hello! This is a review of the 1st and 2nd month since I received 3 types of double jaw + contouring from Waigugang!
for surgery
: Malocclusion, large face, long midface, gums visible when smiling. I
have had malocclusion since I was a child, where my upper and lower teeth are in contact. At the dentist I went to, I was told that it was a double jaw case. I
never did double jaw surgery because I thought it was a dangerous and major surgery. I thought I wouldn't do it, but as I grew older, my complex about my face shape got worse, and when I chew noodles, I break it off with my tongue and intentionally tuck my chin in to correct malocclusion. So, I went to three hospitals to get consultations for orthognathic + contouring to find the
face shape I wanted. I saved only the reviews of those who had surgery and checked the hospital, and I won't lie. I only scraped the reviews of people who had surgery at Y. I thought this would be the
style I wanted, so I made an appointment for a consultation right away and had the surgery.
It's been 2 months since I started eating hard and chewy food. I am eating all the foods without any problems, except for. I can chew things like meat, but I'm still scared of chewing too much, so I use scissors to cut just enough pieces to make it easier to chew.
And in terms of sensation, almost all of my senses have returned, except for the areas around my mouth like the roof of my mouth, the corners of my mouth, and my chin. I think 70-80% of it has come back.