모바일 성예사 > 교수찾아삼만리
박원순 교수 Dr. Park Won Sun
삼성서울병원 소아청소년과
생존의한계를뛰어넘는 미숙아치료마이스터
2014.03 제10회 바이엘임상의학상 (대한의학회)
2010.11 남양학술상 (대한주산의학회)
2009.10 진암학술상 해외부문 (대한신생아학회)
2002.10 진암학술상 국내부문 (대한신생아학회)
2001.10 진암학술상 해외부문 (대한신생아학회)
2001.06 유한의학상 우수상 (서울시의사회)
1999.04 석천학술상 (대한소아과학회)
1992.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (박사)
1985.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (석사)
1982.02 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업 (의학사)
2002.04 ~현재 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 교수
1994.04 ~현재 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 전문의
2007.09 ~ 2009.08 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 과장
1997.03 ~ 2002.04 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 소아과 부교수
1992.03 ~ 1994.03 미국 남가주대학교 신생아학 연구전임의
1990.03 ~ 1992.02 강남 차병원 소아과장
1989.05 ~ 1990.02 서울대학교병원 소아과 전임의(신생아학 전공)
1986.03 소아과 전문의 자격 취득
1983.03 ~ 1986.02 서울대학교병원 소아과 레지던트 수료
2016.12 ~ 2019.12 대한주산의학회 회장
2013.01 ~ 2019.02 한국신생아네트워크(Korean Neonatal Network) 실행위원장
2012.11 ~ 2016.11 대한주산의학회 부회장
Yonsei Med J. 2017 Mar;58(2):266-271. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2017.58.2.266.
Stem Cell Therapy for Neonatal Disorders: Prospects and Challenges
Chang YS11, Ahn SY1, Sung S1, Park WS2.

Cell Transplant. 2017 Mar 13;26(3):439-448. doi: 10.3727/096368916X694193. Epub 2016 Nov 30.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: The Magic Cure for Intraventricular Hemorrhage?
Park WS1, Ahn SY, Sung SI, Ahn JY, Chang YS.

BMB Rep. 2017 Mar;50(3):126-131.
Neuron-specific expression of p48 Ebp1 during murine brain development and its contribution to CNS axon regeneration
Ko HR11, Hwang I1, Ahn SY2, Chang YS3, Park WS3, Ahn JY4.

JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, MAR 2017, 182:407-407
Mandatory closure versus nonintervention for patent ductus arteriosus in very preterm infants Reply
Sung SI1, Park WS

Retina. 2017 Jan;37(1):88-96. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001125.
Yoon JM11, Shin DH, Kim SJ, Ham DI, Kang SW, Chang YS, Park WS.

PLoS One. 2017 Jan 23;12(1):e0170220. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170220. eCollection 2017.
Trends in Overall Mortality, and Timing and Cause of Death among Extremely Preterm Infants near the Limit of Viability
Park JH11, Chang YS2, Sung S2, Ahn SY2, Park WS2.

Cell Transplant. 2017 Jan 24;26(1):145-156. doi: 10.3727/096368916X692861. Epub 2016 Aug 16.
Pivotal Role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Secreted by Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Newborn Rats
Ahn SY1, Chang YS, Sung DK, Sung SI, Ahn JY, Park WS.

ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE, JAN 2017, 37(1):58-62, DOI: 10.3343/alm.2017.37.1.58
Novel Pathogenic Variant (c.580C>7) in the CPS1 Gene in a Newborn With Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase 1 Deficiency Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing
Choi R1, Park HD, Yang M, Ki CS, Lee SY, Kim JW, Song J, Chang YS, Park WS

J Pediatr. 2017 Mar;182:406. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.11.009. Epub 2016 Nov 28.
Mandatory Closure Versus Nonintervention for Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very Preterm Infants
Mimouni FB11, Hammerman C2.

Int J Cancer. 2016 Sep 15;139(6):1202-8. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30165. Epub 2016 May 17.
Opposing roles of the two isoforms of ErbB3 binding protein 1 in human cancer cells
Ko HR11, Chang YS2, Park WS2, Ahn JY1.

