모바일 성예사 > 교수찾아삼만리
이주명 교수 Dr. Lee Joo Myung
삼성서울병원 순환기내과
2018.08 두산 연강 학술상
2016.10 분쉬 의학상 젊은 연구자상
2016.08 LG 미래의학자상
2014.12 대한심장학회 젊은 연구자상
2016.08 서울대학교 의학대학원 의학과 (박사)
2013.09 서울대학교 보건대학원 보건학과 (석사)
2005.02 고려대학교 의과대학 졸업 (의학사)
2019.07 ~현재 Emory University 연수중
2019.03 ~현재 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 내과학 조교수
2018.03 ~ 2019.02 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 전임대우조교수
2016.03 ~ 2018.02 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 진료조교수
2013.02 ~ 2016.02 서울대학교 병원 순환기내과 전임의
2015.10 순환기내과 분과전문의 자격 취득
2009.03 ~ 2013.02 서울대학교 병원 내과 레지던트 과정 수료
2013.01 내과전문의 자격취득
2009.02 미국 ECFMG 자격 취득
2007.02 ~ 2008.09 육군 군의관
2005.02 ~ 2006.02 서울대학교 병원 인턴과정 수료
CATHETER CARDIO INTE 2019 10.1002/ccd.28654
Three-year clinical outcome of biodegradable hybrid polymer Orsiro sirolimus-eluting stent and the durable biocompatible polymer Resolute Integrity zotarolimus-eluting stent: A randomized controlled trial
Kim1, SH; Kang, SH; Lee, JM; Chung, WY; Park, JJ; Yoon, CH; Suh, JW; Cho, YS; Doh, JH; Cho, JM; Bae, JW; Youn, TJ; Chae, IH

EUR RADIOL 2019 10.1007/s00330-019-06221-9
Relevance of anatomical, plaque, and hemodynamic characteristics of non-obstructive coronary lesions in the prediction of risk for acute coronary syndrome
Park1, J; Lee, JM; Koo, BK; Choi, G; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Yang, S; Park, J; Zhang, JL; Kim, KJ; Tong, YL; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Cho, YS; Chun, EJ; Choi, JH; Norgaard, BL; Christiansen, EH; Niemen, K; Otake, H; Penicka, M; de Bruyne, B; Kubo, T; Akasaka, T; Narula, J; Douglas, PS; Taylor, CA

EUR HEART J-CARD IMG 2019 10.1093/ehjci/jez033
Identification of invasive and radionuclide imaging markers of coronary plaque vulnerability using radiomic analysis of coronary computed tomography angiography
Kolossvary1, M; Park, J; Bang, JI; Zhang, J; Lee, JM; Paeng, JC; Merkely, B; Narula, J; Kubo, T; Akasaka, T; Koo, BK; Maurovich-Horvat, P

INT J CARDIOVAS IMAG 2019 10.1007/s10554-019-01649-y
Comparison of fractional flow reserve and angiographic characteristics after balloon angioplasty in de novo coronary lesions
Chung1, JH; Lee, KE; Her, AY; Lee, JM; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Koo, BK; Shin, ES

CIRC J 2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-19-0230
Clinical Outcome of Lesions With Discordant Results Among Different Invasive Physiologic Indices - Resting Distal Coronary to Aortic Pressure Ratio, Resting Full-Cycle Ratio, Diastolic Pressure Ratio, Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio, and Fractional Flow Reserve -
Lee1, JM; Rhee, TM; Choi, KH; Park, J; Hwang, D; Kim, J; Park, J; Kim, HY; Jung, HW; Cho, YK; Yoon, HJ; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Doh, JH; Hur, SH; Koo, BK

EuroIntervention 2019 10.4244/EIJ-D-18-00113
Prediction of side branch occlusions in percutaneous coronary interventions by coronary computed tomography: the CT bifurcation score as a novel tool for predicting intraprocedural side branch occlusion
Lee1, SH; Lee, JM; Song, YB; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Lee, SH; Kim, SM; Choe, YH; Choi, JH

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2019 10.1016/j.jcin.2019.06.035
Sex Differences in Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio or Fractional Flow Reserve-Guided Revascularization Strategy
Kim1, CH; Koo, BK; Dehbi, HM; Lee, JM; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Cook, CM; Al-Lamee, R; Petraco, R; Sen, S; Malik, IS; Nijjer, SS; Mejia-Renteria, H; Alegria-Barrero, E; Alghamdi, A; Altman, J; Baptista, SB; Bhindi, R; Bojara, W; Brugaletta, S; Silva, PC; Di Mario, C; Erglis, A; Gerber, RT; Going, O; Harle, T; Hellig, F; Indolfi, C; Janssens, L; Jeremias, A; Kharbanda, RK; Khashaba, A; Kikuta, Y; Krackhardt, F; Laine, M; Lehman, SJ; Matsuo, H; Meuwissen, M; Niccoli, G; Piek, JJ; Ribichini, F; Samady, H; Sapontis, J; Seto, AH; Sezer, M; Sharp, ASP; Singh, J; Takashima, H; Talwar, S; Tanaka, N; Tang, K; Van Belle, E; van Royen, N; Vinhas, H; Vrints, CJ; Walters, D; Yokoi, H; Samuels, B; Buller, C; Patel, MR; Serruys, PW; Escaned, J; Davies, JE

