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[Double Jaw] The reason why the contour ended up being evil…

Date 24.07.21 21:48:12 View 2,448
12 만원
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120 Days

Hello, I had double jaw surgery and square jaw + front chin surgery at Y Oral on December 11th last year. I had cheekbone surgery and mini V surgery at a large hospital in 2018, but the long chin and sloping chin appearance continued, which caused me a lot of stress. received!   I forgot that 6 months had already passed and now I feel like I am living without any inconvenience! Everything to eat!! eat!!!  To be honest, I really regretted doing it the first time. It was so painful and uncomfortable, I couldn't eat properly, and the swelling was huge. But now, even if I had to go back, I think I would do it again! I'm so satisfied! Before I had the surgery, I read a lot of reviews, and among them, I really agree with the saying that they used to only take pictures with an app, but now they take pictures with a regular camera!  Everything is still fine except for the feeling above the gums, and my mouth can fit up to about half of my fist!! I don't have any sagging weight and my face has gotten smaller, so I feel like I've gotten younger. Haha. I waited until the first month to go to the hospital, but now I've forgotten that I had surgery and when I get a reservation text, I remember it and think that time has already passed! And when I go to the hospital and look at old photos and parking photos, it's just amazing...  I understand why people say he's a real second father haha. Every time I go to the hospital, everyone is still kind and the director always explains everything thoroughly. Thank you to everyone! I'm really looking forward to the 1st year checkup as well.

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