Job Review

[지방추출주사] Rams Abdominal/Love Handle Infinite Fat Extraction Injection 100-Day Review

Date 23.07.12 01:53:42 View 1,397
365mc람스cs의원 (강남역점)
300 만원
During days
100 Days

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Here's a Rams review that's been going on for 100 days! Rams is also called infinite fat extraction injection, and I did it in April, so this is my 3-month review! For me, who relieves stress by eating, it was so hard to control my diet ㅠ However, I go to the hospital every month to measure my body fat, and the changes in my body fat are so good. It would be great if I could lose weight at the same time, but I'm so worried because I'm not losing weight . I stopped getting the meso fat injections once a week, so I go to the hospital to measure my weight. I really can't lose weight ㅠ So I asked the teacher who manages me, and she said it's because my basal metabolic rate is low. That's why I gain more weight even if I eat the same food ㅠㅠsob sob There's no other way than to increase my basal metabolic rate right now. And the teachers check in on me every week and motivate me to diet, so I think I'm able to get through the week well. I used to really like sweets, candies, and jellies, but I quit them all after getting the Rams Infinite Fat Extraction Injection ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Phew, but my body is changing so dramatically that it's amazing +_+ Hurry up and in 3 months, I'll show you the real ultimate ultimate ultimate_final! I'll bring you a success story! Feel free to ask me in the comments if you have any questions. Bye!

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