Pediatr Res. 2016 Sep;80(3):415-24. doi: 10.1038/pr.2016.88. Epub 2016 Apr 11.
Intratracheal transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells simultaneously attenuates both lung and brain injuries in hyperoxic newborn rats
Kim YE11, Park WS1,2,3, Sung DK2,3, Ahn SY2,3, Sung SI2, Yoo HS2, Chang YS1,2,3.

Neonatology. 2016;109(4):377-83. doi: 10.1159/000444905. Epub 2016 Jun 3.
Stem Cells for Neonatal Brain Disorders
Ahn SY11, Chang YS, Park WS.

Cell Transplant. 2016;25(6):1131-44. doi: 10.3727/096368915X689640. Epub 2015 Oct 5.
Optimal Timing of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Park WS11, Sung SI, Ahn SY, Sung DK, Im GH, Yoo HS, Choi SJ, Chang YS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2016 Mar;31(3):423-9. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2016.31.3.423. Epub 2016 Feb 17.
Trends in Survival and Incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Extremely Preterm Infants at 23-26 Weeks Gestation
Kim JK11, Chang YS2, Sung S2, Ahn SY2, Yoo HS2, Park WS2.

Cell Microbiol. 2016 Mar;18(3):424-36. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12522. Epub 2015 Oct 27.
Antibacterial effect of mesenchymal stem cells against Escherichia coli is mediated by secretion of beta- defensin-2 via toll- like receptor 4 signalling
Sung DK11, Chang YS2,1, Sung SI2,1, Yoo HS2,1, Ahn SY2,1, Park WS2,1.

Neuroimage. 2016 Feb 1;126:140-50. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.11.032. Epub 2015 Nov 14.
Neuroplasticity for spontaneous functional recovery after neonatal hypoxic ischemic brain injury in rats observed by functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging
Jung WB11, Im GH2, Chung JJ3, Ahn SY4, Jeon TY5, Chang YS6, Park WS4, Kim JH5, Kim KS7, Lee JH8.

Ann Lab Med. 2015 Nov;35(6):578-85. doi: 10.3343/alm.2015.35.6.578.
Dried Blood Spot Testing for Seven Steroids Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry With Reference Interval Determination in the Korean Population
Kim B11, Lee MN1, Park HD1, Kim JW1, Chang YS2, Park WS2, Lee SY3.

J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Oct;30 Suppl 1:S3-S11. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.S1.S3. Epub 2015 Oct 27.
The Korean Neonatal Network: An Overview
Chang YS11, Park HY2, Park WS1.

Cytotherapy. 2015 Aug;17(8):1025-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2015.03.008. Epub 2015 Apr 8.
Cell type-dependent variation in paracrine potency determines therapeutic efficacy against neonatal hyperoxic lung injury
Ahn SY11, Chang YS2, Sung DK1, Yoo HS1, Sung SI1, Choi SJ3, Park WS4.

PLoS One. 2015 Aug 25;10(8):e0135574. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135574. eCollection 2015.
Optimal Route for Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation to Protect Against Neonatal Hyperoxic Lung Injury: Gene Expression Profiles and Histopathology
Sung DK11, Chang YS2, Ahn SY2, Sung SI1, Yoo HS1, Choi SJ3, Kim SY4, Park WS2.

PLoS One. 2015 Jul 24;10(7):e0132919. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132919. eCollection 2015.
Optimal Route for Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation after Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Newborn Rats
Ahn SY11, Chang YS1, Sung DK1, Sung SI1, Yoo HS1, Im GH2, Choi SJ3, Park WS1.

Yonsei Med J. 2015 Jul;56(4):998-1006. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2015.56.4.998.
Prevention of Cytomegalovitus Transmission via Breast Milk in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
Yoo HS11, Sung SI1, Jung YJ2, Lee MS1, Han YM1, Ahn SY1, Chang YS1, Park WS3.

