치매 이해와 치료의 바른 길잡이 (공저)
조현병 마음의 줄을 고르다 (공저)
Interactive effects of background facial emotion stimulus and target salience on sustained attention performance in schizophrenia:
Schizophrenia Research 135(1-3):90-4 (1저자, 교신저자)
2Demand and Modality of Directed Attention Modulate “Pre-attentive” Sensory Processes in Schizophrenia Patients and Nonpsychiatric
Controls: Schizophrenia Research 146(1-3):326-35 (공동 1저자)
3Sustained attention in the context of emotional processing in patients with schizophrenia:
Psychiatry Research 187(1-2):18-23 (1저자, 교신저자)
4Increased personal space of patients with schizophrenia in a virtual social environment: Psychiatry Research 169(3):
197-202 (1저자)