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7. ICPC 분류법에 의한 가정의학과 외래 진료 내용 분석
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8. 두통과 불안과의 상관관계에 관한 연구
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11. 당뇨병 환자에서 다발성 말초신경염 증상과 흡연의 관계
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18. 발열로 입원한 환자와 불명열 환자의 원인질환 연구
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22. 외래환자의 피로에 대한 분석 An analysis of fatigue among outpatients
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26. 시신경자극으로 유도된 쥐의 생체시계 위상이동에 있어서 substance P의 역할 박사학위논문
27. 일차진료 환자들은 의사가 환자의 종교에 대해 물어 보는 것을 원하는가?
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28. 당뇨 환자의 모발 내 미네랄(무기질)의 함량
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전자선 단층 촬영을 이용한 심근 관류 측정
대한영상의학회지 43/1 :31-37,2000
정신질환자 가족의 가족기능 평가
가정의학회지 21/5 :645-659,2000
Case Western Reserve University의 의과대학 교육과정
연세의학교육 2/2 :59-71,2001
A Study on Hair Mineral Concentrations in Diabetic Patients
대한가정학회지 23/9 :1133-1140,2002
일차진료 환자들은 의사가 환자의 종교에 대해 물어 보는 것을 원하는가?
가정의학회지 24/1 :72-79,2003
비만 여성을 대상으로 한 단기간의 저열량 식사요법에서 체구성 성분의 변화
가정의학회지 25/1 :21-27,2004
비약물적 방법에 의한 체중감량이 여성 성기능에 미치는 영향
최신의학 47/12 :83-92,2004
Doxylamine 중독에서 CK(Creatine Kinase) 최고치가 높은 경우를 예측할 수 있는 인자
가정의학회지 25/3 :216-223,2004
적절한 음주(Moderate Drinking)
가정의학회지 25/4 :S530-S534,2004
당뇨병 환자들은 자신이 복용하고 있는 당뇨병 약의 이름을 얼마나 알고 있는가?
가정의학회지 26/8 :18-25,2005
안락사에 대한 태도분석 -전공의와 사법연수생의 비교-
가정의학회지 26/6 :15-24,2005
The effects of the acupuncture treatment for smoking cessation in high school student smokers
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 46/2 :206-212,2005
우울증의 진단 및 치료
가정의학회지 26/4 :s168-s177,2005
전공의 교육에서 일차의료 교육
가정의학회지 26/4 :s118-s124,2005
Influence of weight reduction by sibutramine on female sexual function
쇄골밑정맥 카테터삽입 시 천자 횟수를 증가시키는 요인
가정의학회지 27/4 :288-293,2006
지역사회 바탕 의학교육 및 외래 진료 환경의 새로운 교육 방법인 Wave 모델에 대한 일차 진료의의 관심도
한국의학교육학회지 (Korean Journal of Medical Education) 17/3 :257-,2006
비만 치료제 Phentermine Hydrochloride 가 심박동 변이율 (Heart Rate Variability)에 미치는 영향
한국건강관리협회지 4/ :28-38,2006
일차의료에서 ADAM-Kor 설문지를 이용한 남성갱년기의 유병률 및 성생활 인식도
대한임상건강증진학회지 6/1 :1-8,2006
Effects on weight reduction and safety of short-term phentermine administration in Korean obese people
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 47/5 :614-625,2006
사례별 우울증의 외래치료 전략
가정의학회지 27/11 :s269-s275,2006
말기 암 환자 여명 예측 지수의 우리나라 적용 -일개 종합병원 호스피스 입원환자 대상의 전향적 연구-
가정의학회지 28/9 :682-689,2007
당뇨병 환자의 백선에 관한 예방과 치료에 대한 인식
가정의학회지 28/5 :359-366,2007
가정의학회지 28/3 :s111-s119,2007
Development of models for predicting biological age (BA) with physical, biochemical, and hormonal parameters
Archives Of Gerontology And Geriatrics 47/ :253-265,2008
관상동맥 석회 수치와 Framingham Risk Score와의 관계
가정의학회지 29/10 :762-767,2008
우리나라 종합병원 사업장의 근로자 건강관리 현황 분석
산업간호학회지 17/2 :166-179,2008
침구요법 이후 발생한 파상풍 1예 보고
Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Family Medicine 29/12 :948-951,2008
걸음걸이 속도와 인지기능의 연관성
임상노인의학회지 9/4 :417-425,2008
걸음걸이 속도와 인지기능과의 연관성
대한임상노인학회지 9/4 :417-425,2008
복부초음파 수검자에서 담낭용종의 유병률
가정의학회지 30/1 :39-45,2009
말기 암 환자에서 사망 직전 섬망의 발생
가정의학회지 30/4 :285-291,2009
이베사탄의 안전성 및 유효성 평가를 위한 시판후조사
약물역학위해관리학회지 2/1 :30-37,2009
Relationship Between Earlobe Crease and Brachial-ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Non-hypertensive, Non-diabetic adults in korea.
Epidemiology and Health 31/6 :e2009002-e2009002,2009
Validity of Stature-predicted Equations using Knee Height for Elderly and Mobility Impaired Persons in Koreans.