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2019 10.1016/j.jcin.2019.06.044
Physiologic Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Patients With Discordance Between FFR and iFR
Lee1, SH; Choi, KH; Lee, JM; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Park, J; Kim, HK; Cho, YK; Yoon, HJ; Park, J; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Hur, SH; Koo, BK

REV ESP CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.rec.2018.06.010
Risk Prediction Model of In-hospital Mortality in Patients With Myocardial Infarction Treated With Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Choi1, KH; Yang, JH; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Bin Song, Y; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Choi, JH; Cho, YH; Sung, K; Carriere, K; Ahn, J; Gwon, HC

JAMA CARDIOL 2019 10.1001/jamacardio.2019.2298
Comparison of Major Adverse Cardiac Events Between Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve-Guided Strategy in Patients With or Without Type 2 Diabetes: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Lee1, JM; Choi, KH; Koo, BK; Dehbi, HM; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Cook, CM; Al-Lamee, R; Petraco, R; Sen, SY; Malik, IS; Nijjer, SS; Mejia-Renteria, H; Alegria-Barrero, E; Alghamdi, A; Altman, J; Baptista, SB; Bhindi, R; Bojara, W; Brugaletta, S; Silva, PC; Di Mario, C; Erglis, A; Gerber, RT; Going, O; Harle, T; Hellig, F; Indolfi, C; Janssens, L; Jeremias, A; Kharbanda, RK; Khashaba, A; Kikuta, Y; Krackhardt, F; Laine, M; Lehman, SJ; Matsuo, H; Meuwissen, M; Niccoli, G; Piek, JJ; Ribichini, F; Samady, H; Sapontis, J; Seto, AH; Sezer, M; Sharp, ASP; Singh, J; Takashima, H; Talwar, S; Tanaka, N; Tang, K; Van Belle, E; van Royen, N; Vinhas, H; Vrints, CJ; Walters, D; Yokoi, H; Samuels, B; Buller, C; Patel, MR; Serruys, P; Escaned, J; Davies, JE

ANN THORAC SURG 2019 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2019.03.033
Neurologic Outcomes in Patients Who Undergo Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Ryu1, JA; Chung, CR; Cho, YH; Sung, K; Jeon, K; Suh, GY; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Carriere, KC; Ahn, J; Yang, JH

CIRC J 2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-19-0237
Prognostic Implications of Diastolic Dysfunction Change in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Kim1, EK; Hahn, JY; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Bin Song, Y; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Choi, SH; Lee, SC; Gwon, HC; Oh, JK; Park, SW

CORONARY ARTERY DIS 2019 10.1097/MCA.0000000000000755
Prospective randomized trial of paclitaxel-coated balloon versus bare-metal stent in high bleeding risk patients with de novo coronary artery lesions
Shin1, ES; Lee, JM; Her, AY; Chung, JH; Lee, KE; Garg, S; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Koo, BK

J Am Heart Assoc 2019 10.1161/JAHA.119.012906
Interindividual Variations in the Adenosine-Induced Hemodynamics During Fractional Flow Reserve Evaluation: Implications for the Use of Quantitative Flow Ratio in Assessing Intermediate Coronary Stenoses
Mejia-Renteria1, H; Lauri, FM; Lee, JM; McInerney, A; van der Hoeven, NW; de Waard, GA; Fernandez-Ortiz, A; Macaya, C; Knaapen, P; van Royen, N; Koo, BK; Escaned, J

ASAIO J 2019 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000858
Impact of Cannula Size on Clinical Outcomes in Peripheral Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Kim1, J; Cho, YH; Sung, K; Park, TK; Lee, GY; Lee, JM; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Yang, JH

EuroIntervention 2019 10.4244/EIJ-D-18-00913
Influence of target vessel on prognostic relevance of fractional flow reserve after coronary stenting
Hwang1, D; Lee, JM; Lee, HJ; Kim, SH; Nam, CW; Hahn, JY; Shin, ES; Matsuo, A; Tanaka, N; Matsuo, H; Lee, SY; Doh, JH; Koo, BK

CLIN CARDIOL 2019 10.1002/clc.23239
Effect of sarpogrelate and high-dose statin on the reduction of coronary spasm in vasospastic angina: A two by two factorial, pilot randomized study
Kim1, SR; Choi, KH; Song, YB; Lee, JM; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC

