Eyes nose
I’m thinking of doing double eyelid surgery and nose surgery in same day in different hospital, because I’m only staying in Korea for short period of time, so how long do I need to wait after each sur…
Hello, I’m travelling to Korea near future. Hence joined to get more information on surgical procedures. Perhaps lasik/lasak/smile. Would anyone have leads on good and affordable place? Please let me …
I’m a Korean male currently living in the U.S., and I’m planning to visit South Korea for plastic surgery. I’m particularly interested in facial contouring and would like to gather more information ab…
here for the tea and to read the korean reviews.
The site keeps telling me to level up so I'm posting here. I've been lurking the reviews that I can access but seems like I can't really access more…
지루성 피부염, 아토피,건선있으몀
내가 여름과 겨울에 언제나 피부 건조증으로 고생을했었는데 특히 여름에는 발진같은거 물닿고 덜말리면 빨갛게 나고 겨울엔 하얗게 트고 아토피땜에 접합부위 건조해서 막긁고 손가락같은데 건선 부위생기고 그랬거든 ㅜㅜ
그럴때마다 피부과가서 항생제 주사맞고 약처방받으먄 그땐 잠깐 좋아지고 면역력 떨어지면 다시 가렵고 그랬는데
좋은 방법을 찾았어
피부 각질이랑 …
Hi. I don't know what to say. Thinking of finding a place for a slimmer nose and fixing feont eye shape. Joining to search for some information. Hope i can learn about what will be the good options to…
Seeking clinic suggestion for liposuction
Seeking clinic suggestion for liposuction
쌍수 후 ems 고주파
쌍수 3번 했고 지금 마지막으로 한지 1년 되가는데, 요즘 ems고주파 관리 피부과에서 받고 있거든 근데 자연유착+매몰이라 풀릴까봐 걱정되더라고ㅠ 눈가 닿기만 해도 엄청 진동 세게 오던데 쌍수 후에 ems받아도 괜찮을까..?
원래 ENTP가 임신이 잘되나?
얘들아 어그로 끌어서 미안해
혹시 성형전에 언제부터 금연해야하는지 알아??
그리고 수술후엔 언제부터 필수있어??
카페인도 수술 전후로 먹으면 안되는거야??
여기서 물어보는게 제일 정확할거같아서..
난 쌍수하는사람이야!
Hi how r u
Hi how are you! I am going to visit korea to have a eye & other surgeries. Want to get some great infos here before I go to korea. Please get me level up for using this wonderful website. Thank you! :…