Eyebrow tattoo removal review I got it from a clinic that does petit procedures, not a dermatologist. 1 session costs 100,000 and I got it with Pico Plus? laser. The price is mostly similar. I got the procedure 5 years ago because my 2 tattoos were still red, but it hurt so much even with the anesthesia cream. On top of that, I have 2 eyebrows, so the pain is double. I don't want to get it done again. It's the most painful laser I've ever had, and it's incomparable to the pain of getting an eyebrow tattoo. I absolutely do not recommend getting a tattoo. It took over 10 days for all the scabs on my eyebrows to fall off after one session. I can wash my face the next day, but my eyebrows are blood red, so I can't go about my daily life. I just stayed home. I can't even try eyebrow makeup on the scabs. .. Get it done when you're unemployed or have 2 weeks of vacation. They say red eyebrows turn black when you first get laser treatment, but after 3 weeks, they're a little dark brown. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to see if they lighten.