HEART VESSELS 2019 10.1007/s00380-019-01346-9
Plaque modification and stabilization after paclitaxel-coated balloon treatment for de novo coronary lesions
Her1, AY; Shin, ES; Chung, JH; Kim, YH; Garg, S; Lee, JM; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Koo, BK

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-46117-8
Prognostic implications of post-percutaneous coronary intervention neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio on infarct size and clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Hong1, D; Choi, KH; Song, YB; Lee, JM; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Kim, SM; Choe, Y; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Lee, SC; Oh, JK; Gwon, HC

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0352
The Proximal Optimization Technique Improves Clinical Outcomes When Treated without Kissing Ballooning in Patients with a Bifurcation Lesion
Yang1, JH; Lee, JM; Park, TK; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Yu, CW; Chun, WJ; Oh, JH; Koo, BK; Jeong, JO; Kim, HS; Gwon, HC

JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC 2019 10.1001/jama.2019.8146
Effect of P2Y12 Inhibitor Monotherapy vs Dual Antiplatelet Therapy on Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention The SMART-CHOICE Randomized Clinical Trial
Hahn1, JY; Bin Song, Y; Oh, JH; Chun, WJ; Park, YH; Jang, WJ; Im, ES; Jeong, JO; Cho, BR; Oh, SK; Yun, KH; Cho, DK; Lee, JY; Koh, YY; Bae, JW; Choi, J; Lee, WS; Yoon, HJ; Lee, SU; Cho, JH; Choi, WG; Rha, SW; Lee, JM; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Lee, SH; Gwon, HC; Gwon, HC; Hahn, JY; Bin Song, Y; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Yang, JH; Choi, JH; Lee, SH; Kim, DB; Cho, BR; Choi, WG; Yoon, HJ; Rha, SW; Cho, DK; Lee, SU; Cho, SC; Hwang, SH; Jeon, DW; Choi, JW; Ryu, JK; Im, ES; Kim, MH; Chae, IH; Oh, JH; Chun, WJ; Park, YH; Jang, WJ; Kim, SH; Kim, HL; Cho, JH; Jin, DK; Suh, IW; Park, JS; Shin, ES; Kim, SJ; Cheong, SS; Oh, SK; Ho, K; Lee, SY; Lee, JY; Chae, JK; Koh, YY; Lee, WS; Yang, YM; Jeong, JO; Bae, JW; Choi, JH; Yu, CW; Kim, SW; Choi, SY; Kim, HJ; Kim, BK; Park, SJ

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0296
The Effects of Preoperative Aspirin on Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: a Systematic Meta-Analysis
Hwang1, D; Lee, JM; Rhee, TM; Kim, YC; Park, J; Park, J; Ahn, C; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Kim, KB; Lee, YT; Koo, BK

JACC CARDIOVASC IMAGING 2019 10.1016/j.jcmg.2018.01.023
Identification of High-Risk Plaques Destined to Cause Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Lee1, JM; Choi, G; Koo, BK; Hwang, D; Park, J; Zhang, JL; Kim, KJ; Tong, YL; Kim, HJ; Grady, L; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Cho, YS; Choi, SY; Chun, EJ; Choi, JH; Norgaard, BL; Christiansen, EH; Niemen, K; Otake, H; Penicka, M; de Bruyne, B; Kubo, T; Akasaka, T; Narula, J; Douglas, PS; Taylor, CA; Kim, HS

J KOREAN MED SCI 2019 10.3346/jkms.2019.34.e145
Influence of Local Myocardial Infarction on Endothelial Function, Neointimal Progression, and Inflammation in Target and Non-Target Vascular Territories in a Porcine Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction
Kim1, HK; Kim, HB; Lee, JM; Kim, SS; Bae, IH; Park, DS; Park, JK; Shim, JW; Na, JY; Lee, MY; Kim, JS; Sim, DS; Hong, YJ; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Park, J; Koo, BK; Kim, SU; Lim, KS; Jeong, MH

CARDIOL J 2019 10.5603/CJ.a2019.0054
Consensus document for invasive coronary physiologic assessment in Asia-Pacific countries
Lee1, HS; Lee, JM; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Doh, JH; Dai, N; Ng, MKC; Yong, ASC; Tresukosol, D; Mullasari, AS; Mathew, R; Chandra, P; Wang, KT; Chen, YD; Chen, JY; Yiu, KH; Johnson, NP; Koo, BK

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2019 10.1016/j.jcin.2019.02.037
5-Year Outcomes According to FFR of Left Circumflex Coronary Artery After Left Main Crossover Stenting
Lee1, CH; Choi, SW; Hwang, J; Kim, IC; Cho, YK; Park, HS; Yoon, HJ; Kim, H; Han, S; Kim, LY; Lee, JM; Doh, JH; Shin, ES; Koo, BK; Hur, SH; Nam, CW

