[국외논문] (Successful percutaneous renal intervention in a patient with acute traumatic renal artery thrombosis)
[국외논문] (The usefulness of three-dimensional multidetector computed tomography to delineate pericardial calcification in constrictive pericarditis)
[국외논문] (Neutropenia associated with clopidogrel use in a patient with chronic renal failure who underwent percutaneous coronary and peripheral intervention)
[국외논문] (Spontaneous resolution of neoaneurysm following implantation of a paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent)
[국외논문] (Efficacy of irbesartan on left ventricular mass and arterial stiffness in hypertensive patients)
[국외논문] (Acute myocardial infarction in a 14-year old boy by thrombotic occlusion of the left main coronary ostium)
[국외논문] (Impact of smoking and smoking-related parameters on acetylcholine-induced coronary artery spasm)
[국외논문] (Decrease in plasma adiponectin concentrations in patients with vasospastic angina)
[국외논문] (The influence of coronary dominance on coronary atherosclerosis and distribution of coronary artery disease in Korean(우세 관상동맥과 죽상동맥경화증과의 연관성 및 한국인에서의 관상동맥 질환의 분포))
[국외논문] (A case of coronary arteriovenous malformation in variant angina patient(이형협심증환자에서발견된 관상동맥의 동정맥 기형 1 예))