Job Review

[Square Jaw] I am writing a vivid review of the 3rd week of contouring orthognathic surgery and am adjusting to spring contouring surgery.

Date 24.08.19 18:27:55 View 2,094
1500 만원
During days
21 Days

The reason why I decided to have orthognathic surgery before the surgery was because I had severe asymmetry, so I didn't have the confidence to take pictures, so I couldn't take a proper frontal photo, and it was difficult to stop eating due to malocclusion, so I made the decision. The reason I chose oral and maxillofacial surgery was because I looked up reviews of orthognathic surgery on the Internet. The best post-double jaw surgery care was very thorough. Looking at the cases that Dr. Shin Hee-jin operated on, I thought it would be a good fit for me, so I got the surgery from Dr. Shin Won. In fact, he designed it well and I am satisfied. The first day was better than I expected, but the only thing that was uncomfortable was breathing. It was a lot harder than it wasㅠㅠ I couldn't drink water properly because my face was swollen. After the surgery, I couldn't sleep so much, but having to stay awake for a while was the hardest partㅠㅠ The second day went by day by day, but I couldn't drink much because New Care was more spicy than I thought. I felt a little better after using the humidifier. On the 3rd day, really... I ate something like soup with a small plastic spoon, but I was still hungry... On the 4th day, my nose was pierced and I could breathe freely through my nose, so I was able to survive!! I removed the tape, but it seemed to be swelling even more because the strength that held it in place was gone haha. Now it's starting to swell haha. On the 5th day, my face was more swollen, but breathing and eating were better than I thought. I went for short walks often!! Walking seems to be effective! On the 6th day, the day the swelling was the worst. But I got used to it and was able to speak... By the evening of the 7th day , the swelling began to subside more than usual! The bruise has gone down a lot towards the body. The swelling in my cheek has gone down a bit, so when I eat, my mouth opens enough to completely insert a small tea spoon (I originally pushed it in haha). After removing the stitches in the 2nd week, I felt more comfortable as the feeling of the stitches getting caught was reduced. There was no significant change in swelling for about three days, and we will watch for major swelling gradually!! My mouth has started to open little by little, and I can now eat with a large plastic spoon. Week 3. It seems like the swelling is slowly going down. I hope it goes away quickly! I'm looking forward to seeing that the major swelling will go away after a month , and I'm looking forward to how it will change over time as it feels asymmetrical.

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