J AM COLL CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.jacc.2019.02.060
Prognostic Implications of Plaque Characteristics and Stenosis Severity in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Lee1, JM; Choi, KH; Koo, BK; Park, J; Kim, J; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Kim, HY; Jung, HW; Kim, KJ; Yoshiaki, K; Shin, ES; Doh, JH; Chang, HJ; Cho, YK; Yoon, HJ; Nam, CW; Hur, SH; Wang, J; Chen, S; Kuramitsu, S; Tanaka, N; Matsuo, H; Akasaka, T

J Am Heart Assoc 2019 10.1161/JAHA.119.012188
Prognostic Implications of Door-to-Balloon Time and Onset-to-Door Time on Mortality in Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated With Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Park1, J; Choi, KH; Lee, JM; Kim, HK; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Kim, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Bin Song, Y; Choi, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Chae, SC; Cho, MC; Kim, CJ; Kim, JH; Jeong, MH; Gwon, HC; Kim, HS

J Am Heart Assoc 2019 10.1161/JAHA.118.011534
Coronary Microcirculation Downstream Non-Infarct-Related Arteries in the Subacute Phase of Myocardial Infarction: Implications for Physiology-Guided Revascularization
Mejia-Renteria1, H; Lee, JM; van der Hoeven, NW; Gonzalo, N; Jimenez-Quevedo, P; NombelaFranco, L; Nunez-Gil, IJ; Salinas, P; Del Trigo, M; Cerrato, E; van Royen, N; Knaapen, P; Koo, BK; Macaya, C; Fernandez-Ortiz, A; Escaned, J

J Am Heart Assoc 2019 10.1161/JAHA.118.011605
Diagnostic Agreement of Quantitative Flow Ratio With Fractional Flow Reserve and Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio
Hwang1, D; Choi, KH; Lee, JM; Mejia-Renteria, H; Kim, J; Park, J; Rhee, TM; Jeon, KH; Lee, HJ; Kim, HK; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Kwak, JJ; Doh, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Escaned, J; Koo, BK; Gwon, HC

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2019 10.1016/j.jcin.2019.01.227
Impact of Intravascular Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention on Long-Term Clinical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Complex Procedures
Choi1, KH; Song, YB; Lee, JM; Lee, SY; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Hahn, JY

CIRC J 2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0873
Association Between Body Mass Index and Mortality in Patients Requiring Cardiac Critical Care
Na1, SJ; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Song, YB; Choi, JO; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Chung, CR; Jeon, K; Suh, GY; Ahn, JH; Carriere, KC; Yang, JH

J KOREAN MED SCI 2019 10.3346/jkms.2019.34.e70
Prognostic Value of Admission Blood Glucose Level in Critically Ill Patients Admitted to Cardiac Intensive Care Unit according to the Presence or Absence of Diabetes Mellitus
Kim1, S; Na, SJ; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Song, YB; Choi, JO; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Chung, CR; Jeon, K; Suh, GY; Yang, JH

CIRC J 2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0662
Prognostic Impact of beta-Blocker Dose After Acute Myocardial Infarction
Hwang1, D; Lee, JM; Kim, HK; Choi, KH; Rhee, TM; Park, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Choi, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Kim, YJ; Chae, SC; Cho, MC; Kim, CJ; Gwon, HC; Jeong, MH; Kim, HS

REV ESP CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.recesp.2018.01.002
Clinical Significance of Reciprocal ST-segment Changes in Patients With STEMI: A Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Hwang1, JW; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Kim, JH; Jang, WJ; Choi, SH; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Ahn, J; Carriere, K; Lee, SH; Gwon, HC

CIRCULATION 2019 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037021
Physiological and Clinical Assessment of Resting Physiological Indexes Resting Full-Cycle Ratio, Diastolic Pressure Ratio, and Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio
Lee1, JM; Choi, KH; Park, J; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Kim, J; Park, J; Kim, HY; Jung, HW; Cho, YK; Yoon, HJ; Bin Song, Y; Hahn, JY; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Doh, JH; Hur, SH; Koo, BK

INT J CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.08.006
Comparison of long-term clinical outcomes between revascularization versus medical treatment in patients with silent myocardial ischemia
Choi1, KH; Lee, JM; Park, I; Kim, J; Rhee, TM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Bin Song, Y; Hahn, JY; Jeong, DS; Cho, YH; Kim, WS; Sung, K; Jang, MJ; Sung, JD; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Lee, YT; Kim, EK; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Choi, JO; Lee, SC; Park, SW; Cho, YS; Choi, JY; Gwon, HC; Oh, JK

