Heres a review for the week of 2500 hair transplant with hairline incision! The red dots were quite visible, but the red ones have changed to a black (?) light. I used to hide them, so people didnt recognize them, but now I dont think theyll ever know unless I tell them. The back of the head is still uncomfortable when it touches the pillow, but its getting better. And it seems that my hair is falling out a bit, but it seems like it could be because of the loss. I think I will live without thinning for six months.. I have an empty mind in advance hehe On the 10th day, I am going to pull out the back stitches, but I dont know if there are any stitches or not. Sometimes powder from your hair? scab? The same thing is falling, but this is not too bad. The difference from the 3rd day is that my daily life has become a little more comfortable.. I am trying to eat a lot of beans with less oily food.