[국내논문] (Prediction of additional axillary metastasis of breast cancer with positive sentinel lymph nodes.)
[SCI] (Does Immediate Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy affect the Initiation of Adjuvant Chemotherapy?)
[학술진흥재단](Postoperative Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Adrenalectomy for Primary Aldosteronism)
[학술진흥재단](Clinical Analysis of Pheochromocytoma and Abdominal Paragangliomas)
[학술진흥재단](Inguinal lymph node dissection in patients with skin cancer)
[SCI] (Comparison between screen-detected and symptomatic breast cancers according to molecular subtypes.)
[SCI] (Berberine suppresses the TPA-induced MMP-1 and MMP-9 expressions through the inhibition of PKC-α in breast cancer cells.)
[SCI] (Clinicopathologic risk factors for the local recurrence of phyllodes tumors of the breast.)
[SCI] (Invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma of the breast: clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis compared with invasive ductal carcinoma)
[SCI] (Adjuvant chemotherapy and survival of elderly korean patients with breast carcinoma.)
[SCI] (Lymph node metastasis in patients with frozen section analyses that are negative for tumors.)
[SCI] (The clinical meaning of intramammary lymph nodes.)
[SCI] (Silibinin inhibits TPA-induced cell migration and MMP-9 expression in thyroid and breast cancer cells.)
[SCI] (Validation of a Web-Based Tool to Predict the Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence (IBTR! 2.0) after Breast-Conserving Therapy for Korean Patients)
[SCI] (The role of the CDH1 promoter hypermethylation in the axillary lymph node metastasis and prognosis)
[국내논문] (Early Experience of Iron-Intern Usage during Modified Radical Neck Dissection)
[SCI] (Primary breast lymphoma: a single institution's experience)
[SCI] (Neoadjuvant human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 targeted therapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer)
[SCI] (HER3 status by immunohistochemistry is correlated with poor prognosis in hormone receptor-negative breast cancer patients)
[SCI] (Clinical implication of cancer adhesion in papillary thyroid carcinoma: clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis analyzed with degree of extrathyroidal extension)
[SCI] (Breast Metastasis from Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Anus in an Adolescent Female)
[SCI] (Round block technique without cerclage in breast-conserving surgery.)
[SCI] (A new subfascial approach in open thyroidectomy: Efficacy for postoperative voice, sensory, and swallowing symptoms. A randomized controlled study)
[SCI] (Recurrent intussusception caused by intestinal metastasis of pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma)
[국내논문] (Hazard of Recurrence after Breast Surgery according to Hormone receptor status and Age)
[SCI] (Secretory breast carcinoma: A report of three cases and a review of the literature)
[SCI] (Primary follicular lymphoma in a male patient)
[SCI] (Role of secreted type I collagen derived from stromal cells in two breast cancer cell lines)
[SCI] (Effect of Antiadhesion Barrier Solution and Fibrin on Capsular Formation After Silicone Implant Insertion in a White Rat Model)
[SCI] (Breast Cancer Screening Knowledge and Perceived Health Beliefs among Immigrant Women in Korea.)
[SCI] (Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Metastasis to the Breast and Axillary Lymph Nodes)
[SCI] (Predictive factors for difficult robotic thyroidectomy using the bilateral axillo-breast approach.)
[SCI] (Pre-ablation stimulated thyroglobulin is a better predictor of recurrence in pathological N1a papillary thyroid carcinoma than the lymph node ratio)
[국내논문] (Evaluation of Prognostic Factors and Validation of Tumor Response Ratios after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Breast Cancer)
[SCI] (Additional value of diffusion-weighted imaging to evaluate multifocal and multicentric breast cancer detected using pre-operative breast MRI)
[SCI] (Comparison of skin-sparing mastectomy using LigaSure™ Small Jaw and electrocautery)
[SCI] (Wild-type p53 controls the level of fibronectin expression in breast cancer cells)
[SCI] (Fibronectin expression is upregulated by PI-3K/Akt activation in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells)
[SCI] (Extensive silicone lymphadenopathy after breast implant insertion mimicking malignant lymphadenopathy)
[SCI] (Lymph node ratio as an alternative to pN staging for predicting prognosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer)
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