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  • 윤곽하고 의식불명된 ㅂㅂㅌ 게시물 본 사람...? [성형관련수다방] 2024-11-11
    https://install.babitalk.com/?code=glae1tu&type=talks&id=6808316 미친거아니냐고 진짜 .. 말도안된다
  • Hello [Global] 2024-11-11
    Hello, I am planning to visit Korea this winter for eye surgery. I joined this platform because I am interested in getting information about good doctors and hospitals for the procedure. Thank you.
  • Hello [Global] 2024-11-10
    Hello, I am planning to go Korea this month for my eye surgery, I hope I can find nice one. Also this is my first time to surgery, it is kinda exciting and nervous. So I want to get information about…
  • Hello [Global] 2024-11-09
    Hello I am Intrested in getting nose surgery, So I signed up to learn more. I’d like to find a reputable clinic near Dunsan-dong in Daejeon , and I’m hoping to gather as much information as I can . T…
  • 오늘 광ㄷㅐ붓기 최고 난리났어 [성형관련수다방] 2024-11-09
    https://sungyesa.com/new/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=5040057&&#c_5051424 광대수술한 예사들아...ㅠㅠ다들 3-4일차때 붓기 제일 심했어? 아픈건 아예없는데 답답해...인간 몽블랑빵같아ㅋㅋㅋ 붓기 쪽 빠져서 어서어서어성서어서 이뻐지고싶어!!!
  • Introduction [Global] 2024-11-09
    Hi everyone, Trying to level up and meet the website's recommendations in order to gain more access to the resources at hand. I'm mainly interested in facial contouring and rhinoplasty, but open-mind…
  • hiii [Global] 2024-11-09
    Hi, I'm writing here because I want to apply for a level-up. Actually... is it okay to write this? I want to gather information quickly, haha. We are all beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi [Global] 2024-11-09
    Interested in kbeauty and especially double eyelid surgery and nose. I want to find a clinic that specializes in nose re-surgery. I know its a big surgery so i want to make sure im going to the right …
  • 수술전 복용하는 약 [성형관련수다방] 2024-11-08
    수술전에 비타민 E 같은 건 먹지말라고 하던데 비타민 C,D나 비오틴, 아연 이런 건 괜찮겠지? 며칠전에 발목 삐어서 소염진통제도 먹고 있는데 이건 안 먹는게 좋으려낭? 큰 문제는 아닐 것 같은데 비타민 E 먹지말라고 병원 안내문에 적혀있길래 혹시나 해서! 잘 아는 친구들 있어?? 또 수술전 먹으면 안되는 약 있으면 알려주면 고마울 것 같…
  • Hiiii [Global] 2024-11-08
    I'm planning to go to Korea this month. I've been feeling some pressure on my nose and realized my nose is getting smaller. I want to visit few hospitals to make sure it is safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!