J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Jul;30(7):924-31. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.7.924. Epub 2015 Jun 10.
Effect of Prophylactic Palivizumab on Admission Due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Former Very Low Birth Weight Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Han YM11, Seo HJ2, Choi SH3, Jung YJ4, Ahn SY5, Yoo HS5, Sung SI5, Shim JW6, Lee YK7, Ko SY7, Shin SM7, Hwang JH8, Lee JH9, Choi BM10, Kim ES11, Jeon JH12, Kim SS13, Chang YS5, Park WS5.

J Korean Med Sci. 2015 May;30(5):509-13. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.5.509. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
Stem Cell Therapy for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Bench to Bedside Translation
Ahn SY11, Chang YS1, Park WS1.

PLoS One. 2015 Mar 27;10(3):e0120893. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120893. eCollection 2015.
Hypothermia Augments Neuroprotective Activity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Park WS11, Sung SI2, Ahn SY2, Yoo HS2, Sung DK3, Im GH3, Choi SJ4, Chang YS1.

Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol.?2014 Sep;51(3):391-9. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2013-0385OC.
Critical Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Secreted by Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Hyperoxic Lung Injury
Chang YS11,?Ahn SY,?Jeon HB,?Sung DK,?Kim ES,?Sung SI,?Yoo HS,?Choi SJ,?Oh WI,?Park WS.

J Pediatr.?2014 May;164(5):966-972.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.12.011. Epub 2014 Feb 6.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Phase 1 Dose-Escalation Clinical Trial
Chang YS11,?Ahn SY1,?Yoo HS1,?Sung SI1,?Choi SJ2,?Oh WI2,?Park WS3.

J AAPOS. 2014 Apr;18(2):124-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2013.12.003.
Risk factors and rate of progression for zone I versus zone II type 1 retinopathy of prematurity
Shin DH11, Kong M1, Kim SJ2, Ham DI1, Kang SW1, Chang YS3, Park WS3.

J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Apr;29(4):581-6. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2014.29.4.581. Epub 2014 Apr 1.
The Timing of Surgical Ligation for Patent Ductus Arteriosus Is Associated with Neonatal Morbidity in Extremely Preterm Infants Born at 23-25 Weeks of Gestation
Sung SI11, Choi SY1, Park JH1, Lee MS1, Yoo HS1, Ahn SY1, Chang YS1, Park WS1.

J Perinat Med. 2014 Jan;42(1):121-7. doi: 10.1515/jpm-2013-0154.
Steroid profiling for congenital adrenal hyperplasia by tandem mass spectrometry as a second-tier test reduces follow-up burdens in a tertiary care hospital: A retrospective and prospective evaluation
Seo JY1, Park HD, Kim JW, Oh HJ, Yang JS, Chang YS, Park WS, Lee SY.

Retina. 2014 Jan;34(1):77-82. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0b013e318296e26d.
Kim J11, Kim SJ, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2013 Jul;28(7):1071-6. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2013.28.7.1071. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
Quantitative in Vivo Detection of Brain Cell Death after Hypoxia Ischemia Using the Lipid Peak at 1.3 ppm of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Neonatal Rats
Ahn SY11, Yoo HS, Lee JH, Sung DK, Jung YJ, Sung SI, Lim KH, Chang YS, Lee JH, Kim KS, Park WS.

Pediatr Res.?2013 Jun;73(6):726-33. doi: 10.1038/pr.2013.51. Epub 2013 Mar 14.
Antenatal betamethasone attenuates intrauterine infection-aggravated hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats
Yoo HS11,?Chang YS,?Kim JK,?Ahn SY,?Kim ES,?Sung DK,?Jeon GW,?Hwang JH,?Shim JW,?Park WS.