REV ESP CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.recesp.2017.12.020
Vasoactive Inotropic Score as a Predictor of Mortality in Adult Patients With Cardiogenic Shock: Medical Therapy Versus ECMO
Na1, SJ; Chung, CR; Cho, YH; Jeon, K; Suh, GY; Ahn, JH; Carriere, KC; Park, TK; Lee, GY; Lee, JM; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Yang, JH

JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018 10.1001/jamaoto.2018.2133
Addition of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy vs Medical Therapy Alone for Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Rhee1, TM; Hwang, D; Lee, JS; Park, J; Lee, JM

CRIT CARE 2018 10.1186/s13054-018-2101-2
Prognostic value of computed tomography score in patients after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Ryu1, JA; Lee, YH; Chung, CR; Cho, YH; Sung, K; Jeon, K; Suh, GY; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Chae, MK; Hong, JH; Lee, SH; Kim, HS; Yang, JH

J Am Heart Assoc 2018 10.1161/JAHA.118.009517
High-Intensity Versus Non-High-Intensity Statins in Patients Achieving Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Goal After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Kim1, J; Park, KT; Jang, MJ; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Lee, SH; Hong, KP; Hahn, JY

REV ESP CARDIOL 2018 10.1016/j.rec.2018.01.002
Treatment Strategy for STEMI With Bifurcation Culprit Lesion Undergoing Primary PCI: The COBIS II Registry
Choi1, KH; Song, YB; Jeong, JO; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Yang, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Choi, JH; Lee, SH; Jeong, MH; Koo, BK; Kim, HS; Yu, CW; Rha, SW; Jang, Y; Yoon, JH; Oh, JH; Park, JS; Gwon, HC

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.07.031
Prognostic Implications of Relative Increase and Final Fractional Flow Reserve in Patients With Stent Implantation
Lee1, JM; Hwang, D; Choi, KH; Rhee, TM; Park, J; Kim, HY; Jung, HW; Hwang, JW; Lee, HJ; Jang, HJ; Kim, SH; Song, YB; Cho, YK; Nam, CW; Hahn, JY; Shin, ES; Kawase, Y; Matsuo, A; Tanaka, N; Doh, JH; Koo, BK; Matsuo, H

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.06.045
Fractional Flow Reserve and Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio for Nonculprit Stenosis in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Choi1, KH; Lee, JM; Kim, HK; Kim, J; Park, J; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Gwon, HC

AM J CARDIOL 2018 10.1016/j.amjcard.2018.05.001
Extended Clopidogrel Therapy Beyond 12 Months and Long-Term Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Receiving Coronary Arterial Second Generation Drug-Eluting Stents
Cho1, SW; Park, K; Ahn, JH; Park, TK; Lee, SY; Kim, J; Lee, JM; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC; Lee, SH; Ahn, J; Carriere, KC; Hahn, JY

INT J CARDIOVAS IMAG 2018 10.1007/s10554-018-1351-z
Paclitaxel-coated balloon treatment for functionally nonsignificant residual coronary lesions after balloon angioplasty
Her1, AY; Shin, ES; Lee, JM; Garg, S; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Koo, BK

CATHETER CARDIO INTE 2018 10.1002/ccd.27359
Second-generation drug-eluting stents versus drug-coated balloons for the treatment of coronary in-stent restenosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Kokkinidis1, DG; Prouse, AF; Avner, SJ; Lee, JM; Waldo, SW; Armstrong, EJ

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.05.005
Prognostic Implication of Thermodilution Coronary Flow Reserve in Patients Undergoing Fractional Flow Reserve Measurement
Lee1, JM; Choi, KH; Hwang, D; Park, J; Jung, JH; Kim, HY; Jung, HW; Cho, YK; Yoon, HJ; Song, YB; Hahn, JY; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Hur, SH; Koo, BK

INT J CARDIOL 2018 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.02.008
Prognostic implication of thermodilution coronary flow reserve in patients with indeterminate pressure-bounded coronary flow reserve
Lee1, JM; Rhee, TM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Kim, CH; Choi, KH; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Koo, BK

J AM COLL CARDIOL 2018 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.04.033
REPLY: Revascularization Strategies in Patients With Acute MI and Cardiogenic Shock
Lee1, JM; Rhee, TM; Kim, HK; Song, YB; Hahn, JY

AM J CARDIOL 2018 10.1016/j.amjcard.2018.02.034
Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus According to Insulin Treatment After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Second-Generation Drug-Eluting Stent Era
Pi1, SH; Rhee, TM; Lee, JM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Choi, JH; Hahn, JY; Kim, BJ; Kim, BS; Gwon, HC; Choi, SH

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.02.002
Impact of Optimized Procedure-Related Factors in Drug-Eluting Balloon Angioplasty for Treatment of In-Stent Restenosis
Rhee1, TM; Lee, JM; Shin, ES; Hwang, D; Park, J; Jeon, KH; Kim, HL; Yang, HM; Han, JK; Park, KW; Hahn, JY; Koo, BK; Kim, SH; Kim, HS

