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[Fat Dissolving Injection] Same clothes, different feel.. The importance of forearms

Date 24.07.26 13:34:02 View 1,780

I'm really a person who has tried a lot of different things because of arm fat. What I've tried is that in the past, meridian massage was all the rage, so I got that too and tried a lot of lymphatic massage with gua sha, but there was no real change in these two, and I tried equity injection before, but it had little effect. But this time, I tried it. I think I received the best results out of all the ones I've received so far, so I'll leave a comment . If you look at my before and after photos, it's the same clothes, but doesn't it look like only my arms are missing?? Not only my body size, but my actual circumference has also decreased a lot. I haven't measured it accurately, but when I wear the same clothes, I feel like my forearms have become much thinner . It's like the same clothes feel completely different. To be honest, I didn't see any results after the first injection, so I tried this again. I wondered if I should do it, but... a friend recommended it to me after getting it from somewhere else and saying it had good results, so I looked into it. At first, I was only planning to get a consultation because the reviews were good, but when I got the consultation, they said it was an injection without steroids, so it seemed like it would be okay, so I got the treatment on the same day as the consultation. ..hmm… I'm working on my forearms and my back on the underwear line? We managed it here as well, a total of 6 times!! Then, the hospital provided a one-time service. Haha , there was bruising and swelling right after the procedure, but this went away quickly. Compared to dialysis, it is hardly a recovery, so I think the advantage is that you can return to your daily life right away, so I assume it was effective. This hospital seemed to be in a separate building, but the facilities were clean and clean. I did InBody before the consultation, and I could see that it was hygienically managed during the procedure. It was nice that the gowns and bed sheets were disposable. For reference, I went to U-Line at Apgujeong Rodeo. I got beaten at the doctor's office and now I'm thinking about getting my thighs beaten as well.. haha..

대깨꿀's More Posts
Cmts 4
24-07-26 15:07
Did you also go on a diet?
24-07-29 14:39
Oh, the effect is really good. Only my forearms are missing.
24-07-31 23:36
It's pretty
24-08-04 04:21
Tobi Plastic Surgery
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