Yonsei Med J.?2013 Mar 1;54(2):416-24. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2013.54.2.416.
Long-Term (Postnatal Day 70) Outcome and Safe of Intratracheal Transplantation of Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neonatal Hyperoxic Lung Injury
Ahn SY11,?Chang YS,?Kim SY,?Sung DK,?Kim ES,?Rime SY,?Yu WJ,?Choi SJ,?Oh WI,?Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2013 Mar;28(3):450-60. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2013.28.3.450. Epub 2013 Mar 4.
Permissive Hyperglycemia in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
Yoo HS11, Ahn SY, Lee MS, Han YM, Sung SI, Chang YS, Park WS.

Stroke.?2013 Feb;44(2):497-504. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.112.679092. Epub 2013 Jan 3.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Prevent Hydrocephalus After Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Ahn SY11,?Chang YS,?Sung DK,?Sung SI,?Yoo HS,?Lee JH,?Oh WI,?Park WS.

PLoS One.?2013;8(1):e52419. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052419. Epub 2013 Jan 21.
Timing of Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation Determines Therapeutic Efficacy in the Neonatal Hyperoxic Lung Injury
Chang YS11,?Choi SJ,?Ahn SY,?Sung DK,?Sung SI,?Yoo HS,?Oh WI,?Park WS.

Pediatr Res. 2012 Sep;72(3):277-84. doi: 10.1038/pr.2012.71. Epub 2012 Jun 5.
Human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation attenuates severe brain injury by permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion in newborn rats
Kim ES11, Ahn SY, Im GH, Sung DK, Park YR, Choi SH, Choi SJ, Chang YS, Oh W, Lee JH, Park WS.

Yonsei Med J. 2012 Jul 1;53(4):765-71. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2012.53.4.765.
Permissive Hypotension in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants (<= 1000 gm)
Ahn SY11, Kim ES, Kim JK, Shin JH, Sung SI, Jung JM, Chang YS, Park WS.

Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2012 Jun;8(6):806-12. doi: 10.4161/hv.19853. Epub 2012 Jun 1.
Immunogenicity, reactogenicity and safety of a human rotavirus vaccine (RIX4414) in Korean infants A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase IV study
Kim JS11, Bae CW, Lee KY, Park MS, Choi YY, Kim KN, Kim JD, Park WS, Sin JB, Kim EA, Lee SG, Kim CS, Cha SH, Hong YJ, Shin SM, Shim GH, Choi KM, Yang JW, Liu A, Suryakiran PV, Han HH.

Cell Transplant. 2011 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Intratracheal Transplantation of Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Dose-Dependently Attenuates Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury in Neonatal Rats
Chang YS1, Choi SJ, Sung DK, Kim SY, Oh W, Yang YS, Park WS.

World J Pediatr. 2011 Nov;7(4):337-43. doi: 10.1007/s12519-011-0281-9. Epub 2011 Oct 20.
Swallowing dysfunction in very low birth weight infants with oral feeding desaturation
Lee JH11, Chang YS, Yoo HS, Ahn SY, Seo HJ, Choi SH, Jeon GW, Koo SH, Hwang JH, Park WS.

Pediatr Int. 2011 Oct;53(5):683-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-200X.2011.03332.x.
Preterm infants fed nutrient-enriched formula until 6 months show improved growth and development
Jeon GW11, Jung YJ, Koh SY, Lee YK, Kim KA, Shin SM, Kim SS, Shim JW, Chang YS, Park WS.

Respir Res.?2011 Aug 15;12:108. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-12-108.
Intratracheal transplantation of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuates Escherichia coli-induced acute lung injury in mice
Kim ES11,?Chang YS,?Choi SJ,?Kim JK,?Yoo HS,?Ahn SY,?Sung DK,?Kim SY,?Park YR,?Park WS.

Yonsei Med J. 2011 Jan;52(1):65-73. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2011.52.1.65.
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Attenuates Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury by Down-Modulating Inflammatory Responses in Neonatal Rats
Jeon GW11, Sung DK, Jung YJ, Koo SH, Choi SH, Chang YS, Sin JB, Park WS.