CIRC J 2018 10.1253/circj.CJ-17-0921
Effect of Side Branch Predilation in Coronary Bifurcation Stenting With the Provisional Approach - Results From the COBIS (Coronary Bifurcation Stenting) II Registry -
Lee1, SH; Song, YB; Lee, JM; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Lee, SH; Ahn, JH; Carriere, KC; Jeong, MH; Kim, HS; Oh, JH; Jang, Y; Gwon, HC

AM HEART J 2018 10.1016/j.ahj.2017.11.001
Comparison of Fractional FLow Reserve And Intravascular ultrasound-guided Intervention Strategy for Clinical OUtcomes in Patients with InteRmediate Stenosis (FLAVOUR): Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial
Kang1, J; Koo, BK; Hu, XY; Lee, JM; Hahn, JY; Yang, HM; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Lee, BK; Ahn, C; Wang, JA; Tahk, SJ

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2017.11.028
Influence of Local Myocardial Damage on Index of Microcirculatory Resistance and Fractional Flow Reserve in Target and Nontarget Vascular Territories in a Porcine Microvascular Injury Model
Lee1, JM; Kim, HK; Lim, KS; Park, JK; Choi, KH; Park, J; Hwang, D; Rhee, TM; Yang, JH; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hahn, JY; Koo, BK; Jeong, MH

CIRC J 2018 10.1253/circj.CJ-17-1221
Effects of Statin Intensity on Clinical Outcome in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients
Hwang1, D; Kim, HK; Lee, JM; Choi, KH; Kim, J; Rhee, TM; Park, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Song, YB; Choi, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Kim, YJ; Chae, SC; Cho, MC; Kim, CJ; Gwon, HC; Jeong, MH; Kim, HS

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.02.014
Influence of Microcirculatory Dysfunction on Angiography-Based Functional Assessment of Coronary Stenoses
Mejia-Renteria1, H; Lee, JM; Lauri, F; van der Hoeven, NW; de Waard, GA; Macaya, F; Perez-Vizcayno, MJ; Gonzalo, N; Jimenez-Quevedo, P; Nombela-Franco, L; Salinas, P; Nunez-Gil, I; del Trigo, M; Goto, S; Lee, HJ; Liontou, C; Fernandez-Ortiz, A; Macaya, C; van Royen, N; Koo, BK; Escaned, J

AM HEART J 2018 10.1016/j.ahj.2017.11.013
Efficacy and safety of dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary stenting in patients with chronic kidney disease
Hwang1, D; Park, KW; Lee, JM; Rhee, TM; Hong, MK; Jang, Y; Valgimigli, M; Colombo, A; Gilard, M; Palmerini, T; Stone, GW; Kim, HS

Korean circulation journal 2018 10.4070/kcj.2017.0393
Functional Approach for Coronary Artery Disease: Filling the Gap Between Evidence and Practice
Lee1, JM; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Koo, BK

AM HEART J 2018 10.1016/j.ahj.2017.12.002
Rationale and design of the comparison between a P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy versus dual antiplatelet therapy in patients undergoing implantation of coronary drug-eluting stents (SMART-CHOICE): A prospective multicenter randomized trial
Song1, YB; Oh, SK; Oh, JH; Im, ES; Cho, DK; Cho, BR; Lee, JY; Lee, JM; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Lee, SH; Gwon, HC; Hahn, JY

EUR HEART J 2018 10.1093/eurheartj/ehx458
Clinical implications of three-vessel fractional flow reserve measurement in patients with coronary artery disease
Lee1, JM; Koo, BK; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hwang, D; Park, J; Kim, KJ; Zhang, J; Hu, XY; Wang, JA; Ahn, C; Ye, F; Chen, SL; Yang, JQ; Chen, JY; Tanaka, N; Yokoi, H; Matsuo, H; Takashima, H; Shiono, Y; Akasaka, T

LANCET 2018 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30493-8
6-month versus 12-month or longer dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome (SMART-DATE): a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial
Hahn1, JY; Bin Song, Y; Oh, JH; Cho, DK; Lee, JB; Doh, JH; Kim, SH; Jeong, JO; Bae, JH; Kim, BO; Cho, JH; Suh, IW; Kim, DI; Park, HK; Park, JS; Choi, WG; Lee, WS; Kim, J; Choi, KH; Park, TK; Lee, JM; Yang, JH; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC

SCI REP-UK 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-23134-7
Non-invasive coronary physiology based on computational analysis of intracoronary transluminal attenuation gradient
Bae1, YG; Hwang, ST; Han, H; Kim, SM; Kim, HY; Park, I; Lee, JM; Moon, YJ; Choi, JH

