Job Review

[etc] Thigh Rams review

Date 23.12.13 14:25:49 View 1,245
365mc병원 (강남본점)

2 years ago, I suddenly thought of doing a thigh lift and put it into practice within a week..? It was a male director, and the price was a hundred dollars, but I can't remember anymore. The conclusion is that I should have done liposuction instead of having Rams. For 2-3 weeks after Rams, there was a bad bruise on the back of my inner thigh that looked like I had been hit with a baseball bat, so my husband said he would do it. He asked me not to wear shorts, saying people would think I was spanking him. After the Rams procedure, I had about 3 post-care sessions. At this time, while seeing the doctor, I was asked to suppress my appetite. I was also prescribed such medication, but I couldn't see that my thigh fat had decreased with the naked eye, but every time I went for follow-up care, the staff member who took care of me measured my thigh circumference with a tape measure and said, "Oh, I've lost a few centimeters!" He gave me very encouraging words , but I thought this was because I lost weight while taking medicine and lost weight overall, so my thigh size decreased. There doesn't seem to be much change in the shape of the inner thigh flesh, but the counselor took a picture of my thighs wearing only underwear and compared it to the tablet. Since you gave it to me, it has decreased a lot~!! They say it, but I'm not really happy about the reduction, but I want to see the picture quickly, so I agree and move on. If the price is less than 1 million won, I might consider it, but it's not cheap, and I haven't felt a dramatic change in shape, so I regret getting liposuction instead of going for LAMS. box

jungeun808's More Posts
Cmts 3
Rams not so good?
23-12-14 20:24
If I could choose again, I think I would save money and save money instead of Rams.
23-12-14 21:33
First time hearing Rams!
23-12-25 23:55
B The New Clinic (formerly Konopi Clinic)
hospital info
1인원장님 위주인 곳으로 찾다가 비더뉴 많이 들어보기도 했고 지인이랑 얘기할 때도 여기 알아봤다고 들었어서 상담 다녀왔어! 내가 마지막 타임이라 대기 없이 바로 상담 들어갔고 실장님-원장님-실장님 순으로 상담 진행 됐어 다른 병원 몇 군데를 돌고 갔던 거라 다른 병원처럼 원하는 코 사진, 느낌 등 설명을 했는데 다른데서는 다 무보형물 가능하다고 했고 충분히 말한 느낌 나올거라 얘기 들었는데 여기선 실리콘 넣어야 된다고 했었어 원장님이 면봉으로 코 잡아주는 거 보는데 너무 높고 위로 땡겨주셔서 그런지 조금 아팠ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ 그리고 사진이랑 느낌 얘기하면 추가로 필요없거나 필요한 걸 얘기해 주시는 거 없이 물어본 거에만 대답해 주시는 느낌..? 처음에 얘기하고 아 이거 내가 더 물어봐야 겠다라고 생각하고 계속 물어봤던 거 같아 이것저것!! 그치만 확 맘에 와닿지 않았고 가격이 상담갔던 곳 중에 제일 비쌌는데 당일예약하면 거의 150만원 할인되는 금액으로 할 수 있다고 하셨어 그래서 뭐지..? 이런 생각 들었고 마음에 확 안 와닿아서 생각해 보겠다 하니 그럼 이번주까지 얘기해 주면 할인된 가격으로 해주겠다 해서.. 그냥 알겠다 하고 나옴
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