Brain Res. 2010 Nov 4;1359:208-15. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2010.08.047. Epub 2010 Aug 22.
Cyclosporine A attenuates hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in newborn rats
Hwang JH11, Lee JH, Lee KH, Bae EJ, Sung DK, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Neurosci Methods. 2010 Nov 30;193(2):232-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2010.08.020. Epub 2010 Sep 15.
Comparative evaluation of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury by flow cytometric analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential with JC-1 in neonatal rats
Sung DK11, Chang YS, Kang S, Song HY, Park WS, Lee BH.

Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2009 Fall;39(4):399-404.
Two Novel HADHB Gene Mutations in a Korean Patient with Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein Deficiency
Park HD11, Kim SR, Ki CS, Lee SY, Chang YS, Jin DK, Park WS.

Cell Transplant.?2009;18(8):869-86. doi: 10.3727/096368909X471189. Epub 2009 Apr 9.
Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Attenuate Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury in Neonatal Rats
Chang YS11,?Oh W,?Choi SJ,?Sung DK,?Kim SY,?Choi EY,?Kang S,?Jin HJ,?Yang YS,?Park WS.

Exp?Lung?Res.?2009 Apr;35(3):234-49. doi: 10.1080/01902140802573007.
Chang YS11,?Kim YJ,?Yoo HS,?Sung DK,?Kim SY,?Kang S,?Park WS.

Yonsei Med J. 2008 Oct 31;49(5):836-42. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2008.49.5.836.
Granulocyte Stimulating Factor Attenuates Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Injury by Inhibiting Apoptosis in Neonatal Rats
Kim BR11, Shim JW, Sung DK, Kim SS, Jeon GW, Kim MJ, Chang YS, Park WS, Choi ES.

Yonsei Med J. 2008 Apr 30;49(2):265-71. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2008.49.2.265.
Outcome following surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants in neonatal intensive care unit
Lee GY11, Sohn YB, Kim MJ, Jeon GW, Shim JW, Chang YS, Huh J, Kang IS, Yang JH, Jun TG, Park PW, Park WS, Lee HJ.

Yonsei Med J. 2008 Feb 29;49(1):144-50. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2008.49.1.144.
Intratracheal administration of endotoxin attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats
Shim JW11, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2007 Dec;22(6):1042-7.
Erythropoietin attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by down-modulating inflammation in neonatal rats
Lee JH11, Sung DK, Koo SH, Shin BK, Hong YS, Son CS, Lee JW, Chang YS, Park WS.

Yonsei Med J. 2007 Aug 31;48(4):619-26.
A comparison of AmBisome((R)) to amphotericin B for treatment of systemic candidiasis in very low birth weight infants
Jeon GW11, Koo SH, Lee JH, Hwang JH, Kim SS, Lee EK, Chang W, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci.?2006 Dec;21(6):965-72.
Pretreatment with N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester improved oxygenation after inhalation of nitric oxide in newborn piglets with Escherichia coli pneumonia and sepsis
Chang YS11,?Kang S,?Ko SY,?Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2006 Jun;21(3):490-4.
Therapeutic window for cycloheximide treatment after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats
Park WS11, Sung DK, Kang S, Koo SH, Kim YJ, Lee JH, Chang YS, Lee M.

J Korean Med Sci. 2006 Apr;21(2):337-41.
Neuroprotective effect of cycloheximide on hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats
Park WS11, Sung DK, Kang S, Koo SH, Kim YJ, Lee JH, Chang YS, Lee M.

J Korean Med Sci. 2005 Aug;20(4):591-7.
Comparison of clinical efficacy of Newfactan (R) versus Surfacten (R) for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn infants
Choi CW11, Hwang JH, Yoo EJ, Kim KA, Koh SY, Lee YK, Shim JW, Lee EK, Chang W, Kim SS, Chang YS, Park WS, Shin SM.

