<원래 수술전에 아주 미약하게 쌍꺼풀이 있긴한데 거의 덮여있어서 없다고 해도 무방하긴 함 ㅠ 자고일어날때마다 양쪽 라인 제각각이고 달라서 무쌍 짝눈? 같아보이는게 심함>
<1주차인 사진 - 아침에 잠깨고 일어났을때 붓기가 좀 더 올라오는 날도 있음>
<2주차에는 멍,붓기가 거의 없었고 쌍꺼풀이 두꺼워서 되게 화려해보였음 1주차랑 비교하면 그래도 라인이 자연스러워진것같닥 느꼈음>
<1달차 - 그래도 아침마다 들쭉날쭉하게 붓기 올라오는것도 1달차가 되면서 거의 없어졌음! >
<최근 - 쌍꺼풀뿐만이 아니라 뒷밑트임도 다른 뒷밑트임 후기를 보면 붉은 흉터가 있는 사람도 있지만 나는 그런건 없었음>
The hospital gave me a semi-outline and said that natural adhesion was enough, so I decided to do the surgery with natural adhesion double eyelid + front incision + back lower incision
Days 1-4> Bruising in front of the stitches disappeared
Day 7> Visited the hospital to remove the stitches and received laser treatment for swelling
Days 7-10> Bruising at the back disappeared
Days 7-14> The whites of my eyes became clear
I've been trying out a lot of new cosmetics and researching makeup these days because of my double eyelids ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I've heard a lot that I can get the look I want without having to wear heavy eyeliner like before, and that my impression has become softer thanks to the incision. I
also did the Juve look and it was very effective ㅋㅋㅋ
It seems like the front cheeks in particular worked well
. It
's said that it takes a long time for the swelling to completely go down after double eyelid surgery, but I need to wait about 6 months or so to get my current condition. I wonder how it compares