Job Review

[etc] Thigh Riding Sal Rams 3rd week, Jin! Review! + Photo Reference

Date 24.10.15 16:43:53 View 1,983
365mc병원 노원점
250 만원
During days
21 Days

It's been 3 weeks since I got the thigh and inner thigh Rams! I was so satisfied with the abdominal Rams, arm Rams, and floating Rams that I got the thighs this time, and I'm so satisfied! I had a lot of concerns about getting the liposuction and Rams, but I was worried about getting general anesthesia, and the recovery period was so different, so I ended up choosing Rams, and I think it was an excellent choice! First of all, the pain during the procedure is bearable, and you can go back to your daily life right away! Of course, you can't do too much or drive on the day, but you can go back to your normal life right away! And there wasn't much pain from the next day either, and all you had to do was diligently apply the bruise cream, and you're done!! Any major swelling or bruises went away within 1-2 weeks! The pain was in the order of abdomen>thigh>arm! The swelling and bruises went away quickly in the order of arms>abdomen>thigh! I think the thighs were a little slower due to gravity! After getting RAMS, my body line has changed so much that I don't even want to look at my old photosㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's only the 3rd week but I'm so satisfied with how my body fat has disappeared and how my line has changed. I think my line will be really pretty once the puffiness and lumps disappear! Escape from the chicken leg shape!!!! I'll be back to write another review~!!

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