Yonsei Med J. 2004 Feb 29;45(1):49-55.
Factors affecting the response to inhaled nitric oxide therapy in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn infants
Hwang SJ11, Lee KH, Hwang JH, Choi CW, Shim JW, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Dec;18(6):779-82.
Comparison of mortality and morbidity in multiple versus singleton very low birth weight infants in a neonatal intensive care unit
Lee KH11, Hwang SJ, Kim SH, Lee SH, Yu DK, Hwang JH, Choi CW, Shim JW, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Dec;18(6):813-20.
Combined effect of low-dose nitric oxide gas inhalation with partial liquid ventilation on hemodynamics, pulmonary function, and gas exchange in acute lung injury of newborn piglets
Choi CW11, Hwang JH, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Dec;18(6):869-75.
Effects of dopamine infusion on cerebral blood flow, brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Shim JW, Kim MJ, Ko SY, Kim SS, Hwang JH, Choi CW, Lee M.

J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Oct;18(5):663-8.
Effects of perfluorocarbon associated high frequency oscillatory ventilation on hemodynamics and gas exchange in the newborn piglets with respiratory distress
Choi CW11, Koh SY, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Oct;18(5):637-40.
Detrimental effects of N-w-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in experimental Escherichia coli sepsis in the newborn piglet
Kim SS11, Hwang JH, Choi CW, Shim JW, Chang YS, Park WS, Oh CK.

J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Apr;18(2):236-41.
Effects of MK-801 (dizocilpine) on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Ko SY11, Shim JW, Kim SS, Kim MJ, Chang YS, Park WS, Shin SM, Lee MH.

Biol Neonate.?2002;82(1):61-5.
Effect of 7-nitroindazole on bilirubin-induced changes in brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism in newborn piglets
Park WS11,?Chang YS,?Lee M.

Neurol Res. 2001 Dec;23(8):862-8.
N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) attenuates the acute inflammatory responses and brain injury during the early phase of experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

Brain Res. 2001 Dec 20;922(2):276-81.
Effect of hypothermia on bilirubin-induced alterations in brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism in newborn piglets
Park WS11, Chang YS, Chung SH, Seo DW, Hong SH, Lee M.

Neurol Res. 2001 Jun;23(4):410-6.
3-Aminobenzamide, a poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase inhibitor, attenuates the acute inflammatory responses and brain injury in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

J Korean Med Sci. 2001 Jun;16(3):335-41.
Effect of hypothermia on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism after transient global hypoxia-ischemia in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

Brain Res. 2001 May 18;901(1-2):102-8.
Effects of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during the immediate reoxygenation-reperfusion period after acute transient global hypoxia-ischemia in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

Neurochem Res. 2001 Apr;26(4):369-74.
Effect of hypothermia on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

J Korean Med Sci. 2001 Feb;16(1):51-6.
Changes in dead space/tidal volume ratio and pulmonary mechanics after surfactant replacement therapy in respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn infants
Chung EH11, Ko SY, Kim IY, Chang YS, Park WS.

Biol Neonate. 2001 Jul;80(1):53-9.
7-nitroindazole, but not aminoguanidine, attenuates the acute inflammatory responses and brain injury during the early phase of Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

J Korean Med Sci. 2000 Apr;15(2):203-10.
Effects of decreased cerebral perfusion pressure on cerebral hemodynamics, brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during the early phase of experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS.

J Korean Med Sci. 2000 Apr;15(2):153-8.
Comparison of respiratory indices in predicting response to high frequency oscillatory ventilation in very low birth weight infants with respiratory distress syndrome
Ko SY11, Chang YS, Park WS.

J Neurochem. 2000 Feb;74(2):763-9.
Effect of alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11, Chang YS, Lee M.

Biol Neonate. 2000 May;77(4):236-42.
The efficacy of pentoxifylline as an anti-inflammatory agent in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
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Effects of fasting and insulin-induced hypoglycemia on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during hypoxia-ischemia in newborn piglets
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Effects of microbial invasion on cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation monitored by near infrared spectroscopy in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
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Biol Neonate.?1999;75(6):377-87.
Efficacy of anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha antibody as an adjunctive therapy in experimental Escherichia coli meningitis in the newborn piglet
Park WS11,?Chang YS,?Ko SY,?Kang MJ,?Han JM,?Lee M.
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