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2018 10.1016/j.jcin.2017.09.009
Prognostic Implication of Functional Incomplete Revascularization and Residual Functional SYNTAX Score in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Choi1, KH; Lee, JM; Koo, BK; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Doh, JH; Rhee, TM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Zhang, J; Kim, KJ; Hu, XY; Wang, JN; Ye, F; Chen, SL; Yang, JQ; Chen, JY; Tanaka, N; Yokoi, H; Matsuo, H; Takashima, H; Shiono, Y; Akasaka, T

Response by Kobayashi et al to Letter Regarding Article, ""Three-Vessel Assessment of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction in Patients with Clinical Suspicion of Ischemia: Prospective Observation Study With the Index of Microcirculatory Resistance""
Kobayashi1, Y; Fearon, WF; Nishi, T; Choi, DH; Lee, JM; Lee, JH; Zimmermann, FM; Jung, JH; Lee, HJ; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Koo, BK

J Am Heart Assoc 2018 10.1161/JAHA.117.007962
Differential Clinical Outcomes Between Angiographic Complete Versus Incomplete Coronary Revascularization, According to the Presence of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Drug-Eluting Stent Era
Kim1, J; Lee, JM; Choi, KH; Rhee, TM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Ahn, C; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Bin Song, Y; Choi, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Gwon, HC

J AM COLL CARDIOL 2018 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.12.028
Multivessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction With Cardiogenic Shock
Lee1, JM; Rhee, TM; Hahn, JY; Kim, HK; Park, J; Hwang, D; Choi, KH; Kim, J; Park, TK; Yang, JH; Bin Song, Y; Choi, JH; Choi, SH; Koo, BK; Kim, YJ; Chae, SC; Cho, MC; Kim, CJ; Gwon, HC; Kim, JH; Kim, HS; Jeong, MH

J Am Heart Assoc 2018 10.1161/JAHA.117.008055
Clinical Relevance of Functionally Insignificant Moderate Coronary Artery Stenosis Assessed by 3-Vessel Fractional Flow Reserve Measurement
Park1, J; Lee, JM; Koo, BK; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hwang, D; Zhang, JL; Hu, XY; Wang, J; Ye, F; Chen, SL; Yang, JQ; Chen, JY; Tanaka, N; Yokoi, H; Matsuo, H; Takashima, H; Shiono, Y; Akasaka, T

JACC-CARDIOVASC INTE 2017 10.1016/j.jcin.2017.07.019
Clinical Outcomes According to Fractional Flow Reserve or Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio in Deferred Lesions
Lee1, JM; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hwang, D; Park, J; Kim, KJ; Zhang, J; Ahn, C; Koo, BK

Three-Vessel Assessment of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction in Patients With Clinical Suspicion of Ischemia: Prospective Observational Study With the Index of Microcirculatory Resistance
Kobayashi1, Y; Lee, JM; Fearon, WF; Lee, JH; Nishi, T; Choi, DH; Zimmermann, FM; Jung, JH; Lee, HJ; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Shin, ES; Koo, BK

Korean circulation journal 2017 10.4070/kcj.2017.0108
Plaque Characteristics and Ruptured Plaque Location according to Lesion Geometry in Culprit Lesions of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Chung1, JH; Lee, JM; Her, AY; Cho, H; Doh, JH; Nam, CW; Il Kim, H; Koo, BK; Shin, ES

Predictors and Long-Term Clinical Outcome of Longitudinal Stent Deformation: Insights From Pooled Analysis of Korean Multicenter Drug-Eluting Stent Cohort
Rhee1, TM; Park, KW; Lee, JM; Lee, MS; Jeon, KH; Kang, HJ; Koo, BK; Rhew, JY; Cha, KS; Bae, JH; Han, KR; Park, SH; Park, WJ; Rha, SW; Oh, SK; Kwon, HM; Seung, KB; Ahn, T; Kim, SH; Kim, HS

Clinical Relevance of F-18-Sodium Fluoride Positron-Emission Tomography in Noninvasive Identification of High-Risk Plaque in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Lee1, JM; Bang, JI; Koo, BK; Hwang, D; Park, J; Zhang, JL; Tong, YL; Suh, M; Paeng, JC; Shiono, Y; Kubo, T; Akasaka, T

CIRCULATION 2017 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.029911
Exploring Coronary Circulatory Response to Stenosis and Its Association With Invasive Physiologic Indexes Using Absolute Myocardial Blood Flow and Coronary Pressure
Lee1, JM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Zhang, J; Tong, YL; Kim, CH; Bang, JI; Suh, M; Paeng, JC; Cheon, GJ; Koo, BK

INT J CARDIOL 2017 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.07.099
Discrepancy between fractional flow reserve and instantaneous wave-free ratio: Clinical and angiographic characteristics
Lee1, JM; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hwang, D; Park, J; Kim, KJ; Zhang, J; Koo, BK