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항호중구 세포질 항체 음성인 Churg-Strauss 증후군 1예
Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Family Medicine 31/4 :308-313,2010
면역 혈소판감소 자색반을 동반한 Kikuchi병 1예
Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Family Medicine 31/1 :51-55,2010
외래방문율 개선효과에 대한 휴대폰 문자메시지와 편지 회상법간의 무작위배정 대조군 비교 임상시험
Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Family Medicine 31/4 :284-293,2010
Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase을 생성하는 Escherichia Coli 감염에 의한 패혈증 1예
Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Family Medicine 31/5 :384-389,2010
급성 위장염 후 발생한 상장간막 동맥 증후군 1예
Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Family Medicine 31/11 :862-866,2010
Alanine Aminotransferase Is Associated With Metabolic Syndrome Independently of Insulin Resistance
CIRCULATION JOURNAL 75/4 :964-969,2011
A Comparison of Predictability of Cardiovascular Events between Each Metabolic Component in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome Based on the Revised National Cholesterol Education Program Criteria
YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL 52/2 :220-226,2011
Leukocyte mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content is associated with depression in old women
Mid-life and late-life vascular risk factors and dementia in Korean men and women
Cardiovascular disease risk factors in relation to suicide mortality in Asia: prospective cohort study of over one million Korean men and women
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 32/22 :2773-2780,2011
Malakoplakia of the Kidney Extending to the Descending Colon in a Patient with Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency: A Case Report
가정의학회지 32/6 :367-372,2011
Relationships between Circulating Adiponectin Levels and Fat Distribution in Obese Subjects
Association Between Earlobe Crease and the Metabolic Syndrome in a Cross-sectional Study
Epidemiology and Health 34/ :1-6,2012
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: A Survey of Korean Medical Schools
Achieving recommended low density lipoprotein cholesterol goals and the factors associated with target achievement of hypercholesterolemia patients with rosuvastatin in primary care
Relationship Between Predictors of the Risk of Clinical Progression of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Metabolic Syndrome in Men With Moderate to Severe Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
UROLOGY 81/6 :1325-1329,2013
Amplitude and Phase Analysis of EEG Signal by Complex Demodulation
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Evaluation Factors of Clinical Decision Support System in u_Healthcare Service
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Correlation between Abnormal Pap Smear Finding and Brachial-ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Korean Women
Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 3/1 :68-72,2013
The Relationship Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms/Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and the Number of Components of Metabolic Syndrome
UROLOGY 82/3 :674-679,2013
대사증후군의 임상진료지침
임상내과(Health Media & Plan) 12/9/9 :26-31,2014
Association between the awareness of osteoporosis and the quality of care for bone health among Korean women with osteoporosis
Efficacy and safety of human placental extract for alcoholic and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: an open-label, randomized, comparative study
The relationship between testosterone, metabolic syndrome, and mean carotid intima-media thickness in aging men
AGING MALE 17/4 :211-215,2014
Development and Application of a Web-Based Nutritional Management Program to Improve Dietary Behaviors for the Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome
50세 이상의 남성과 폐경 후 여성에서 수면시 간과 골다공증과의 관계
Korean Journal of Family Practice 5/1 :18-24,2015
65세 이상 여성에서 단백질 섭취량과 대사증후군의 관계: 국민 건강 영양 조사 활용 2010~2012
Korean Journal of Family Practice 5/Suppl :s400-s405,2015
우리나라 18세 이상 성인에서 수면시간의 길이와 골밀도와의 관련성: 국민건강영양조사 자료 활용 2010
Korean Journal of Family Practice 5/Suppl 3 :s240-s247,2015
The lifestyle of patients with depressive symptoms for couples in primary care
Korean Journal of Family Practice 2015; 5(S :812-818,2015
The Effectiveness of Mobile Phone-Based Care for Weight Control in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
Journal of Medicine Internet Research Mhealth and Uhealth 3/3 :e83-e98,2015
Association between Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference and Prevalence of Microalbuminuria in Korean Adults of Age 30 Years and Older without Diabetes, Hypertension, Renal Failure, or Overt Proteinuria: The 2013 Korean National Health and Nutrition
Korean Journal of Family Medicine 37/1 :57-63,2016
Incidence of isolated dipstick hematuria and its association with the glomerular filtration rate: a cross-sectional study from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey V (2010?2012)
Sexually transmissible infections in middle and high school students: Experience rates, risk factors and relationship with mental health - Results from the Korean youth risk behaviour web-based survey
SEXUAL HEALTH 13/1 :29-34,2016
Associations of smoking with overall obesity, and central obesity: a cross-sectional study from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Epidemiology and Health 38/ :e2016020-e2016027,2016
The Relationship between the Triglyceride to High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio and Metabolic Syndrome
Korean Journal of Family Medicine 38/6 :352-357,2017
The Effect of Lifestyle Changes on Blood Pressure Control among
Korean Journal of Family Medicine 38/ :173-180,2017
Associations between Trends in Aging, Physical Activity, Central Obesity and Body Mass Index with
Korean Journal of Family Practice 7/2 :195-201,2017
Importance of Active Participation in Obesity Management Through Mobile Health Care Programs
Journal of Medicine Internet Research Mhealth and Uhealth 6/1 :-,2018
Relationship between Serum Vitamin D and Smoking in Korean Male Aged 50 and Over: Analysis of Data from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012
Korean Journal of Family Practice 4/4 :550-556,2018
A Study on Multicultural Families’ Interest and Satisfaction Levels Regarding Medical Checkups
Korean Journal of Family Practice 8/6 :940-944,2018
Safety and tolerability of Korean Red Ginseng in healthy adults: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
A 6-year Prospective, Observational,Multi-Center Post-Marketing Surveillance of the Safety of TetanusToxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid,and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine in Korea