대한신경외과학회 정회원
대한척추신경외과학회 정회원
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대한신경통증학회 이사
Relationship of Success Rate for Balloon Adhesiolysis with Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Intractable Lumbar Radicular Pain: A Multicenter Prospective Study. Joumal of Clinical Medicine 2019
Safety and Effectiveness of Transforaminal Epiduroscopic
Laser Ablation in Single Level Disc Disease : A Case-Control
Study, Pain Physician 2018
Diagnosis of Cervical OPLL in Lateral Radiograph and MRI:
Is it Reliable?, Korean J Spine 2012
Cervical Expansive Laminoplasty with 90" Box-Shape French
Door Method, Korea J Spine, 2012
Isolated dissecting posterior cerebellar artery aneurysm,
J Korean Neurosurg Soc, 2007
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of sphenoid sinus presenting as isolated oculomotor nerve palsy, World gournal of surgical
oncology, 2007 외 다수