2009. 10 - 현재 서울대학교 의과대학 / 교수
1988~1992 서울대학교병원 전공의 수련
1992~1993 서울대학교병원 전임의
1994~1997 단국대학교 의과대학 조교수
1997~2009. 9 서울대학교 의과대학 부교수
2000.11~2002.11 미국 시카고 노스웨스턴대학 및 시카고 재활센터 장기연수
2011.6 ~ 현재 서울대학교 의과대학 주임교수, 재활의학과장
Measurement of lymphedema using ultrasonography with the compression method
Capsule preservation improves short-term outcome of hydraulic distension in painful stiff shoulder.
A case of symptomatic cervical perineural (Tarlov) cyst: clinical manifestation and management.
Influence of aging on movement of the hyoid bone and epiglottis during normal swallowing: a motion analysis.
Comparison of two- and three-dimensional camera systems in laparoscopic performance: a novel 3D system with one camera
Aging-related neuromuscular changes characterized by tendon reflex system properties.
Biomechanic changes in passive properties of hemiplegic ankles with spastic hypertonia
Gait patterns of transtibial amputee patients walking indoors barefoot
Intelligent stretching of ankle joints with contracture/spasticit
Comparison of two- and three-dimensional camera systems in laparoscopic performance: a novel 3D system with one camera.
Application of isometric load on a facial muscle--the zygomaticus major.
Intra-articular pressure profiles of painful stiff shoulders compared with those of other conditions.
손상 환자에서 완전 신경 전도차단으로 혼동될수 있는 근위부 마틴-그루버 문합 1 예
Separate quantification of reflex and nonreflex components of spastic hypertonia in chronic hemiparesis.
Real-time pressure monitoring of intraarticular hydraulic distension for painful stiff shoulders.
동결견에서 관절낭의 강직도의 생역학적 평가와 임상 양상과의 관계.
Real Time Pressure Monitoring of Intra-Articular Hydraulic Distension for Painful Stiff Shoulders.
separate quantification of reflex and non-reflex components of spastic hypertonia in chronic hemiparesis.