today is the 60th day since I received protruding mouth + chin tip advancement surgery.
I'm here to share before and after!
There are still small swellings on the sides of the nostrils and the corners of the mouth.
After the surgery, the philtrum became flat, so I was worried that the surgery was wrong, but the volume is gradually increasing!
Previously, the roof of my mouth
was a bit slanted (maybe because my gums came down?) After the surgery, it flattened out and the tongue position became more comfortable.
seems to be
different for each person, but I felt it was wider now. It looks small because the volume is gone
. He looks like he's in his mid-20s (33 years old).
The chin surgery still feels cold
I'm washing my face carefully.
It doesn't hurt even if I use the shower head
but I'm being careful about something.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
It's personal experience, but I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.