EuroIntervention 2017
Prognosis of deferred non-culprit lesions according to fractional flow reserve in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Lee1, JM; Choi, KH; Koo, BK; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hwang, D; Park, J; Zhang, J; Lim, HS; Yoon, MH; Tahk, SJ

J AM COLL CARDIOL 2017 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.09.007
Similarity and Difference of Resting Distal to Aortic Coronary Pressure and Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio
Lee1, JM; Park, J; Hwang, D; Kim, CH; Choi, KH; Rhee, TM; Tong, YL; Park, JJ; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Koo, BK

EuroIntervention 2017
Two-stent techniques for coronary bifurcation lesions (main vessel first versus side branch first): results from the COBIS (COronary BIfurcation Stenting) II registry
Park1, TK; Bin Song, Y; Yang, JH; Lee, JM; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Choi, JH; Lee, SH; Oh, JH; Yu, CW; Jeong, JO; Gwon, HC

INT J CARDIOL 2017 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.05.114
Physiologic mechanism of discordance between instantaneous wave-free ratio and fractional flow reserve: Insight from N-13-ammonium positron emission tomography
Lee1, JM; Hwang, D; Park, J; Tong, Y; Koo, BK

INT J CARDIOL 2017 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.02.110
Treatment for in-stent restenosis using drug-eluting balloon: Importance of procedural optimization rather than device itself
Lee1, JM; Rhee, TM; Park, J; Kim, HS

PLoS One 2017 10.1371/journal.pone.0183079
Clinical outcomes of biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting BioMatrix stents versus durable polymer everolimus-eluting Xience stents
Lee1, DH; Park, TK; Bin Song, Y; Chun, WJ; Choi, RK; Jeong, JO; Im, ES; Kim, SW; Lee, JM; Yang, JH; Hahn, JY; Choi, SH; Choi, JH; Lee, SH; Gwon, HC

J Am Heart Assoc 2017 10.1161/JAHA.117.006071
Clinical Outcomes of Deferred Lesions With Angiographically Insignificant Stenosis But Low Fractional Flow Reserve
Lee1, JM; Koo, BK; Shin, ES; Nam, CW; Doh, JH; Hu, XY; Ye, F; Chen, SL; Yang, JQ; Chen, JY; Tanaka, N; Yokoi, H; Matsuo, H; Takashima, H; Shiono, Y; Hwang, D; Park, J; Kim, KJ; Akasaka, T; Wang, JN

JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS, APR 24 2017, 10(8):751-760, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcin.2016.12.015
Diagnostic Performance of Resting and Hyperemic Invasive Physiological Indices to Define Myocardial Ischemia Validation With N-13-Ammonia Positron Emission Tomography
Hwang D1, Jeon KH, Lee JM, Park J, Kim CH, Tong Y, Zhang J, Bang JI, Suh M, Paeng JC

JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 Mar 27;10(6):571-581. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2016.11.033. Epub 2017 Mar 1.
Identification of Coronary Artery Side Branch Supplying Myocardial Mass That May Benefit From Revascularization
Kim HY11, Doh JH2, Lim HS3, Nam CW4, Shin ES5, Koo BK6, Lee JM7, Park TK7, Yang JH7, Song YB7, Hahn JY7, Choi SH7, Gwon HC7, Lee SH7, Kim SM8, Choe Y8, Choi JH9.

Int J Cardiol. 2017 Mar 1;230:509-517. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.12.071. Epub 2016 Dec 20.
Deferred versus conventional stent implantation in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: An updated meta-analysis of 10 studies
Lee JM11, Rhee TM2, Chang H1, Ahn C3, Park TK1, Yang JH1, Song YB1, Choi SH1, Gwon HC1, Hahn JY4.

Int J Cardiol. 2017 Mar 1;230:181-190. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.12.176. Epub 2016 Dec 29.
Comparison of outcomes after treatment of in-stent restenosis using newer generation drug-eluting stents versus drug-eluting balloon: Patient-level pooled analysis of Korean Multicenter in-Stent Restenosis Registry
Lee JM11, Rhee TM2, Hahn JY1, Hwang D2, Park J2, Park KW2, Kim HL3, Kim SH3, Chae IH4, Doh JH5, Jeon KH6, Choi YJ6, Park JS6, Choi SH1, Gwon HC1, Koo BK2, Alfonso F7, Kim HS8.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Mar 15
Coronary Flow Reserve and Microcirculatory Resistance in Patients With Intermediate Coronary Stenosis
Lee JM1, Jung JH, Hwang D, Park J, Fan Y, Na SH, Doh JH, Nam CW, Shin ES, Koo BK.

Am Heart J. 2016 Dec;182:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2016.07.022. Epub 2016 Aug 26.
Safety of 6-month duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndromes: Rationale and design of the Smart Angioplasty Research Team-safety of 6-month duration of Dual Antip
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