서울대 구강악안면외과 전문의 (최우수 전공의상)
대한 악안면성형재건외과학회 인정의 (전국 수석)
턱수술경험 누적 3,000건 이상
사랑니 발치 누적 5,000회 이상
인공지능 치아교정 / 양악수술 분석 솔루션 공동 개발
(WebCeph (A.I-driven dental cloud solution))
글로벌 치아 교정 / 양악수술 학술 아카데미 설립·운영
(WebCeph X (Global dental academic community))
구강악안면외과 전문의
서울대학교 치과대학 졸업 (D.D.S.)
서울대학교 치의학 박사 (Ph.D.)
서울대학교 구강악안면외과 전문의 (OMFS)
서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 전임의사
서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 임상강사
서울대학교 치과병원 구강악안면외과 전속지도전문의
서울대학교 치과병원 턱교정(양악)수술센터
전 내소구강악안면외과치과의원 원장
대한양악수술학회 정회원
대한구강악안면외과학회 정회원
대한악안면성형재건외과학회 정회원
아시아구강악안면외과학회 회원
유럽두개악안면외과학회 회원
국제구강악안면외과학회 회원
환자 맞춤형-심미적 3D 양악수술 프로토콜 연구/개발
네비게이션, 로봇 양악수술 방법 공동 연구 / 박사 논문
인공지능 양악수술 분석 프로그램 공동 개발 (법인 특허)
국내외 학술지 심미적인 3D 양악 관련 논문 (SCIE 게재)
인공지능 기반 턱교정(양악) 수술 진단 논문 (SCIE 게재)
2nd and 3rd floor, Woonam Building, 349 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul
In this menu, individual doctor's evaluations or reviews are not allowed as they may be defamatory. If you wish to register as a doctor, please contact us with sungyesacom@gmail.com
5살인가 어금니가 심하게 상해 당시 신경치료를 하면서 영구치가 안나게되었습니다. 유치 어금니가 영구치보다 컸기에 자연스럽게 지리가 부족해진 영구치는 서로를 밀어내 부정교합이 발생되었고 삐뚤한 치아로 인해 자신감이많이 하락했습니다. 체계적인 상담을 통해서 교정 과정을 밟게 되었고 4년만에 드디어 교정 끝났네요. 비용이 비싸긴 하지만 결과는 만족스럽게 생각합니다.ㅎ
I felt like my jaw was crooked after an implant at another place, so I made an appointment with the director and received a baggage fee.
After taking an
I only thought about plastic surgery for the temporomandibular joint, but the director explained things calmly and I understood very quickly.
Thank you, Director, for being kind to Hunnam.
It seems like a lot of people go to plastic surgery for contouring, so I was initially sold on plastic surgery. But the more I read the reviews, the
more I saw cases of reoperations after plastic surgery failed... I decided to play it safe, so I went to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and
I liked the place, so I got the surgery there. It's definitely because he's an oral and maxillofacial specialist, so his professionalism is the best... haha
He explained details well that I couldn't even hear about when I was selling products elsewhere. Even after the surgery, the cheekbones
went as well as I wanted and the lines seemed to be pretty.
He was very kind, calm, and
confident, and I felt
trustworthy. It was really, really nice. The waiting time was short and I am very satisfied!! The hospital design was also great. I plan to go again next time. Thank you so much!!
He analyzed my facial bones in detail and spoke honestly about what worked and what didn't. When it comes to surgery, I decided to think carefully about it rather than just recommending it unconditionally.
Although I am not Korean, the interpreter was more polite. The director is also very knowledgeable and examined my face properly.
He also examined me in 3D, so this is the only hospital where I can predict the outcome after surgery. I had to change the surgery date urgently. They accepted me kindly. Since I paid the deposit, I am planning to have surgery at this hospital.
The consultation was the most satisfactory of all the places I have been to so far. The director first showed me a picture of the bone through the program and told me how it would change. The counseling director was also warm and kind and valued communication with the director. I decided to bring the photos and other things for another consultation next time. The director is very nice.
I was interested in Miyang, so I visited for a consultation a few days ago.
I was nervous because it was my first consultation hospital, but the director greeted me with a smile, so I was able to have a consultation with peace of mind. I don't know yet how much counseling other hospitals provide, but Dr. Park consulted for a little over 30 minutes. (Thank you haha. He felt a bit sorry that patients were pushed back because of me haha.) Anyway, he was kind at a layman's level and made it easy to understand what I was curious about. They explained it clearly and I timidly showed them the photos of Go Yoon-jung and Jang Won-young that I had brought with me. They told me how much of my face was maxed out and how to make it look natural and pretty. Thank you. Since it was my first hospital, I thought I would have to visit other hospitals, so I looked around a lot and was careful. He told me to make a decision, so I was attracted by the warmth, so I put down the deposit and went out. If everything goes well, I'll go get the surgery. I recommend it!