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[Breast Enlargement] Motiva feels good to the touch

Date 24.07.31 13:19:34 View 2,859
총 5개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

It's been over three months since Timid + Jelly Boy received surgery at MD! I'm sure I'll get used to my big breasts now - but actually, I'm surprised every morning! Even though it's small, it's probably because it's too small... I'm smart~~ I used to be a 75A cup~ But now I'm a proud full C cup no matter where I go. Hehe, I posted a review at a cafe last time and received a shower of compliments, and even though I only sent one message, it was so amazing. He said so , so I decided to try posting a review here too! that's right… .I went into the bathroom to wash and was absorbed in looking in the mirror alone... … . I was worried because the right and left sizes were different, but the director adjusted them well. So, trust the director's experience and don't worry about this part. I received a Motiva and the size was L 355cc R 375cc. If you feel it to the touch, it is called a Motiva, but has it already come this far in this period? The feel is getting softer and softer, to the point where I can't even remember how my breasts felt in the first place. If you look at the picture, you can see that the floating pads that were hatefully attached to my breasts, which are not there, have disappeared without a trace. And I finally bought Calvin underwear!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha The exclusive property of big and pretty sisters... … I have the right to wear it now, right? Oh, I often see in the posts that there are a lot of girls who are worried that the size during the fitting will be very different from the actual size after the surgery, but there is no big difference, so you don't have to worry. I actually like it more after the surgery than during the fitting, right? So no worries about that! to be honest… … ..pretty… … … ..? ^^;;;;;;;;; I like it even more because it's naturally pretty, and it spreads nicely even when I lie down. My friend asked if she could take a picture of my breasts when she goes to her MD consultation, so I'm really proud!!!!!! I used to have a complex about my breasts, but now I feel like they have become my biggest source of pride. I'm going to the beach on vacation next week, and I think I'm going to pluck out a lot of mulberries~ Wait, sea~

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