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[Fat Dissolving Injection] Shareholder Reviews

Date 24.11.30 02:15:06 View 871
45 만원

The first time was around May of this year?? I received it as a 450,000 won college student event for 6 times. Before getting it, I was 63 kg with a 26-inch waist and 61 cm thighs, a serious lower body obesity, after trying hard on my own. I worked out every day except for the day of the procedure for weeks 1-4, and twice a week for weeks 5-6. I fasted intermittently and regulated my meals quite strictly. To this extent, I am just someone who went on a strict 6-week diet, but I definitely lost a lot of weight in my thighs by adjusting my diet while getting the main shots! In conclusion, I lost 7-8 kg, making it 55 kg with 53 cm thighs. The price is affordable, and I recommend it to those who are obese! Of course, you have to diet at the same time! I got the second one for 500,000 won at the regular price, with the goal of maintaining what I lost before. Since I didn't do a diet and exercise, I only lost about 2.5kg in total. I could've actually lost more, but my breasts fell out so much that I intentionally didn't exercise. I'll stop here and go get my breasts massaged ㅜㅜ Since my breasts are also falling out.. I think just starting with breast massage and liposuction is also a way. As for side effects, I had a lot of irregular bleeding the first time! I didn't feel dizzy or anything. I was fine without eating, but please make sure to eat before you go. The pictures are from the 1st and 6th weeks of the 1st session.

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