Job Review

[etc] This is a review of the 3rd day of the DRL Palgeosang~

Date 24.09.10 16:04:41 View 1,217
500 만원
During days
3 Days

It's been three days since I got my arm augmentation at The Line Plastic Surgery!! It was great when I lost weight quickly because I was dieting, but I had a lot of concerns because of the flabby flesh after losing it. Then, I found out about The Line and finally got rid of all the flabby fat I didn't want to see! I was unfamiliar with arm augmentation surgery and was scared, but both during the consultation and on the day of the surgery, Director Cho Jae-ho and the staff were all kind and answered my questions even though I was nervous. I think I was able to finish it well! Fortunately, summer is over and it's not that hot even with the compression garment on, so I think I got the surgery at a perfect time~! On the day of the surgery, I didn't feel any pain, maybe because of the anesthesia, so I went home alone and ate well. Hehe. So I wondered if I had the surgery, but... It started stinging a bit the next day~ But I felt good when I went to get it disinfected the next day and they said the wound was cleaned up and there was almost no bruising. Hehe. There's still some swelling, but I was amazed that the fat on the inside of my arm was completely gone. Hehe. The skin on the inside of my arm was sagging, so when I put my arm down, the fat would push forward and back and I didn't like the sight, but that's gone too... I hope they take the stitches out and the swelling goes down a lot~~

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매부리때문에 코 수술을 받았었는데 제대로 교정이 안돼서 결국엔 코 재수술을 하려고 마음 먹었습니다 ㅠ이번엔 꼭 성공하고 싶어서 누구보다 열심히 찾아본 후에 맘에 드는 병원 추려서 상담 잡았어요! 제일 먼저 다녀온 곳이 디엘인데 후기에서 봤던것처럼 직원분들이 넘 친절하셨고 병원 내부도 깔끔해서 첫인상 합격~~ 원장님이 상담 때 자세히 봐준다는걸 알고 갔지만, 이렇게 자세히 봐주신다고? 할 정도로 꼼꼼히 봐주셔서 넘 마음에 들었습니다. 코 재수술인만큼 문제점을 확실히 개선하기 위한 맞춤 수술 플랜을 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주셨고, 과한 추천없이 딱 필요한 부분만 말씀해주셔서 믿음이 가더라구요? 매부리를 확실하게 교정하는건 물론이고 제가 원하는 느낌인 자려한 느낌으로 디자인 다시 잡아주셔서 니즈반영도 제대로 해주시는 느낌을 받았습니다! 군더더기 없이 전체적으로 깔끔하고 만족스러운 상담이었어요!
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