekly irinotecan and cisplatin for chemotherapy-naive patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.: Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 61:83~88 (2.568)
2007 SCI-E The hOGG1 Ser326Cys Polymorphism Is Not Associated with Colorectal Cancer Risk: Journal of Epidemiology. 17:156~160 (1.24)
2007 SCI-E Ewing's sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (ES/PNET) of the small bowel: a rare cause of intestinal obstruction: International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 22:1137~1138 (2.006)
2007 SCI Genetic polymorphisms in the Rb-binding zinc finger gene RIZ and the risk of lung cancer: Carcinogenesis. 28:1971~1977 (5.366)
2007 SCI Combined effects of genetic polymorphisms in six selected genes on lung cancer susceptibility: Lung Cancer. 57:135~142 (3.554)
2007 SCI Associations of ABCB1, ABCC2, and ABCG2 polymorphisms with irinotecan-pharmacokinetics and clinical outcome in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Cancer. 110:138~147 (4.632)
2007 SCI-E Bronchial Artery and Systemic Artery Embolization in the Management of Primary Lung Cancer Patients with Hemoptysis: Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. Online:Published (1.149)
2007 SCI-E GSTT2 promoter polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk: BMC Cancer. 7:16~ (2.359)
2006 SCI Novel polymorphisms in the SUV39H2 histone methyltransferase and the risk of lung cancer: Carcinogenesis. 27:2217~2222 (5.108)
2006 SCI-E The role of gefitinib treatment for Korean never-smokers with advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung: a prospective study: Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 1:965~971 ()
2006 SCI A phaseⅡ trial of docetaxel plus capecitabine in patients with previously treated non-small cell lung cancer: Japanese journal of clinical oncology. 10:1~7 (1.376)
2006 SCI Radiosensitivity enhancement by combined treatment of celecoxib and gefitinib on human lung cancer cells: Clinical Cancer Research. 12:4989~4999 (6.177)
2006 SCI A PhaseⅡstudy of irinotecan plus cisplatin for patients with advanced stage ⅢB orⅣNSCLC previously treated with nonplatinum-based chemotherapy: Cancer. 107:799~805 (4.8)
2006 SCI A pilot trial of gemcitabine and vinorelbine plus capecitabine in locally advanced or metastatic non small cell lung cancer: American Journal of Clinical Oncology. 29:143~147 (1.224)
2006 SCI Randomized phase Ⅱstudy of two opposite administration sequences of irinotecan and cisplatin in patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung carcinoma: Cancer. 106:873~880 (4.582)
2005 SCI Phase II Study of induction chemotherapy with gemcitabine and vinorelbine followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy with oral etoposide and cisplatin in patients with inoperable stage ⅲ non-small-cell lung cancer: Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phy. 63:1037~1044 (4.297)
2005 SCI Phase II study of weekly irinotecan plus capecitabine for chemotherapy-na?ve patients with advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma: Cancer. 104:2759~2765 (4.434)
2005 SCI Relative and Absolute Risks of Cigarette Smoking on Major Histologic Types of Lung Cancer in Korean Men: Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 14:2125~2130 (4.5)
2005 SCI Relative and Absolute Risks of Cigarette Smoking on Major Histologic Types of Lung Cancer in Korean Men: Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 14:2125~2530 (4.5)
2005 SCI Role of positron emission tomography in pretreatment lymph node staging of uterine cervical cancer: A prospective surgicopathologic correlation study: European Journal of Cancer. 41:2086~2092 (3.302)
2005 SCI Role of positron emission tomography in pretreatment lymph node staging of uterine cervical cancer: A prospective surgicopathologic correlation study: European Journal of Cancer. 41:2086~2092 (3.302)
2005 SCI Dose-volumetric Parameters of Acute Esophageal Toxicity in Patients with Lung Cancer Treated with Three Dimensional Radiotherapy: International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 62:995~1002 (4.297)
2005 SCI Phase II Study of Irinotecan Plus Cisplatin Induction Followed by concurrent Twice-Daily Thoracic Irradiation With Etoposide Plus Cisplatin Chemotherapy for Limited-Disease Small-Cell Lung Canceer: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23:3488~3494 (9.835)
2005 SCI Phase II Study of Irinotecan Plus Cisplatin Induction Followed by concurrent Twice-Daily Thoracic Irradiation With Etoposide Plus Cisplatin Chemotherapy for Limited-Disease Small-Cell Lung Canceer: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23:3488~3494 (10.864)
2005 SCI Thymidine Phosphorylase Expression in Tumor Cells and Tumor Response to Capecitabine plus Docetaxel Chemotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: J Clin Pathol. 58:650~654 (2.966)
2005 SCI Gefitinib as a first-line therapy of advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung in never-smokers: Clinical Cancer Research. 11:3032~3037 (6.511)
2005 SCI Dose-volumetric Parameters for Predicting Severe Radiation Pneumonitis after Three-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Lung cancer: Radiology. 235(1):208~224 (5.076)
2005 SCI Dose-volumetric Parameters for Predicting Severe Radiation Pneumonitis after Three-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Lung cancer: Radiology. 0:208~216 (4.815)
2005 SCI Weekly Docetaxel in Combination With Capecitabine in Patients With Metastatic Gastric Cancer: American Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28:188~194 (1.703)
2005 SCI-E Cigarette smoking and cancer incidence risk in adult men: National Health Insurance Corporation Study: Cancer Detection and Prevention. 29:15~24 (1.18)
2005 SCI-E A Phase II Study of Dose-Intensified Weekly Concomitant Administration of Cisplatin and Irinotecan in Chemonaive Patients with Extensive0Disease Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Medical Oncology. 22:281~290 (1.159)
2004 SCI Mutational analysis of OGG1, MYH, MTH1 in FAP, HNPCC and sporadic colorectal cancer patients : R154H OGG1 polymorphism is associated with sporadic colorectal cancer patients: Human Genetics. 115(6):498~503 (4.022)
2004 SCI DNA mociroarray analysis of the correlation between gene expression patterns and acquired resistance to 5-FU/cisplatin in gastric cancer: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 316:781~789 (2.904)
2003 SCI A Phase II Study of Weekly Irinotecan and capecitabine in Patients with Previously Treated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Clinical Cancer Research. 9:5909~5914 (6.511)
2003 SCI A Phase II Study of Weekly Docetaxel Plus Capecitabine for Patients with Advanced Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer: CANCER. 98:1918~1924 (3.941)
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