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[Face lift] It's been two weeks since I received a lift from Dr. Hea at Mini Colossus.

Date 24.08.13 08:02:24 View 1,673
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It's been 2 weeks since I got a lift from Dr. ㅎ at SSS. While I was looking for a mini lift due to my saggy nasolabial folds and sagging jowls, I was more interested in Samsao Plastic Surgery because the director was a Seoul National University graduate. He does vertical lifting, has minimal scarring, and is an expert in lifts. It seemed like it was. I gained more trust because the elite director, who graduated from Seoul National University, provided me with thorough consultations. I was very satisfied with the consultation and decided right away because they said they could solve all my concerns at once and suggest solutions for improvement. I had minimal incision SMAS Volume Lift surgery (liposuction under the chin, followed by fat transplantation under the eyes, around the mouth, and forehead). Before the surgery, I had severe facial asymmetry, chubby cheeks, bags under my eyes, Indian wrinkles, and saggy cheek skin, so I had a depressed look, but after the surgery, I had a depressed look. has improved a lot. After the bags under my eyes, nasolabial folds, puffy skin, cheek fat, and chin fat were completely eliminated, people around me said that I had lost weight and had a sophisticated look. First of all, I was satisfied because all areas seemed to have improved. There was swelling and bruising until the first week, but after the second week after the stitches were removed, all the major swelling and bruising disappeared and there was no sign. Thank you to the director for making it so stylish.

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안 아프셨나요? ㅠㅠㅠ
24-08-13 08:06
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