[SCI] (Predictive factors for difficult robotic thyroidectomy using the bilateral axillo-breast approach)
[SCI] (Pre-ablation stimulated thyroglobulin is a better predictor of recurrence in pathological N1a papillary thyroid carcinoma than the lymph node ratio)
[SCI] (Thermal injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by THUNDERBEAT during thyroid surgery: findings from continuous intraoperative neuromonitoring in a porcine model)
[SCI] (The role of preoperative ultrasonography, computed tomography, and sestamibi scintigraphy localization in secondary hyperparathyroidism)
[국내논문] (Predicting postoperative total calcium requirements after parathyroidectomy in secondary hyperparathyroidism)
[SCI] (Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy with or without intraoperative parathyroid hormone for primary hyperparathyroidism)
[SCI] (Predictive factors for longer operative times for thyroidectomy)
[SCI] (ndoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 is highly expressed in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma with cervical lymph node metastasis)
[SCI] (Should central lymph node dissection be considered for all papillary thyroid microcarcinoma?)
[SCI] (Transoral periosteal thyroidectomy: cadaver to human)
[SCI] (Robotic thyroid surgery for papillary thyroid carcinoma: lessons learned from 100 consecutive surgeries)
[SCI] (Robotic thyroidectomy using bilateral axillo-breast approach: Comparison of surgical results with open conventional thyroidectomy)
[SCI] (The safety of transoral periosteal thyroidectomy: results of Swine models)
[국내논문] (sprouting in papillary thyroid carcinoma is correlated with lymph node metastasis and recurrence)
[SCI] (Clinicopathological, immunohistochemical factors and recurrence associated with extrathyroidal extension in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma)