항정신병 약물 장기지속형 주사제 사용 간편 가이드라인 (공저)
1. The longitudinal effects of chronotype on chemotherapy-induced nausea and
vomiting in patients with breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022 Jun
2. Morning Chronotype Decreases the Risk of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral
Neuropathy in Women With Breast Cancer. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2022 Feb
3. Psychiatric symptoms mediate the effect of resilience on health-related quality of life
in patients with breast cancer: Longitudinal examination. Psychooncology. 2021 Oct
4. Dual Sensory Impairment and Cognitive Impairment in the Korean Longitudinal
Elderly Cohort. Neurology. 2021 May
5. Prevalence and comorbidities of adult ADHD in male military conscripts in korea:
Results of an epidemiological survey of mental health in Korean military service.
Psychiatry Research. 2020. Nov
6. 암 경험자의 직장복귀지원에 대한 요구도 및 관련 요인. 정신신체의학. 2020
7. The effect of perceived social support on chemotherapy-related symptoms
in patients with breast cancer: A prospective observational study.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2020 Mar
8. Simultaneous Comparison of Efficacy and Tolerability of Second-Generation
Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia: Mixed-Treatment Comparison Analysis
Based on Head-to-Head Trial Data. Psychiatry investigation. 2015 Jan