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[Saggy Breast] Complete success in sagging breast areola lift :>

Date 24.07.23 09:42:12 View 4,358
총 7개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

This is a review of breast surgery for areola lift by Dr. Kuk-Hyeon Kim of Human Plastic Surgery. I have experienced pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation, and thanks to that, I felt that human breasts can be damaged so quickly in such a short period of time. Not only the breasts, but the entire body gains and loses weight, so it becomes inelastic. I lost , but the other parts are gradually coming back, but I don't know if it's the force of gravity or something, as far as the breasts go. Since there was a space where the breasts folded, I started to smell a lot of sweat, and heat rashes were forming inside.... So, I had to breastfeed. Even though I stopped midway through it, my heart never returned. I was so depressed, but my husband asked me first, saying, “If it’s too hard, do you want to have surgery?” After searching through apps and sites for several days and looking around, I met Dr. Kookhyun Kim at Human. I had a lot of sagging, so most of them recommended a vertical lift, but Human was the only one who recommended an areola lift. No matter how damaged my breasts were, there was only a little bit of vertical lift. It was uncomfortable, so I quickly made an appointment with Human, who recommended an areola lift, and they also had implants put in. They also had implants called Mentor Extrasmooth. I was worried because I was big, but the director did a great job of making sure I didn't look bulky, that I looked good, and that the scars weren't visible. Before surgery, my rib cage was 80 and my chest size was 12. My areolas are still healing, but I feel better just because the folds in my chest have disappeared. I really like the shape, and these days, the corners of my mouth are rising without me even realizing it, so my husband says it looks good. ^ I feel like my body and mind have become more stable, so I feel less irritated by the baby and I feel more affectionate towards the baby. And when I go for follow-up care, I don't have a place to leave the baby, so I take it with me, and I'm half-thankful and half-sorry for taking care of the baby every time I go. ~^^;;;

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