Job Review

[Chin] Old front chin pin removal review

Date 24.10.11 12:18:33 View 2,225
44 만원
During days
30 Days

I had a chin pin removal surgery from Dr. Oh Jeong-seok of the Contouring Jeongseok Clinic. I had my first contouring surgery 5 years ago, but as time passed, I felt a foreign body sensation and a tingling sensation, so I wondered if it was right to have pin removal, so I consulted with several famous pin removal clinics. The director said that the director's technique is very important in removing pins that have been around for a long time. All the hospitals I visited said that it was definitely possible, but it seemed like he was talking too easily. Then I went to this hospital for a consultation for the last time, and unlike other hospitals, he explained it in detail, including the timing of pin removal, the surgical method, and the recovery process after the surgery while looking at the CT scan. I felt the director's expertise in pin removal in that part, and I decided to have the surgery from the director. I fasted without drinking water, and in order to maintain the best condition possible, I slept well and rested at home. I arrived a little early, waited for a while, changed into my clothes, washed my face, and prepared. Then I went into the operating room, and when I opened my eyes, I was in the recovery room. Aside from the discomfort in the area after the surgery, I didn't feel any particular pain or discomfort, and after being discharged, I My condition was good, so I got a CT scan right away and took a taxi home. My condition was better than when I had my first contouring surgery . I just took a taxi because my house was close, but I think I could have taken the subway if I was in that condition? This is different for everyone, but looking at the reviews, it seems that my condition is definitely better than after the contouring surgery! I tried my best to be careful as instructed by the hospital, and the swelling started to go down a little bit from the evening of the day before, and it was really puffy for about 3 days. But it was definitely less swollen than when I had the contouring surgery. Haha. And the recovery was fast? I gargled diligently, and because I wanted to get rid of the swelling quickly, I made sure to take walks every day, even though it was annoying. I did various things to try to reduce the swelling. I don't know if that's why, but the swelling went down faster than I thought. Haha.

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